3 research outputs found

    Healthy living on a healthy planet - Summary

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    Unsere Lebensweise macht krank und zerstört die natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen. In der Vision „Gesund leben auf einer gesunden Erde“ werden menschliche Lebensbereiche – Ernähren, Bewegen, Wohnen – gesund und umweltverträglich gestaltet sowie planetare Risiken – Klimawandel, Biodiversitätsverlust, Verschmutzung – bewältigt. Gesundheitssysteme nutzen ihre transformativen Potenziale, Bildung und Wissenschaft befördern gesellschaftliche Veränderungen. Die Vision ist nur mit internationaler Kooperation realisierbar und erfordert eine globale Dringlichkeitsgovernance.Our lifestyle is making us ill and is destroying the natural life-support systems. In the vision of ‘healthy living on a healthy planet’, human spheres of life – what we eat, how we move, where we live – are designed to be both healthy and environmentally compatible, and planetary risks – climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution – have been overcome. Health systems harness their transformative potential; education and science promote societal change. The vision can only be realized with international cooperation and requires what the WBGU terms global urgency governance

    Uptake Kinetics and Subcellular Compartmentalization Explain Lethal but Not Sublethal Effects of Cadmium in Two Closely Related Amphipod Species

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    Eulimnogammarus cyaneus and Eulimnogammarus verrucosus, closely related amphipod species endemic to Lake Baikal, differ with respect to body size (10- to 50-fold lower fresh weights of E. cyaneus) and cellular stress response (CSR) capacity, potentially causing species-related differences in uptake, internal sequestration, and toxic sensitivity to waterborne cadmium (Cd). We found that, compared to E. verrucosus, Cd uptake rates, related to a given exposure concentration, were higher, and lethal concentrations (50%; LC50) were 2.3-fold lower in E. cyaneus (4 weeks exposure; 6 °C). Upon exposures to species-specific subacutely toxic Cd concentrations (nominal LC1; E. cyaneus: 18 nM (2.0 μg L–1); E. verrucosus: 115 nM (12.9 μg L–1); 4 weeks exposure; 6 °C), Cd amounts in metal sensitive tissue fractions (MSF), in relation to fresh weight, were similar in both species (E. cyaneus: 0.25 ± 0.06 μg g–1; E. verrucosus: 0.26 ± 0.07 μg g–1), whereas relative Cd amounts in the biologically detoxified heat stable protein fraction were 35% higher in E. cyaneus. Despite different potencies in detoxifying Cd, body size appears to mainly explain species-related differences in Cd uptake and sensitivities. When exposed to Cd at LC1 over 4 weeks, only E. verrucosus continuously showed 15-36% reduced oxygen consumption rates indicating metabolic depression and pointing to particular sensitivity of E. verrucosus to persisting low-level toxicant pressure