962 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Web Pendaftaran Umroh Pada PT. Rihlah Semesta Abadi Cibubur

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    Abstrack - Registration umroh and Ordering umroh packages that are usually done by PT. Rihlah Semesta Abadi is Manually,can now be done in a system so thatprospective pilgrims can register on data quickly and save energy.This website is created with the aim of providing solutions for pilgrims to register umroh and get information about the available umroh package.Making the website pages of the author using structured methods as well as using HTML and PHP as itsappearance, and use a database with Mysql. In order to beautify the display on the website any author using CSS script. In addition to the implementation of online service system in PT. Rihlah Semesta Abadi is a marketing medium to reach more consumers with a wider location as well as this umroh registration information system is equipped with the required document uploads, sales package travel reports in the form of tables, data reports of pilgrims and payment peroide required by the administration. Key Word: Umroh, Information System, Registration Umroh. Abstrak - Pendaftaran umroh dan pemesananpaket umroh yang bisanya dilakukan oleh PT. Rihlah Semesta Abadi ini adalah secara manual, kini dapat dilakukan secara sistem sehingga calon jamaah dapat melakukan pendaftaran pada data secara cepat dan menghemat tenaga, website ini dibuat dengan tujuan antara lain memberikan solusi bagi para calon jamaah untuk melakukan pendaftaran umroh dan mendapatkan informasi mengenai paket umroh yang tersedia. Pembuatan tampilan halaman website dapat lebih efektif dengan menggunakan HTML dan PHP, dan menggunakan database dengan Mysql. Agar mempercantik tampilan pada website penulis pun menggunakan script CSS. Selain implementasi sistem layanan online di PT. Rihlah Semesta Abadi dijadikan media pemasaran untuk menjangkau lebih banyak konsumen dengan lokasi yang lebih luas jugasistem informasi pendaftaran umroh ini di lengkapi dengan upload dokumen yang dibutuhkan, laporan penjualan paket perjalanan dalam bentuk tabel,laporan data jamaah dan peroide pembayaran yang dibutuhkan oleh administrasi. Kata Kunci: Rancang bangun Web , Sistem Informasi, Pendaftaran Umroh

    Indonesia Web Defacement Attacks Analysis for Anti Web Defacement

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    —Web Defacement attacks in Indonesia are getting worse, many web servers are attacked by the attackers around the world and also from local itself. As the number of web servers is increasing in defacement, the authors want to investigate further on this web defacement attacks. Analysis of web defacement Indonesia who want to investigate in large part 5 Domain Name Server (DNS) that is .go.id (government), .co.id (commercial), .or.id (organization), .net.id (internet) and .Ac.id (academic). Web Defacement action appeared briefly growth increase, it could be triggered by the increasing skill of young people, teenagers in hacking, web defacement tools easily get it on the internet, laptops and tablets are increasingly sophisticated, many hackers community, which increases the amount of book hacking, web server built still using a content management server (CMS) and many other causes, so it needs to be further investigated. Methodology is performed descriptive statistical analysis of the amount of each ter-DNS web defacement. The results of the descriptive analysis will be used for anti web defacement of the web groups. Knowing the desired output is statistically the greatest of all five parts of the government, commercial, organization, academic and internet domain, the next output is find out the cause of this web defacement in Indonesia and conduct anti web defacement to various causes

    The Jakarta Workshop Dialogue accross the Cultural and Religious Divide in Southeast Asia

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    The overall aim of this research project has been a) to examine the implications of recent international tensions for multi-ethnic, multi-faith societies, notably in Australia and southeast Asia; b) to evaluate the adequacy of the responses to these tensions; and c) to consider, in the light of that experience, the contribution that the dialogical approach could make to the easing of societal and international tensions. The project focused on the role of governments, media, civil society, and regional organization. For this purpose, the project selected Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines as case studies, and organized two regional workshops providing a forum within which researchers, experts, and practitioners drawn primarily from these four countries were able to share their insights and analyses of the situation in their respective countriesDOI: 10.15408/sdi.v15i3.52

