8 research outputs found

    Una Red Europea que propone soluciones para mejorar la sostenibilidad de las ganaderías de carne vacuno

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    BovINE (www.bovine-eu.net) es una red temática financiada por la UE que propone soluciones para mejorar la sostenibilidad de las ganaderías de vacuno de carne europeas. Con métodos participativos de manera online o presencial, BovINE llevó a cabo tres ciclos anuales desde 2020 al 2022, para identificar las necesidades de los ganaderos en nueve países europeos. A continuación, se buscaban soluciones, a través de dos vías: 1)La consulta bibliográfica por parte de expertos, buscando innovaciones en fases avanzadas de investigación, que estén listas para implementarse. 2)La búsqueda de buenas prácticas que los propios ganaderos identificaban relevantes para abordar esas necesidade

    Pelleting in Associated with Sodium Monensin Increases the Conjugated Linoleic Acids Concentration in the Milk of Dairy Cows Fed Canola Seeds

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    To evaluate the effects of the pelleting and the addition of sodium monensin on production, the chemical and lipid composition of milk and butter physical characteristics, 4 Holstein dairy cows (135 days of lactation) with an average milk production of 14.7 kg/d, were supplemented with a concentrate containing ground canola seeds. The cows were assigned to a 4×4 Latin square design with a 2×2 factorial arrangement of treatments: i) ground maize, soybean meal, mineral and vitamin supplements, and ground canola seeds (CG); ii) CG concentrate with 31.5 mg of monensin added per kg of dry matter (DM); iii) CG pelleted concentrate; iv) CG concentrate with monensin addition pelleted. There was no difference in milk production and composition. The addition of monensin increased milk concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), the PUFA/saturated fatty acids (SFA) ratio, and omega 6. The pelleting increased the concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids, the PUFA/SFA ratio, and the omega 6/omega 3 ratio, but decreased the concentration of SFA. The association between pelleting and the addition of monensin increased the concentration of conjugated linoleic acids by 46.9%. The physical characteristics of butter were not affected by the evaluated diets. We concluded that the concentrate with 31.5 mg of monensin added per kg DM basis combined with the pelleting improves the lipid composition of milk from Holstein cows that are on pasture and supplemented with ground canola seeds, without changing the production, milk composition, and spreadability of butter

    Qualidade do leite de vacas em pastagem suplementadas com monensina e concentrado peletizado contendo linhaça

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    This trial aimed to evaluate tlie production, composition and fatty acid profile of miik blood parameters and to determine the intake and digestibility of DM and nutrients from cows kept at pasture and fed with concentrate ration containing ground flaxseed, pelieted or not, with or without added sodium monensin. It was used four multiparous Holstein cows, averaging 186 (±9.7) days in milk and 515 (±36.4) kg of body weight, assigned in a Latin Square design 4x4 with the followig treatments: concentrate ration without monensin; concentrate ration with monensin; pelleted concentrate ration without monensin; pelieted concentrate ration with monensin. The animais were kept at Cynodon pasture and housed twice a day for feeding and miiking. The milk samples were composed propotionaliy according to the production of each animal in the morning and afternoon. To determine the dry matter intake (DM1) and nutrient of the concentrate ration were recorded daily the amount of offered and ieftovers food. The chromium oxide (Cr203) was used as an extermal marker, being supplied twice a day, totaiing 10 g per animal per day. The faeces samples were collected twice a day from the cows rectum, and then they were dried, grounded and composed on basis in the dry weight. There were no significant differences in the production and composition milk among the evaluated treatments. The mean of fat corrected milk yield (3.5% FCM) was 11.44 kg/day (P>0.05). In the fatty acids (FA) proflie, the C18:0 concentration decreased (P.0.05) in DM1 and nutrient forage and concentrate ration, except the ether extract (EE) intake that was reduced (P0.05). There was a trend (P=0.08) for pelleted ration to increase digestibility of OM, with average 71.25% vs 68.20% for those not pelleted. The pelleted treatments increased DM digestibility (62.90% to 65.55%), the protein digestibility (68.84% to 70.78%) and EE digestibility (85.17% to 85.8%). The blood parameters did not differ. Both, pelleting rations and monensin addition, had not effect on nutrient intake from cows kept in pasture, and consequently the nutrients digestibility. Milk fatty acids profile was affected more by the heat processing than by the monensin addition ou absence in the concentrate ration.Objetivou-se com este trabalho verificar o efeito da monensina e da peletização na produção, composição, perfil de AG do leite, textura da manteiga, avaliar os parâmetros sanguíneos e, determinar o consumo e a digestibilidade de MS e nutrientes em vacas lactantes mantidas em pastagem. Utilizaram quatro vacas da raça Holandês com 186 (±9,7) dias em lactação e pesando em média 515 (±36,4) kg, distribuídas em um quadrado latino 4x4 com os seguintes tratamentos: concentrado não peletizado sem adição de monensina; concentrado não peletizado com adição de monensina; concentrado peletizado sem adição de monensina; concentrado peletizado com adição de monensina. Os animais foram mantidos em pastagem de Cynodon e recolhidos duas vezes ao dia para suplementação e ordenha. As amostras de leite foram compostas proporcionalmente de acordo com a produção da manhã e tarde de cada animal. Para a determinação do CMS e de nutrientes da ração concentrada, foram registradas diariamente a quantidade de ração ofertada e as sobras no cocho. Empregou-se o uso do óxido de cromo (Cr203) como indicador externo, sendo fornecido duas vezes ao dia, totalizando 10 g para cada animal por dia. Amostras de fezes foram coletadas diretamente da ampola retal duas vezes ao dia, e posteriormente foram secas, moídas e compostas com base no peso seco. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas na produção e composição do leite para os diferentes tratamentos avaliados. A média de produção de leite corrigida (PLC 3,5%) foi 11,44 kg/dia (P>0,05). No perfil de AG, houve redução (Pc0,05) nas concentrações de C18:0 no leite de vacas que consumiram a ração peletizadas. Os teores de CLA foram 47% maiores nos tratamentos com adição de monensina, e 70% maior para as rações peletizadas. A peletização diminuiu os AGS do leite, e aumentou em 25% a concentração de AGPI e em 15% de AGMI (P0,05) no CMS e de nutrientes da forragem e da ração concentrada, com exceção do EE em que a peletização reduziu (P0,05). A peletização das rações tendeu (P=0,08) a aumentar a DM0, com média de 71,25% vs 68,20% para não peletizadas. Os tratamentos peletizados aumentaram a DMS (de 62,9% para 65,6%), a DPB (de 68,2% para 71,3%) e DEE (de 85,2% para 85,8%). Os constituintes do sangue não foram alterados. Tanto a peletização das rações quanto a adição de monensina sódica, não influenciaram o consumo de nutrientes das vacas mantidas em pastagem, e conseqüentemente as digestibilidade dos nutrientes. O perfil de AG do leite foi mais influenciado pelo processamento térmico do que pela adição ou não de monensina.xvi, 77

