41 research outputs found

    Mycotoxins in horse feed: Incidence of deoxynivalenol in oat samples from stud farms

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    Reports concerning mycotoxins in horse feed are very rare and are typically restricted to fumonisins. As a non-ruminant monogastric species, horses may be more sensitive to adverse effects of mycotoxins, but the most severe effect of fumonisin B1 (FB1) in equines is that it causes fatal leucoencephalomalacia. In recent years, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has evaluated several mycotoxins as ā€œundesirable substances in animal feedā€ with the aim of establishing guidance values for the feed industry. In its evaluation of deoxynivalenol (DON), EFSA concluded that this toxin exhibited toxic effects in all species, but that horses were more tolerant towards this toxin than pigs. According to the available data, a systematic survey on mycotoxins in horse feed in Serbia has not been published. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of mycotoxins in horse feed in Vojvodina. Samples of oats for horse consumption, collected in 2010, were analyzed by enzyme immunoassays (ELISA) for deoxynivalenol contamination. Twelve samples of oats were taken from twelve horse studs, with sport, school and hobby horses

    Advanced Clinical and Radiological Features of Ankylosing Spondylitis: Relation to Gender, Onset of First Symptoms and Disease Duration

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    To determine the frequency of advanced clinical and radiological features of AS with reference to gender, onset of symptoms and disease duration. Fifty-seven patients diagnosed with AS were included in this study. Functional evaluation of the musculoskeletal system detected advanced clinical features: rubber-ball phenomenon, flattening of the chest anterior wall, diastasis of rectus abdominis muscle, steel back phenomenon, umbilical extrusion, skiing posture. Conventional radiographs of sacroiliac joints, pelvis and axial skeleton were obtained in order to analyze signs of sacroiliitis, syndesmophytes, vertebral squaring and ligamentous ossification. Statistical significance is found in the distribution of particular advanced clinical and radiological features of AS between men and women: rubber-ball phenomenon (p=0.002), flat chest (p=0.002), diastasis of rectus abdominis muscle (p=0.002), skiing position (p=0.000), syndesmophytes (p=0.009) and ligamentous ossification (p=0.030) in thoracic and lumbar spine. Onset of first disease symptoms (> 20 years of age) is significantly associated with radiological changes in thoracic spine (ligamentous ossification, p=0.015) and cervical spine (vertebral squaring, p=0.032). Longer disease duration (>10 years) is significantly associated with the appearance of particular clinical features: rubber-ball phenomenon, p20 years of age) and longer disease duration (>10 years) are associated with the higher risk of developing particular clinical signs and radiological features in sacroiliac joints and axial skeleton

    Advanced clinical and radiological features of ankylosing spondylitis: relation to gender, onset of first symptoms and disease duration [Uznapredovala klinička i radioloŔka obilježja ankilozantnog spondilitisa: povezanost sa spolom, dobi pojave prvih simptoma i trajanjem bolesti]

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    To determine the frequency of advanced clinical and radiological features of AS with reference to gender, onset of symptoms and disease duration. Fifty-seven patients diagnosed with AS were included in this study. Functional evaluation of the musculoskeletal system detected advanced clinical features: rubber-ball phenomenon, flattening of the chest anterior wall, diastasis of rectus abdominis muscle, steel back phenomenon, umbilical extrusion, skiing posture. Conventional radiographs of sacroiliac joints, pelvis and axial skeleton were obtained in order to analyze signs of sacroiliitis, syndesmophytes, vertebral squaring and ligamentous ossification. Statistical significance is found in the distribution of particular advanced clinical and radiological features of AS between men and women: rubber-ball phenomenon (p = 0.002), flat chest (p = 0.002), diastasis of rectus abdominis muscle (p = 0.002), skiing position (p = 0.000), syndesmophytes (p = 0.009) and ligamentous ossification (p = 0.030) in thoracic and lumbar spine. Onset of first disease symptoms (> 20 years of age) is significantly associated with radiological changes in thoracic spine (ligamentous ossification, p = 0.015) and cervical spine (vertebral squaring, p = 0.032). Longer disease duration (> 10 years) is significantly associated with the appearance of particular clinical features: rubber-ball phenomenon, p 20 years of age) and longer disease duration (> 10 years) are associated with the higher risk of developing particular clinical signs and radiological features in sacroiliac joints and axial skeleton

