135 research outputs found

    Phantom distribution functions for some stationary sequences

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    The notion of a phantom distribution function (phdf) was introduced by O'Brien (1987). We show that the existence of a phdf is a quite common phenomenon for stationary weakly dependent sequences. It is proved that any α\alpha-mixing stationary sequence with continuous marginals admits a continuous phdf. Sufficient conditions are given for stationary sequences exhibiting weak dependence, what allows the use of attractive models beyond mixing. The case of discontinuous marginals is also discussed for α\alpha-mixing. Special attention is paid to examples of processes which admit a continuous phantom distribution function while their extremal index is zero. We show that Asmussen (1998) and Roberts et al. (2006) provide natural examples of such processes. We also construct a non-ergodic stationary process of this type

    Functional Convergence of Linear Sequences in a non-Skorokhod Topology

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    In this article, we prove a new functional limit theorem for the partial sum sequence S[nt]=∑i=1[nt]XiS_{[nt]}=\sum_{i=1}^{[nt]}X_i corresponding to a linear sequence of the form X_i=\sum_{j \in \bZ}c_j \xi_{i-j} with i.i.d. innovations (\xi_i)_{i \in \bZ} and real-valued coefficients (c_j)_{j \in \bZ}. This weak convergence result is obtained in space \bD[0,1] endowed with the SS-topology introduced in Jakubowski (1992), and the limit process is a linear fractional stable motion (LFSM). One of our result provides an extension of the results of Avram and Taqqu (1992) to the case when the coefficients (c_j)_{j \in \bZ} may not have the same sign. The proof of our result relies on the recent criteria for convergence in Skorokhod's M1M_1-topology (due to Louhichi and Rio (2011)), and a result which connects the weak SS-convergence of the sum of two processes with the weak M1M_1-convergence of the two individual processes. Finally, we illustrate our results using some examples and computer simulations.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figure

    Functional Convergence of Linear Processes with Heavy-Tailed Innovations

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    We study convergence in law of partial sums of linear processes with heavy-tailed innovations. In the case of summable coefficients necessary and sufficient conditions for the finite dimensional convergence to an α\alpha-stable L\'evy Motion are given. The conditions lead to new, tractable sufficient conditions in the case α≤1\alpha \leq 1. In the functional setting we complement the existing results on M1M_1-convergence, obtained for linear processes with nonnegative coefficients by Avram and Taqqu (1992) and improved by Louhichi and Rio (2011), by proving that in the general setting partial sums of linear processes are convergent on the Skorokhod space equipped with the SS topology, introduced by Jakubowski (1997).Comment: 39 pages; revised version of arxiv 1209.114

    Existence of weak solutions to stochastic evolution inclusions

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    We consider the Cauchy problem for a semilinear stochastic differential inclusion in a Hilbert space. The linear operator generates a strongly continuous semigroup and the nonlinear term is multivalued and satisfies a condition which is more heneral than the Lipschitz condition. We prove the existence of a mild solution to this problem. This solution is not "strong" in the probabilistic sense, that is, it is not defined on the underlying probability space, but on a larger one, which provides a "very good extension" in the sense of Jacod and Memin. Actually, we construct this solution as a Young measure, limit of approximated solutions provided by the Euler scheme. The compactness in the space of Young measures of this sequence of approximated solutions is obtained by proving that some measure of noncompactness equals zero
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