8 research outputs found

    Investigating Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) In Early Studies (Zero-Phase) to Prevent Delay in Operation of Construction Projects

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    Delay in project execution is one of the outmost problems that lead to delay to operation and subsequently, early structural erosion or financial supply disturbance, etc. Delay is fallen into several categories and each category has its own specific origin. However, in the present paper, environmental factors causing delay to projects are investigated. Delay to Construction Projects operation can be prevented by embedding environmental studies, namely environmental impact assessment (EIA) in initial studies. Given that environmental events cannot be predicted and we can only rely on statistic reports of previous periods, the effect of embedding such assessment in projects is so useful that every manger is convinced to make use of this assessment in study phase. The research results revealed that it is necessary to present EIA in initial studies to prevent delay to Construction Projects operation. In the following, given to the necessity of checklist, the quality of the designed checklist was investigated. Finally, the checklist was implemented and checked. In this study, each of the research questions was separately tested

    وقف و اعتلای تمدن اسلامی در عصر صفوی با نگاهی به ابعاد آموزشی، فرهنگی و پزشکی

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    Background and Aim: During the Safavid era, Islamic civilization grew and matured. In this period, the endowment was also greatly expanded. In this paper, an attempt has been made to examine the role of endowment in the advancement of Islamic civilization in the Safavid era by looking at the educational and cultural dimensions. Methods: The current paper is descriptive and analytical and the library method is used. Ethical Considerations: In this paper, the originality of the text, honesty and trustworthiness are observed. Results: Religious instructions, knowledge, education and training are among the most important elements of the advancement of Islamic civilization. During the Safavid period, one of the factors that strengthened the mentioned elements and therefore, the Islamic civilization was the role of endowment in the expansion of schools, mosques, medical and the strengthening of religious instructions. In fact, by supporting the establishment and development of schools, mosques, shrines, libraries and religious celebrations and holidays, from a cultural and educational point of view and the attention of medicine and the establishment of hospitals the endowment provided the basis for the elevation of Islamic civilization in the Safavid era. Endowment existed in the society before the Safavids, but the difference in this period is the change of its function. With the officialization of the Shia faith in the Safavid era, the endowment institution served the new religion and adapted itself to its needs. Conclusion: Since the field of Islamic civilization is knowledge, culture and education and in other words, one of the important factors of the growth and prosperity of Islamic civilization is the order of research and studentship and the provision of educational facilities for scientists and researchers, so it is necessary along with other functions of endowment, more attention should be paid to the support of this institution for education and culture. Please cite this article as: Iranpour S, Jalali I, Rahimi Sadegh A. Endowment and Elevation of Islamic Civilization in the Safavid era with a View to Educational, Cultural and Medical Dimensions. Tārīkh-i pizishkī, i.e., Medical History. 2022; 14(47): e42.زمینه و هدف: در دوره صفویه تمدن اسلامی به رشد و بالندگی رسید. در این دوره وقف نیز به شدت گسترش یافت. در این مقاله تلاش شده نقش وقف در اعتلای تمدن اسلامی در عصر صفوی با نگاهی به ابعاد آموزشی و فرهنگی بررسی شود. روش: مقاله حاضر توصیفی ـ تحلیلی بوده و از روش کتابخانه‌ای استفاده‌ شده است. ملاحظات اخلاقی: در این مقاله، اصالت متن، صداقت و امانتداری رعایت شده است. یافته‌ها: آموزه‌های دینی، دانش، تعلیم و تربیت از مهم‌ترین عناصر اعتلای تمدن اسلامی است. در دوره صفویه یکی از عواملی که سبب تقویت عناصر مورد اشاره و بنابراین اعتلای تمدنی اسلامی گردید، نقش وقف در گسترش مدارس، مساجد، تقویت آموزه‌های دینی و پزشکی بود. در واقع وقف با حمایت از تأسیس و توسعه مدرس، مکاتب، مساجد، زیارتگاه‌ها، کتابخانه‌ها و جشن‌ها و اعیاد دینی و همچین توجه طب و تأسیس بیمارستان‌ها از منظر فرهنگی و آموزشی زمینه اعتلای تمدن اسلامی در عصر صفوی را فراهم آورد. وقف قبل از صفویان نیز وجود داشت، اما در این دوره، کارکرد آن گسترده‌تر شد. با رسمیت‌یافتن آیین تشیع در دوره صفوی کارکرد نهاد وقف در خدمت آیین جدید قرار گرفت و خود را با نیازها و احتیاجات آن منطبق کرد. نتیجه‌گیری: از آنجا که زمینه اعتلای تمدن اسلامی، دانش، فرهنگ و آموزش است و به عبارتی از جمله عوامل مهم رشد و شکوفایی تمدن اسلامی، علم اندوزی و حمایت از کسب علم و انش و ارتقای فرهنگ است، بنابراین لازم است در کنار سایر کارکردهای وقف، به حمایت این نهاد از آموزش و فرهنگ بیش ‌از پیش توجه شود