    Variranje sadržaja proteina, strukturnih ugljenih hidrata, ulja i mineralnih materija u lucerki

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    Lucerne is the most important source of protein, fiber, and mineral substances in ruminant nutrition. The objective of this study was to chemically analyze the new lucerne cultivars for the levels of protein, fiber, oil and mineral substances during the year (4 cuts). According to the results, the cultivars differed significantly in their crude protein, fiber, and mineral matter contents. The crude protein content was significantly higher in the first cutting than in the others, while the fiber content was significantly increased in the second and third cuts, i.e. in the warmest part of the year. The P and K contents were the highest in the first and the lowest in the fourth cutting, while the Ca and Na levels did not vary significantly over the year.Lucerka je najznačajniji izvor proteina, strukturnih ugljenih hidrata i mineralnih materija u ishrani preživara. Cilj rada je bio da se hemijskim analizama odredi sadržaj proteina, strukturnih ugljenih hidrata, ulja i mineralnih materija kod novih sorti lucerke u toku godine (I-IV otkos). Sorte su se značajno razlikovale u sadržaju sirovih proteina, strukturnih ugljenih hidrata, i mineralnih materija. Značajno veći sadržaj sirovih proteina je dobijen u prvom otkosu, a strukturnih ugljenih hidrata u drugom i trećem otkosu, u najtoplijem delu godine. Sadržaj P i K je bio najveći u prvom, a najmanji u četvrtom otkosu, a sadržaj Ca i Na se nije značajno menjao tokom godine. Najsvarljiviju suvu materiju ima prvi otkos (64%), a najmanju treći (57%). Konzumiranje suve materije bilo bi najveće u prvom otkosu, 2,9 % od telesne mase, a najmanje u II i III otkosu (2,4%). Relativna vrednost hraniva je najveća u prvom otkosu 144, a najmanja u trećem 103. Kvalitet suve materije lucerke zavisi od većeg broja parametara koje treba oceniti i odrediti njihovu međusobnu povezanost. U hladnijim i vlažnim ekoloÅ”kim uslovima veći je sadržaj sirovih proteina, ulja i mineralnih materija (I otkos), a u toplim i suvim je veći sadržaj strukturnih ugljenih hidrata (II i III otkos)

    EkoloŔka ocena emisije gasova staklene baŔte iz proizvodnje brojlera u centralnom regionu Rusije

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    With an estimated rise in poultry production and consumption of chicken meat in Russia by 9% up to 2022, as well as development of self-sustainable poultry production, the need has arisen for environmental assessment of this production, and within it especially greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission assessment. The goal of this work is to show a calculation procedure for obtaining estimations for the carbon footprint of the 1 kg of live chicken at the farm gate, taking into account regional typological features of agricultural production in agro-ecosystems. The methodology of carbon footprint (CF) calculation is based on the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology, and on IAGRICO2 calculator, developed for agriculture products. Results have shown that in modern technology of poultry farming, 5.79 kg CO2 e was emitted on average per kg of body mass, and that about 47% of emission was from manure, around 27.5% from crop production (fuel and fertiliser) and 25.5% from fuel and energy needed for heating, sanitation and feeding of chickens. The main distinction of Central Russia is low efficiency of the fertiliser application on crop fields and manure management, storage and utilisation, which has as a result high emissions of the nitrous oxide. This is the field where the implementation of the intensive technologies of precise farming, manure handling, utilisation and management will significantly decrease GHG emission, with preserving yield of crops and quantity and quality of chicken meat.Sa očekivanim porastom proizvodnje u živinarstvu i povećanjem koriŔćenja pilećeg mesa u Rusiji od 9% do 2022. godine, kao i sa državnom politikom Ruske Federacije o kompletnoj samodovoljnosti u proizvodnji hrane, a naročito živinskog mesa, nastala je potreba za ocenom uticaja živinarstva na životnu sredinu, a posebno emisiju gasova staklene ba te. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati proceduru izračunavanja ugljenikovog otiska (engl. carbon footprint) za 1 kg žive mase na kraju tova brojlera, uzimajući u obzir regionalne tipoloÅ”ke osobine poljoprivredne proizvodnje u agroekosistemima. Metodologija proračuna ugljenikovog otiska bazirana je na metodologiji ocene životnog ciklusa (engl. Life Cycle Analysis - LCA), i na kalkulatoru IAGRICO2, prilagođenom poljoprivrednim proizvodima. Rezultati su pokazali da se u modernoj tehnologiji živinarstva, u proseku emituje 5,79 kg CO2 ekvivalenta po kg telesne mase, te da je oko 47 emisije poreklom iz stajnjaka, oko 27, od proizvodnje useva (upotreba goriva i đubriva) i 25,5%, od goriva i energije potrebne za grejanje, i čiŔćenje i hranjenje pilića. Glavna odlika centralnog regiona evropske Rusije je niska efikasnost primene azotnih đubriva na poljima, kao i upravljanje skladiÅ”tenjem i primenom stajnjaka, to ima za posledicu velike količine emitovanog azot-suboksida. Ovo predstavlja polje u kojem bi implementacija intenzivnih tehnologija precizne poljoprivrede i skladiÅ”tenja i primene stajnjaka mogla značajno smanjiti emisiju gasova staklene baÅ”te, sa očuvanjem prinosa poljoprivrednih kultura i količine i kvaliteta pilećeg mesa

    Aflatoksin M1 u sirovom mlijeku u regiji Vojvodine

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    Aflatoxin Šœ1 was in the spotlight of public attention in Serbia and in the region in 2013 due to high level of this mycotoxin found in milk and milk products. Maximum allowed concentration of aflatoxin M1 in milk by EU regulation is 50 ng/kg, while in the Republic of Serbia, allowed concentration by the current regulation is 250 ng/kg. During seven months period, from May to November, samples of raw milk were being taken from six farms, with 60 to 330 cows, from the region of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, the Republic of Serbia, for the purpose of monitoring the occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in milk and its variation during this period. The highest level of 39.8 ng/kg was found in November, while the mean value for the whole period was 7.9 ng/kg. None of the samples had higher level of this mycotoxin than allowed by EU regulation or by current legislation of the Republic of Serbia. The second group of samples included a total of 38 samples of raw milk, from the period of October and November, were taken from different producers from the region of Vojvodina and analyzed on the occurrence of aflatoxin M1. In this group of samples, the occurrence of aflatoxin M1 was much higher, with the average value of 230 ng/kg. The highest found value was 864 ng/kg. In 13 samples, the aflatoxin M1 content was higher than the allowed by the legislation of the Republic of Serbia, while in 24 (63.2 %) samples determined concentration exceeded the value allowed by EU regulation. Data from this work suggest huge differences in the occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in milk between the producers in this region. Regular monitoring is necessary to avoid situation with the elevated level of aflatoxin M1 in milk. This measure will protect both the consumers and the producers of milk and milk product.Aflatoksin M1 je bio u srediÅ”tu pozornosti javnosti u Srbiji ali i u regiji u 2013. godini, zbog visoke razine u mlijeku i mliječnim proizvodima. Najveća je dopuÅ”tena koncentracija aflatoksina M1 u mlijeku po propisu EU 50 ng/kg, dok je u Republici Srbiji dopuÅ”tena koncentracija prema važećem propisu 250 ng/kg. Uzorci sirovog mlijeka prikupljani su sa Å”est gospodarstava, sa 60 do 330 krava, s područja Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine, Republike Srbije, kontinuirano tijekom sedam mjeseci razdoblja (od svibnja do studenog), u svrhu praćenja pojave aflatoksina M1 u mlijeku i njegova promjena u tom razdoblju. NajviÅ”a razina 39,82 ng/kg pronađena je u studenome, dok je srednja vrijednost za cijelo razdoblje bila 7,94 ng/kg. Nijedan od svih uzoraka nije imao viÅ”u razinu ovog mikotoksina od razine dopuÅ”tene propisom EU ili važećem propisu Republike Srbije. Druga skupina uzoraka, ukupno 38 uzoraka sirovog mlijeka, iz razdoblja listopad/ studeni, uzeto je od različitih proizvođača iz regije Vojvodine i analizirano na pojavu aflatoksina M1. U ovoj skupini uzoraka pojava aflatoksina M1 bila je znatno veća, s prosječnom vrijednoŔću od 230 ng/kg i najviÅ”om utvrđenom od 864 ng/kg. U 13 (34,27 %) uzoraka utvrđena je koncentracija aflatoksina M1 veća od dopuÅ”tene po zakonodavstvu Republike Srbije, dok su u 24 (63,16%) uzorka utvrđene koncentracije prelazile vrijednosti dopuÅ”tene propisom EU. Podaci ovog rada ukazuju na velike razlike u pojavi aflatoksina M1 u mlijeku između proizvođača u ovoj regiji. Redovito praćenje je potrebno da bi se izbjegle situacije s poviÅ”enom razinom aflatoksina M1 u mlijeku, te da se zaÅ”tite i potroÅ”ači i proizvođači mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda

    Influence of Farm Management for Calves on Growth Performance and Meat Quality Traits Duration Fattening of Simmental Bulls and Heifers

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    Simple Summary: Cattle have been selected for their adaptation to a specific environment and productive system, in which they show, in theory, their best economical results. With appropriate nutrition, the calf's performance enhances during early life and improve the production limit providing distinctive opportunities to optimize feeding strategies and increase the profitability of beef production. There is considerable variation in fattening protocols as well as in farm conditions. Meat quality parameters and carcass traits are the main objectives of most research carried out in the beef production area. Optimizing meat quality parameters and carcass traits are important for farmer profits and consumer satisfaction. According to that, at the phenotypic level, growth performance and traits could be observed. Rearing practices are known to have an impact on cattle carcasses and meat characteristics. The rearing practices applied after calving have an influence on the animal's performance at the growth period and can involve different animal properties at the beginning of the fattening period. Abstract: This study assessed the effects of farm management during rearing practices in the first months of a calf's life on growth performance and meat quality traits during the fattening period. A total of 48 Simmental calves were divided into two groups at a commercial cattle feedlot. In the first group were calves from the same farm and herd (n = 12 male and n = 12 female). The second group included calves from several different herds and farms (n = 12 male and n= 12 female). Calves were transferred to a feedlot and fed with a commercial feedlot ration at three to four months of age. The aim was to determine if identical fattening conditions at feedlot can reduce initial calf rearing differences between cattle during the fattening period. Bulls grew faster than heifers reaching higher total gain and showed significantly higher slaughter weight than heifers. Meat samples of heifers from the same herd had the highest intramuscular fat content and reddest color with significant differences among cattle groups. The most abundant fatty acid was oleic acid (C18:1), followed by palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0), linoleic (C18:2), and myristic acid (C14:0). Meat samples of heifers from different herds were darkest with highest content of iron (Fe) with significant differences among cattle groups

    Environmental assessment of greenhouse gases emission from sheep breeding in Vojvodina region of Serbia

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    The aim of this work is to show a calculation procedure for obtaining estimations for the carbon footprint of 1 kg of live weight of ewe, ram and lamb at the farm gate, taking into account regional typological features of agricultural production in agroecosystems. The methodology of carbon footprint (CF) calculation is based on the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology developed for agricultural products. Results revealed that in modern technology of sheep breeding, 21.41 kg CO2 e was emitted on average per kg of body weight of ewe, 19.13 kg CO2 e was emitted on average per kg of body weight of ram, 3.2 kg CO2 e was emitted on average per kg of body weight of lamb. The main distinction of Vojvodina province is the low efficiency of fertiliser application on crop fields and manure management, storage and utilisation, which has as a result high emissions of nitrous oxide. This is the field where the implementation of intensive technologies of precise farming, manure handling, utilisation and management will significantly decrease GHG emission, with preserving yield of crops and quantity and quality of sheep of all categories

    The use of the two different mycotoxin deactivators in the nutrition of dairy cows