    Nitrogen and carbohydrate fractions in elephant grass pastures (Pennisetum purpureum cv. Cameroon), managed with fixed and variable defoliation intervals

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo a caracterização das frações protéicas e de carboidratos em pastagem de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum cv. Cameroon), manejada com altas taxas de lotação no período das águas. O experimento foi realizado nas instalações do Departamento de Zootecnia da Esalq/USP. A forragem foi coletada nas estações do outono/2006, primavera/2006 e verão/2006-07, adotando-se intervalos de desfolhação fixos de 27 dias e variáveis, onde a entrada dos animais ocorreu quando o capim atingiu 1,05 m de altura (95 % IL). Foi determinada a composição bromatológica, frações protéicas e de carboidratos tanto por métodos químicos quanto pelo método de degradação in situ da forragem. A pastagem também foi avaliada quanto à massa de forragem (kg de MS por ha-1), composição morfológica e alturas do dossel na entrada e saída dos animais. Para as determinações no pasto utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente aleatorizado com medidas repetidas no tempo. Para as frações protéicas A, B e C, foi realizado ensaio de degradabilidade in situ utilizando-se 4 garrotes castrados e canulados no rúmen. As amostras de forragem secas e moídas a 5 mm foram acondicionadas em sacos de nylon e incubadas no rúmen por 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 60, 72, 96 e 120 horas. O delineamento experimental foi em quadrados latinos 2x2 replicados. A duração do intervalo entre desfolhas não diferiu entre os tratamentos (P>0,05), em nenhuma das estações avaliadas. As alturas do dossel no pré-pastejo foram maiores (P0,05) para produção de forragem entre os tratamentos. Apenas os teores de PB da forragem foram afetados pelos tratamentos (P0,05) entre os tratamentos. Somente a fração protéica B2 foi afetada, com maiores valores para ID variável (P0,05). No verão, a fração A+B1 dos carboidratos apresentou os menores valores dentre as estações (13,80 e 16,22 % para ID fixo e variável), e a fração B2, os maiores valores (76,59 e 73,42 %) (P0,05) para as variáveis de degradabilidade da MS e MO. Na degradabilidade da FDN, diferenças significativas foram observadas apenas para variável de DP e DE com taxa de passagem de 2 %/h no tratamento com ID fixo. A correção da contaminação microbiana resultou em aumento nos valores da fração protéica A e redução na B. Não houve efeito (P>0,05) para as variáveis da PB corrigida pela contaminação, exceto para a fração B, onde os valores foram maiores no outono (73,3 e 73,69%) e menores na primavera com ID variáveis (55,87%).The present study designed to characerize the protein and carbohydrate fractions of elephant grass pasture (Pennisetum purpureum) cv. Cameroon, intensively grazed at high stocking rate during the rainy season. The experiment was carried in the Animal Sciences Department of the University of São Paulo (USP/ESALQ). Forage samples were collected during autumn and spring/2006 and summer/2006-07. Two defoliation intervals (DI) were adopted, fixed and variable. For the fixed DI treatment experimental animals had access to the paddocks every 27 days, and for the variable DI treatment experimental animals had access to the paddocks when the sward reached 1,05m height, corresponding to 95% light interception. Forage samples were analyzed for chemical composition and protein and carbohydrate fractions by chemical methods and with \"in situ\" degradation technique. Pasture was also analyzed for pre-grazing forage mass (kg DM ha-1) , morphologic composition, pre and post grazing sward heights. A completely randomized design with repeated measures was used for pasture determinations. For protein fractions (A, B, C) determinations, an in situ trial was developed using four rumen canulated steers. 5mm ground forage samples were conditioned in nylon bags and incubated in the rumen for 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 60, 72, 96 and 120 hours. The experimental design was a replicated 2x2 Latin square. The defoliation interval length did not differ (P>0,05) among treatments, in any season. Pre-grazing sward heights were higher (P0,05) were observed among treatments for total forage mass. Only forage CP content was affected by treatments, with lower values (P0,05) among treatments. Protein B2 fraction was affected, showing higher values (P0,05). During summer carbohydrate fractions A + B1 showed the lowest values among seasons (13,80 and 16,22% for fixed and variable DI), and B2 fraction showed the highest values (76,59 and 73,42 %) (P0,05). For NDF degradability significant differences were observed only PD and ED variables with 2%/h passage rate for fixed DI treatment. Microbial contamination adjustment resulted in higher protein A and lower protein B fraction values. No effects were observed (P>0,05) for microbial contamination adjusted CP variables, except for B fraction that showed higher values during autumn (73,3 and 73,69%) and lower during spring with variable DI (55,87%)

