4,663 research outputs found

    Word images in symmetric and classical groups of Lie type are dense

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    Let wFkw\in\mathbf F_k be a non-trivial word and denote by w(G)Gw(G)\subseteq G the image of the associated word map w ⁣:GkGw\colon G^k\to G. Let GG be one of the finite groups Sn,GLn(q),Sp2m(q),GO2m±(q),GO2m+1(q),GUn(q){\rm S}_n,{\rm GL}_n(q),{\rm Sp}_{2m}(q),{\rm GO}_{2m}^\pm(q),{\rm GO}_{2m+1}(q),{\rm GU}_n(q) (qq a prime power, n2n\geq 2, m1m\geq 1), or the unitary group Un{\rm U}_n over C\mathbb C. Let dGd_G be the normalized Hamming distance resp. the normalized rank metric on GG when GG is a symmetric group resp. one of the other classical groups and write n(G)n(G) for the permutation resp. Lie rank of GG. For ε>0\varepsilon>0, we prove that there exists an integer N(ε,w)N(\varepsilon,w) such that w(G)w(G) is ε\varepsilon-dense in GG with respect to the metric dGd_G if n(G)N(ε,w)n(G)\geq N(\varepsilon,w). This confirms metric versions of a conjectures by Shalev and Larsen. Equivalently, we prove that any non-trivial word map is surjective on a metric ultraproduct of groups GG from above such that n(G)n(G)\to\infty along the ultrafilter. As a consequence of our methods, we also obtain an alternative proof of the result of Hui-Larsen-Shalev that w1(SUn)w2(SUn)=SUnw_1({\rm SU}_n)w_2({\rm SU}_n)={\rm SU}_n for non-trivial words w1,w2Fkw_1,w_2\in\mathbf F_k and nn sufficiently large.Comment: 28 pages, no figure

    Viscous Asymptotically Flat Reissner-Nordstr\"om Black Branes

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    We study electrically charged asymptotically flat black brane solutions whose world-volume fields are slowly varying with the coordinates. Using familiar techniques, we compute the transport coefficients of the fluid dynamic derivative expansion to first order. We show how the shear and bulk viscosities are modified in the presence of electric charge and we compute the charge diffusion constant which is not present for the neutral black p-brane. We compute the first order dispersion relations of the effective fluid. For small values of the charge the speed of sound is found to be imaginary and the brane is thus Gregory-Laflamme unstable as expected. For sufficiently large values of the charge, the sound mode becomes stable, however, in this regime the hydrodynamic mode associated with charge diffusion is found to be unstable. The electrically charged brane is thus found to be (classically) unstable for all values of the charge density in agreement with general thermodynamic arguments. Finally, we show that the shear viscosity to entropy bound is saturated, as expected, while the proposed bounds for the bulk viscosity to entropy can be violated in certain regimes of the charge of the brane.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure. v3: Small changes and a few typos correcte

    Mapping Bibliographic Records with Bibliographic Hash Keys

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    This poster presents a set of hash keys for bibliographic records called bibkeys. Unlike other methods of duplicate detection, bibkeys can directly be calculated from a set of basic metadata fields (title, authors/editors, year). It is shown how bibkeys are used to map similar bibliographic records in BibSonomy and among distributed library catalogs and other distributed databases

    Extraction and low energy transport of negative ions

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    High perveance negative ion beams with low emittance are essential for several next generation particle accelerators (i. g. spallation sources like ESS [1] and SNS [2]). The extraction and transport of these beams have intrinsic difficulties different from positive ion beams. Limitation of beam current and emittance growth have to be avoided. To fulfill the requirements of those projects a detailed knowledge of the physics of beam formation the interaction of the H- with the residual gas and transport is substantial. A compact cesium free H- volume source delivering a low energy high perveance beam (6.5 keV, 2.3 mA, perveance K= 0.0034) has been built to study the fundamental physics of beam transport and will be integrated into the existing LEBT section in the near future. First measurements of the interaction between the ion beam and the residual gas will be presented together with the experimental set up and preliminary results

    Probing the Hydrodynamic Limit of (Super)gravity

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    We study the long-wavelength effective description of two general classes of charged dilatonic (asymptotically flat) black p-branes including D/NS/M-branes in ten and eleven dimensional supergravity. In particular, we consider gravitational brane solutions in a hydrodynamic derivative expansion (to first order) for arbitrary dilaton coupling and for general brane and co-dimension and determine their effective electro-fluid-dynamic descriptions by exacting the characterizing transport coefficients. We also investigate the stability properties of the corresponding hydrodynamic systems by analyzing their response to small long-wavelength perturbations. For branes carrying unsmeared charge, we find that in a certain regime of parameter space there exists a branch of stable charged configurations. This is in accordance with the expectation that D/NS/M-branes have stable configurations, except for the D5, D6, and NS5. In contrast, we find that Maxwell charged brane configurations are Gregory-Laflamme unstable independently of the charge and, in particular, verify that smeared configurations of D0-branes are unstable. Finally, we provide a modification to the mapping presented in arxiv:1211.2815 and utilize it to provide a non-trivial cross-check on a certain subset of our transport coefficients with the results of arXiv:1110.2320.Comment: 36 pages, 2 figures. v2: Added reference and corrected typ

    Thermal generation of spin current in epitaxial CoFe2O4 thin films

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    The longitudinal spin Seebeck effect (LSSE) has been investigated in high-quality epitaxial CoFe2O4 (CFO) thin films. The thermally excited spin currents in the CFO films are electrically detected in adjacent Pt layers due to the inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE). The LSSE signal exhibits a linear increase with increasing temperature gradient, yielding a LSSE coefficient of ~100 nV/K at room temperature. The temperature dependence of the LSSE is investigated from room temperature down to 30 K, showing a significant reduction at low temperatures, revealing that the total amount of thermally generated magnons decreases. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the spin Seebeck effect is an effective tool to study the magnetic anisotropy induced by epitaxial strain, especially in ultrathin films with low magnetic moments.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure