7 research outputs found

    Three different types of muscular arrangement in the middle sector of the cavotricuspid isthmus.

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    <p>The anatomical position of samples has not been maintained during the taking photos to get a better picture of cavotricuspid isthmus sectors. (A) trabeculae (N = 87; 62.1%); (B) intertrabecular recesses (N = 35; 25.0%); (C) trabecular bridges (N = 18; 12.9%); *–electrocardiological catheter.</p

    Schemes of the final ramifications of the distal terminal crest muscle fibers (orange) into the lower part of the right atrium (types A–I; see Table 3).

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    <p>Smaller bands branching from the major crest were not presented with the exception of types B and C in which the main muscle band is absent. CSO–coronary sinus ostium; CTI–cavotricuspid isthmus; EuchV–Eustachian valve; FO–fossa ovalis; IVC–inferior vena cava; SL–septal leaflet; SVC–superior vena cava.</p