    Strengthening Civic Values Through Pesantren and Madrasah

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    PPIM's programme intends to strengthen civic values in Indonesia through pesantrens and madrasahs, i.e. through in-service training for two target groups within these institutions of Islamic education (pesantren leaders [kyai/nyai] and teachers of religious subjects) in three locations on Java (West Java (including Banten), Central Java (including Yogyakarta), and East Java). This geographic limitation is in part due to the high concentration of pesantrens and madrasahs on the island, further to the fact that the areas are highly Islamized as indicated by their demands for the implementation of the shari'ah (Islamic law).DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v15i2.53

    Access and Equity in Family Law and Civil Status Issue for the General Courts of Indonesia

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    The subject area of the access and equity study in the General Courts will focus on family issues (divorce, child guardianship) and civil status issues (e.g. provision of letters to the Civil Registry authorizing the issuing of birth certificates in certain cases). The research may include the area of inheritance by disregarding the criminal issues filed at the courts.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v16i2.48

    Implementasi Virtual Private Network Over GRE TUNNEL

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    Abstract— VPN network is very interesting to be discussed and widely so that many have done research then this research will do the implementation of vpn network using GRE Tunnel technology. This research will answer how this virtual interface can connect more than one router with another router by using GRE protocol to deliver packets, protocols and more so that user needs such as connecting layer 2 between sites can be fulfilled through VPN GRE Tunnel. Finally after the preparation for this research started install simulator GNS3, mikrotik routerOS, virtualbox, operating system. Network administration by writing ip address. Configuration on loopbaack adapter, MikroTik-HeadOffice, MikroTik-Branch and Pc-Branch. Once connected is formed a virtual interface and given ip address as ip binder of two public ip. Then proved by ping and tracert between Pc-Branch can be interconnected, so can also exchange data with sharing files so that can be done mapping drive. With Packet Sniffer and Torch tools on Mikrotik can see traffic passing through the virtual gre tunnel interface. After experimenting with the GNS3 simulator application in such a way with the console script and proven with the image that the vpn network with gre tunnel interface can connect more than 2 MikroTik-Branch routers through MikroTik-HeadOffice as network backbone. With its built vpn gre tunnel network, the data communication is safe because it is inside the tunnel even in the internet network. Further research, combining GRE Tunnel with others. Intisari— Jaringan VPN sangat menarik untuk dibahas dan luas sehingga banyak yang sudah melakukan penelitian maka penelitian ini akan melakukan implementasi jaringan vpn menggunakan teknologi GRE Tunnel. Penelitian ini akan menjawab bagaimana interface virtual ini dapat menghubungkan lebih dari satu router dengan router lainnya dangan menggunakan protokol GRE mampu mengantarkan paket, protokol dan lainnya sehingga kebutuhan user seperti menghubungkan layer 2 antar site dapat dipenuhi melalui VPN GRE Tunnel. Akhirnya setelah dilakukan persiapan untuk penelitian ini dimulai instal simulator GNS3, mikrotik routerOS, virtualbox, sistem operasi. Administrasi jaringan dengan menuliskan ip address. Konfigurasi pada loopbaack adapter, MikroTik-HeadOffice, MikroTik-Branch dan Pc-Branch. Setelah terkoneksi terbentuklah interface virtual dan diberikan ip address sebagai ip pengikat dari dua ip publik. Kemudian dibuktikan dengan ping dan tracert antar Pc-Branch dapat saling berhubungan, begitu juga dapat saling melakukan pertukaran data dengan berbagi file sehingga dapat dilakukan mapping drive. Dengan tool Packet Sniffer dan Torch pada Mikrotik dapat melihat traffik yang melewati interface virtual gre tunnel. Setelah melakukan eksperiman dengan aplikasi simulator GNS3 sedemikian rupa dengan script console dan dibuktikan dengan gambar bahwa jaringan vpn dengan interface gre tunnel dapat menghubungkan lebih dari 2 router MikroTik-Branch melalui MikroTik-HeadOffice sebagai backbone jaringan. Dengan dibangun nya jaringan vpn gre tunnel, maka komunikasi data aman karena berada di dalam tunnel meski di jaringan internet. Penelitian selanjutnya, mengkombinasikan GRE Tunnel dengan yang lainnya. Kata Kunci:Network, Virtual, Tunnel, GRE
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