    Pelleting and sodium monensin increase milk CLA concentration from dairy cows fed flaxseed

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    Abstract Background: Demand for naturally enriched foods is increasing worldwide. Animal nutrition allows incorporating nutraceutical molecules into milk. These molecules are intended for improving human health. Objective: To evaluate the effects of pelleting and monensin addition to the diet on intake, digestibility of dry matter (DM) and nutrients, milk yield and composition, and fatty acids (FA) profile in cows kept on pasture and supplemented with concentrate containing ground flaxseed (GF). Methods: Four Holstein cows were assigned to the following treatments: 1) concentrate with GF; 2) GF + 32.93 mg/Kg monensin (GFM); 3) GF pelleted (GFP); 4) GF pelleted + 32.93 mg/Kg monensin (FMP). Results: Treatments did not show effects on digestibility of dry matter (DM) and nutrients or feed intake, with the exception of ether extract intake, which was reduced by 28% with pelleting. Addition of monensin increased the conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) concentration by 47%. Pelleting increased the concentrations of CLA (70%), polyunsaturated FA (PUFA; 25%), and monounsaturated FA (MUFA; 16%), and reduced the concentrations of steric acid (C18) in 19% and total saturated FA (SFA; 14%). Conclusion: Pelleting and monensin does not alter feed intake and digestibility of DM and nutrients. Pelleting of concentrate feed containing flaxseed improves milk FA quality

    Production, Composition, Fatty Acids Profile and Stability of Milk and Blood Composition of Dairy Cows Fed High Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Diets and Sticky Coffee Hull

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    Four lactating Holstein cows were assigned to a 4 × 4 Latin square design to determine the effects of feeding sticky coffee hull (SCH) as a source of antioxidants on dairy cows fed with high PUFA diets. The treatments (on DM basis) were control diet, diet with 30 g/kg of soybean oil, diet with 30 g/kg of soybean oil and 100 g/kg of SCH, and diet with 30 g/kg of soybean oil and 150 g/kg of SCH. Inclusion of 150 g/kg of SCH decreased the crude protein digestibility. Lower values of NDF digestibility were also observed when cows were fed with 100 g/kg and 150g/kg of SCH. The digestibility of NDT was lower in the control and 150 g/kg of SCH diets. Milk production and composition did not differ among the treatments. Inclusion of SCH increased the total polyphenols and flavonoids in the milk and reducing power as well. Soybean oil and SCH supplementation increased the LDL and total cholesterol concentration in the plasma. Milk fatty acid profile was barely altered by the treatments. In conclusion, the results confirmed that SCH added up to 15% in the diet did not alter milk production, improved its stability, and incorporated antioxidants substances in the milk, improving its quality for human health