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    Ovo istraživanje je provedeno kako bi se ispitao učinak dva različita komercijalna proizvoda za deaktivaciju mikotoksina u hranidbi mliječnih krava. Istraživanje je provedeno na 18 mliječnih krava u različitoj fazi laktacije, s prosječnom proizvodnjom od 14 L mlijeka dnevno. Hranidba krava sastojala se od 8 kg koncentrata hrane, 10 kg smjese graÅ”ka i pÅ”enice, 4 kg sijena lucerne i slame žitarica davane ad libitum. Prije početka provedbe istraživanja, sve komponente obroka analizirane su na prisutnost aflatoksina B1, a mlijeko je ispitano na prisutnost aflatoksina M1. U prvoj fazi pokusa krave su hranjene krmom koja je sadržavala aflatoksin B1 u koncentraciji od 5Ā±0,9 Āµg/kg, Å”to je rezultiralo koncentracijom aflatoksina M1 od 181Ā±3,5 ng/kg u mlijeku. U drugoj fazi pokusa u krmni obrok je dodano 0,5 % komercijalnog proizvoda 1 (NeozelĀ®) te je nakon razdoblja adaptacije određivana koncentracija aflatoksina M1 u mlijeku. U trećoj fazi pokusa u krmnu smjesu je dodano 0,3 % komercijalnog proizvoda 2 (miko-StopĀ®) te je također nakon razdoblja adaptacije određivana koncentracija aflatoksina M1 u mlijeku. Posljednja faza bila je kontrolna faza u kojoj su krave hranjene krmivom koje je sadržavalo aflatoksin B1 (5 Āµg/kg) bez dodanih deaktivatora mikotoksina. KoriÅ”tenje oba komercijalna proizvoda tijekom deset dana rezultiralo je smanjenjem koncentracije aflatoksina M1 za 35,9 %, odnosno 53,6 %.The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of two different commercial products for mycotoxin deactivation in the dairy cowsā€™ nutrition. The research was done on the 18 dairy cows in the different phase of lactation, with the average production of 14 L of milk per day. The diet contained in average 8 kg of concentrate feed, 10 kg of mixed peas and wheat forage, 4 kg hay of alfalfa and cereal straw ad libitum. Before starting the trials all components of the cowsā€™ ration were analysed for the presence of aflatoxin B1, while cowā€™s milk was analysed for the presence of aflatoxin M1. In the first phase of the trial cows were fed diet containing aflatoxin B1 at level of 5Ā±0.9 Āµg/kg, which resulted in the average aflatoxin M1concentration of 181Ā±3.5 ng/kg in the milk. In the second phase of the trail 0.5% of the commercial product 1 (NeozelĀ®) was added into the feed ration of cows and after the period of adaptation, the aflatoxin M1 concentration in milk was measured. In the third phase of the trail 0.3% of the commercial product 2 (miko-Stop 0.3Ā®) was added into the feed ration of cows and also, after the period of adaptation, the concentration of aflatoxin M1 in milk was measured. The last phase was the control phase in which cows were fed diets with aflatoxin B1 (5 Āµg/kg) without added mycotoxin deactivators. The use of both commercial products for ten days resulted in the reduction of aflatoxin M1 levels for 35.9% and 53.6%, respectively

    Elisa and HPLC analyses of deoxynivalenol in maize and wheat

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    Deoxynivalenol (DON) is a part of the family of mycotoxins called trichothecenes which are produced by a number of different Fusarium mold species. The presence of DON in 25 wheat and 25 maize samples was examined by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) methods. The presence of DON was detected and determined in 5 (20%) maize and 6 (25%) wheat samples by both of the methods. Correlation between ELISA and HPLC results was established, with the correlation coefficients (r) of 0.9691 and 0.9735 for wheat and maize samples, respectively. The results obtained by ELISA method were significantly higher than those obtained by HPLC method. This fact can be explained by the presence of conjugated or masked mycotoxins in the samples, especially DON-3-glucoside (DON-3-Glc), which could not be determined by HPLC method due to the lack of external standards. Contrary to this, being insufficiently selective towards masked DON, ELISA method measures total DON content of a sample. According to the obtained results, ELISA can be used as a reliable screening method, but the confirmation of positive results must be done by HPLC method