12 research outputs found

    A Hierarchical and Contextual Model for Aerial Image Parsing

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    In this paper we present a hierarchical and contextual model for aerial image understanding. Our model organizes objects (cars, roofs, roads, trees, parking lots) in aerial scenes into hierarchical groups whose appearances and configurations are determined by statistical constraints (e.g. relative position, relative scale, etc.). Our hierarchy is a non-recursive grammar for objects in aerial images comprised of layers of nodes that can each decompose into a number of different configurations. This allows us to generate and recognize a vast number of scenes with relatively few rules. We present a minimax entropy framework for learning the statistical constraints between objects and show that this learned context allows us to rule out unlikely scene configurations and hallucinate undetected objects during inference. A similar algorithm was proposed for texture synthesis (Zhu et al. in Int. J. Comput. Vis. 2:107–126, 1998) but didn’t incorporate hierarchical information. We use a range of different bottom-up detectors (AdaBoost, TextonBoost, Compositional Boosting (Freund and Schapire in J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 55, 1997; Shotton et al. in Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 1–15, 2006; Wu et al. in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 1–8, 2007)) to propose locations of objects in new aerial images and employ a cluster sampling algorithm (C4 (Porway and Zhu, 2009)) to choose the subset of detections that best explains the image according to our learned prior model. The C4 algorithm can quickly and efficiently switch between alternate competing sub-solutions, for example whether an image patch is better explained by a parking lot with cars or by a building with vents. We also show that our model can predict the locations of objects our detectors missed. We conclude by presenting parsed aerial images and experimental results showing that our cluster sampling and top-down prediction algorithms use the learned contextual cues from our model to improve detection results over traditional bottom-up detectors alone

    A hierarchical and contextual model for aerial image understanding

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    In this paper we present a novel method for parsing aerial images with a hierarchical and contextual model learned in a statistical framework. We learn hierarchies at the scene and object levels to handle the difficult task of representing scene elements at different scales and add contextual constraints to resolve ambiguities in the scene interpretation. This allows the model to rule out inconsistent detections, like cars on trees, and to verify low probability detections based on their local context, such as small cars in parking lots. We also present a two-step algorithm for parsing aerial images that first detects object-level elements like trees and parking lots using color histograms and bag-ofwords models, and objects like roofs and roads using compositional boosting, a powerful method for finding image structures. We then activate the top-down scene model to prune false positives from the first stage. We learn this scene model in a minimax entropy framework and show unique samples from our prior model, which capture the layout of scene objects. We present experiments showing that hierarchical and contextual information greatly reduces the number of false positives in our results. 1. Introduction and Relate

    an empirical study of object category recognition: sequential testing with generalized samples

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    In this paper we present an empirical study of object category recognition using generalized samples and a set of sequential tests. We study 33 categories, each consisting of a small data set of 30 instances. To increase the amount of training data we have, we use a compositional object model to learn a representation for each category from which we select 30 additional templates with varied appearance from the training set. These samples better span the appearance space and form an augmented training set ΩT of 1980 (60×33) training templates. To perform recognition on a testing image, we use a set of sequential tests to project ΩT into different representation spaces to narrow the number of candidate matches in ΩT. We use“graphlets”(structural elements), as our local features and model ΩT at each stage using histograms of graphlets over categories, histograms of graphlets over object instances, histograms of pairs of graphlets over objects, shape context. Each test is increasingly computationally expensive, and by the end of the cascade we have a small candidate set remaining to use with our most powerful test, a top-down graph matching algorithm. We achieve an 81.4 % classification rate on classifying 800 testing images in 33 categories, 15.2 % more accurate than a method without generalized samples