    تأثیر آموزه‌های حکیم صدرالمتألهین شیرازی بر صیانت از سلامت در عصر صفوی (در پرتو تقابل علمی با صوفیان)

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    Background and Aim: Sadr al-Muta'allehin Shirazi is one of the great philosophers of the Safavid era. He, who had a reasoning-mystical thinking, strongly criticized the Sufis of those days, who were considered a serious threat to the physical and mental health of the Safavid society and since he was a Sufi thinker, in order to maintain the physical and mental health of the people. And the religious culture of the society of that time tried to defend Sufism and reject the dry Sufis and by expressing reasoning and mystical intuition, it caused the creation and strengthening of Shiite Sufism within the framework of religious health. Methods: The main materials of this research are Mulla Sadra's scientific works and historical sources of the Safavid era. New research on the influence of Mulla Sadra on the social situation of the Safavid era has also been used. The present research has dealt with the mentioned subject with historical-analytical method and in it; library resources have been used as a method of data collection. Ethical Considerations: From the beginning to the end of the article, the principle of honesty and trustworthiness has been observed. Results: Mulla Sadra considers some of the words of Sufis as a deadly poison for the perfect health of body and soul. The feedback of his wise and healthy thinking can be seen in the book "Kasr Asnama al-Jahiliyah". In the mentioned book, he has defended a healthy religion against the entry of false and destructive beliefs; Beliefs that, following lusts and carnal illusions, negate the practice of the appearances of the Shari'a and threaten the mental health and cultural health of the community. He has directed most of his criticism and attacks at the "Sufis of his time" and, in fact, criticizes the Sufis and claimants of Sufism's appearance and considers them to be detrimental to the health of the people of his time. Conclusion: This study shows the serious impact of Mulla Sadra's teachings on the health of body and soul of Safavid society in contrast to the group of Safavid Sufis who, with their special beliefs and practices, have diverted the path of physical and mental health with outward and sometimes contrary etiquette to Islam. Results. Mulla Sadra protests against those who start austerity before knowing the rulings and introduces associating with such a person or with his followers causes mental depression and death of the soul. Please cite this article as: Naghipourzadeh Mahani M, Jalali I, Khorasani Parizi E. The Effect of the Teachings of Mullasadra on Health Protection in Safavid Era (In the Light of Scientific Confrontation with Sufis). Tārīkh-i pizishkī, i.e., Medical History. 2022; 14(47): e8.زمینه و هدف: از جمله فیلسوفان بزرگ عهد صفویه، صدرالمتألهین شیرازی است. وی که دارای تفکری استدلالی ـ عرفانی بوده، به شدت صوفی‌نمایان آن روزگاران را که عامل جدی تهدید سلامت جسمی و روحی اجتماع عصر صفوی محسوب می‌شدند، مورد نقد قرار داده و از آنجا که خود مشربی صوفیانه داشته، به منظور حفظ سلامت جسم و روان عامه مردم و فرهنگ دینی اجتماع آن زمان، سعی در دفاع از تصوف و رد و انکار صوفی‌نمایان خشک ظاهربین کرده و با بیان استدلالی و شهود عرفانی، سبب ایجاد و تقویت تصوف شیعی در چارچوب سلامت دینی شده است. روش: مواد اصلی این پژوهش آثار علمی ملاصدرا و منابع تاریخی عصر صفویه است. همچنین از پژوهش‌های جدید در خصوص تأثیر ملاصدرا بر وضعیت اجتماعی عصر صفوی نیز استفاده شده است. پژوهش پیش رو با روش تاریخی ـ تحلیلی، به موضوع مذکور پرداخته و در آن از منابع کتابخانه‌ای، به عنوان روش جمع‌آوری اطلاعات استفاده شده است. ملاحظات اخلاقی: از ابتدا تا انتهای مقاله، اصل صداقت و امانتداری رعایت گردیده است. یافته‌ها: ملاصدرا بعضی از سخنان صوفی‌نمایان را همچون سم مهلک برای سلامت کامل جسم و روح می‌داند. بازخورد تفکر حکیمانه و سلامت‌ورز وی را می‌توان در کتاب «کسر اصنام‌الجاهلیه» شاهد بود. در کتاب مذکور به دفاع از دین سالم در برابر ورود عقاید باطل و مخرب پرداخته است؛ عقایدی که به پیروی از شهوات و اوهام نفسانی، عمل به ظواهر شریعت را نفی می‌کنند و موجب تهدید بهداشت روان و سلامت فرهنگی اجتماع می‌شوند. وی بیشترین انتقادات و حملات خود را متوجه «صوفیه عصر خود» کرده است و در حقیقت، منتقد صوفی‌نمایان و داعیه‌داران تصوف ظاهرنما است و آن‌ها را مانع از سلامتی مردمان عصر خویش می‌داند. نتیجه‌گیری: این پژوهش تأثیر جدی آموزه‌های ملاصدرا در سلامت جسم و روح اجتماع عصر صفویه را در تقابل با گروه صوفی‌نمایان عصر صفویه که با اعتقادات و اعمال خاص خود مسیر سلامت جسم و روح را با آدابی ظاهری و بعضاً مخالف با شرع مقدس اسلام به انحراف کشانده‌اند، مورد نتیجه قرار می‌دهد. ملاصدرا به آنان که ریاضت را قبل از شناخت احکام شروع می‌کنند، اعتراض کرده و همنشینی با چنین شخصی یا با مریدان او را باعث افسردن روان و میراندن روح معرفی می‌کند

