21 research outputs found

    Ethics in Biotechnology

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    The most modern techniques in biotechnology owe their existence to the discovery of DNA cloning and the genetic manipulation of organisms. However Biotechnology is not new science In fact, many applications represent old practices with new methodologies. Human have been used organisms for their benefit in many processes for several thousand years. Therefore, one way of thinking about biotechnology is to consider two categories of activities: those that are traditional and familiar and those that are relatively new. Study of ethical and social concern in these categories makes this clear that there are many unanswered questions in this fields that requires caution regarding to public using of this technologies.Genetic manipulation (GM) especially cloning is a wonderful advancement in technology and knowledge. However, Professional and scientific societies should make clear that any attempt to create a child by somatic cell nuclear transfer and implantation into a woman's body would be at this time an irresponsible, unethical, and unprofessional act. The environmental safety aspects of GM crops vary considerably according to local conditions. Different GM organisms include different genes inserted in different ways. This means that individual GM foods and their safety should be assessed on a case-by-case basis and that it is not possible to make general statements on the safety of all GM foods

    Liquid state bioconversion of palm oil mill effluent for cellulase production: statistical optimization of process conditions

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    The filamentous fungus Trichoderma harzianum was used for liquid state bioconversion of POME for cellulase production. Statistical optimization was carried out to evaluate the physico-chemical parameters (factors) for maximum cellulase production by 2-level fractional factorial design with six central points. The polynomial regression model was developed using the experimental data including the effects of linear, quadratic and interaction of the factors. The factors involved were substrate (POME) and co-substrate (wheat flour) concentrations, temperature, pH, inoculum and agitation. Statistical analysis showed that the optimum conditions were: temperature of 300C, substrate concentration of 2%, wheat flour concentration of 3%, pH of 4, inoculum of 3% and agitation of 200 rpm. Under these conditions, the model predicted the enzyme production to be about 14 FPU/ml. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the design showed a high coefficient of determination (R2) value of 0.99, thus ensuring a high satisfactory adjustment of the quadratic model with the experimental data

    Population parameters of Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier, 1816) in the Marudu Bay, Sabah, Malaysia

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    An investigation of the population parameters of Indian mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier, 1816) in the Marudu Bay, Sabah, Malaysia was carried out from January to September 2013. The relationship between total length and body weight was estimated as W=0.006TL^3.215 or Log W=3.215LogTL – 2.22 (R^2=0.946). Monthly length frequency data of R. kanagurta were analyzed by FiSAT software to evaluate the mortality rates and its exploitation level. Asymptotic length (L∝) and growth co-efficient (K) were estimated at 27.83 cm and 1.50 yr^-1, respectively. The growth performance index (φ') was calculated as 3.07. Total mortality (Z), natural mortality (M) and fishing mortality (F) was calculated at 4.44 yr^-1, 2.46 yr^-1 and 1.98 yr^-1, respectively. Exploitation level (E) of R. kanagurta was found to be 0.45. The exploitation level was below the optimum level of exploitation (E=0.50). It is revealed that the stock of R. kanagurta was found to be still under exploited in Marudu Bay

    Biomonitoring Selected Heavy Metal Concentration in Nerita Sp. Collected from Tanjung Lumpur Mangrove Forest