    Damages of Skidder and Animal Logging to Forest Soils and Natural Regeneration

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    Extracting logs from stump to landings causes extensive damages to forest stand and soil. In this research two parcels adjacent to each other were selected in order to assess the effect of traditional and mechanized methods of logging on regeneration and soil compaction. Askid trail and a mule trail with similar longitudinal slope, skidding direction and total volume of extracted wood were chosen in the parcels. The cylindrical sampling method was used to determine wet and dry soil bulk density and the samples were taken at 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm depth from skid and mule trails. The results showed that soil dry bulk density increase in skid and mule trails compared to control at 0–10 and 10–20 cm depth, was significant (p<0.01). This increase in mule trail at 0–10 cm depth was significantly higher than at 10–20 cm depth (p<0.01), but percentage of soil dry bulk density increase compared to control in skid trail at 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm depths was not significantly different. Soil dry bulk density increase compared to control at 0–10 cm depth of mule trail is higher than skid trail, but at 10–20 cm depth the skid trail is higher than mule trail. Systematic random sampling method was used to determine damages to different regeneration groups due to logging operations. The results showed that damages to each regeneration group seedling and small sapling in mule logging method were significantly lower than mechanized logging method

    Immunoprotectivity of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis virulence protein, InvH, against Salmonella typhi

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    Objective(s):Typhoid fever is a dreadful disease of a major threat to public health in developing countries. Vaccination with bacterial immunodominant components such as surface proteins may prove as a potent alternative to live attenuated vaccines. InvH, an important part of needle complex in type three secretion system (TTSS) plays important role in efficient bacterial adherence and entry into epithelial cells. Materials and Methods:In this work we used a 15 kDa recombinant InvH protein of Salmonella enteric serovar Enteritidis to provoke antibody production in mouse. The mice were immunized by recombinant InvH and challenged with Salmonella typhi. Histopathology of spleen and liver were studied. Results:The immunized mice showed a significant rise of antibody after the second booster. The immunization induced protection against high doses of S. typhi. The bacterial challenge with sera showed significant protection against challenge dose of 2×109 CFU. Immunized sera reacted with          S. typhi markedly. Immunoreaction of bacterially infected sera and InvH protein was significantly higher than the control group. Bacterial loads of S. typhi in spleen was more than liver. Decreased bacterial load was evident in immunized mice after 7 days. Histological examination of the liver showed the immunized mice liver remained unaffected. Conclusion: Efficacy of the virulence protein, InvH, in inhibition of this phenomenon by active immunization was shown here. It may be concluded that InvH, as an antigen, can develop protection against S. typhi infections. InvH may be exploited in protective measures as well as a diagnostic tool in Salmonella infections

    Impact of Negative Fluid Balance on Mortality and Outcome of Patients with Confirmed COVID-19

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    Purpose. Maintaining the proper fluid balance is a fundamental step in the management of hospitalized patients. The current study evaluated the impact of negative fluid balance on outcomes of patients with confirmed COVID-19. Methods. We considered the negative fluid balance as a higher output fluid compared to the input fluid. The fluid balance was categorized into four groups (group 4: −850 to −500 ml/day; group 3: −499 to −200 ml/day, group 2: −199 to 0 ml/day, and group 1 : 1 to 1000 ml/day) and included ordinally in the model. The outcomes were all-cause mortality, length of hospitalization, and improvement in oxygen saturation. Results. The fluid balance differed significantly among nonsurvivors and survivors (MD: −317.93, 95% CI: −410.21, −225.69, and p781 pg/mL and fluid balance >−430 mL might be the predictors for positive fluid balance and mortality, respectively