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    Environmental pollution by heavy metals is a serious threat to human and ecosystem. Accumulation of heavy metals in the biota may pose hazardous impact on public health and other living organisms. By using gastropods Neritasp as bio-indicator, the levels of heavy metals in their soft tissues can determine the contamination of heavy metals in the Tanjung Lumpur Mangrove along the Kuantan River. The aim of this study is to identify copper, cadmium, chromium and iron accumulated in the tissue of Neritasp, to investigate the concentration of the copper, cadmium, chromium and iron in the molluscan tissue among the different sizes of gastropod Neritaspand to compare the concentrations of heavy metals in a gastropod Neritasp tissue among the different stations of Kuantan River, Pahang. Gastropods of Neritasp were randomly collected along the river. The tissues of gastropods were digested with nitric acid. Then, concentration of copper, cadmium, chromium and iron were analyzed by using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) model Perkin Elmer SIMAA 6100 graphite furnace. Neritasp accumulate copper the most in their tissues compared to other heavy metals. The concentrations are around 189.8 µg/ L – 247.95 µg/ L. The highest concentration of copper is in Station 3 which is at 241.67 µg/ L. The second highest concentration is iron or ferrum where the concentrations are around 121.25 µg/ L – 174.55 µg/ L. Station 3 was identified to have the highest concentration of iron at 161.12 µg/ L. Followed by, chromium which the concentrations are around 23.49 µg/ L – 46.15 µg/ L. The highest concentration of chromium is Station 1 at 34.82 µg/ L. The lowest concentration of heavy metals is cadmium which is around 8.69 µg/ L – 18.46 µg/ L. Also, Station 1 showed the highest concentration of cadmium at 17.56 µg/ L. This study can be used to identify contamination of heavy metals in marine zone by using bio-indicator to avoid environmental perturbation

    Study On Physicochemical Parameters And Distribution Of Phytoplankton In Kuantan Estuary, Pahang

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    A study on physicochemical parameters and distribution of phytoplankton communities was carried out at Kuantan estuary, Pahang, Malaysia. The study was carried out in September, 2011 and November, 2011 to determine the spatial distribution of phytoplankton from three different stations during the pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons. The phytoplankton and water quality were analyzed using standard method outlines by APHA, 1998. The temperature recorded was between 27.29 oC to 29.33 oC, pH was from 6.96 to 8.24, conductivity range from 33.50mS/cm to 47.85mS/cm, dissolved oxygen ranged was from 4.25 mg/L to 5.84 mg/L, biochemical oxygen demand was from 3.37 mg/L to 1.60 mg/L, salinity range from 21.01 ppt to 30.72 ppt, total dissolved solids range from 21.80 g/L to 31.60 g/L and total suspended solids range from 0.024 to 0.044. The nitrite concentration was range from 0.078 mg/L to 0.088 mg/L during monsoon while in the pre-monsoon seasons the range was from 0.018 mg/L to 0.025 mg/L. Similarly, ammonium concentration was from 0.3056 mg/L to 0.0670 mg/L. The phosphorus content was range from 0.0110 mg/L to 0.0897 mg/L. The pre-monsoon season phytoplankton (1466 Cells/L) was found to be higher than the monsoon season phytoplankton (644 Cells/L)

    Macrobenthic Diversity and Community Composition in the Pahang Estuary, Malaysia

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    Relative abundance and growth of male and female Nemipterus furcosus population

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    A study was conducted to understand the relative abundance and growth of male and female Nemipterus furcosus population in the Pahang coastal water, Malaysia. The sampling was done monthly for a period of one year. A total of 1446 fish specimens were studied in this research. The results showed that male N. furcosus population was significantly more than female (p0.05). The condition factor (K) ranged from 1.2559 to 1.3917 for male while 1.2503 to 1.3926 for female N. furcosus. Overall, higher mean condition factor was observed in smaller fish of both sexes. This study is useful for policy makers and fishery biologists for sustainable fishery management in the Pahang coastal water, Malaysia

    Limit of DNA Barcode in delineating penaeus monodon and in its developing stages

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    Mysis, post larvae and adult specimens of Penaeus monodon were sequenced for Cyctochrome C Oxidase subunit I (COI) gene (DNA barcode) to check the efficiency of DNA barcode in delineating species irrespective of its different life stages. COI gene sequences of different life stages of P. monodon were subjected to pair-wise distance analysis, nucleotide sequence diversity estimation, phylogenetic and BOLD analysis. The pair-wise distance estimation revealed that intra-specific variations within the barcode sequences of P. monodon were low when compared with other species of genus Penaeus spp. The average pair-wise distance within the sequences of different stages of P. monodon was two times lesser than the pair-wise distance of the out-group used. The nucleotide diversity within the barcodes were low (π = 0.324). The constructed phylogram clearly showed that the DNA barcoding using partial COI gene would provide an accurate delineation of species irrespective of their different life stages. The BOLD analysis accurately identified all sequences as belonging to P. monodon