76 research outputs found

    Emergent Fermi sea in a system of interacting bosons

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    An understanding of the possible ways in which interactions can produce fundamentally new emergent many-body states is a central problem of condensed matter physics. We ask if a Fermi sea can arise in a system of bosons subject to contact interaction. Based on exact diagonalization studies and variational wave functions, we predict that such a state is likely to occur when a system of two-component bosons in two dimensions, interacting via a species independent contact interaction, is exposed to a synthetic magnetic field of strength that corresponds to a filling factor of unity. The fermions forming the SU(2) singlet Fermi sea are bound states of bosons and quantized vortices, formed as a result of the repulsive interaction between bosons in the lowest Landau level

    Static and Dynamic Properties of Type-II Composite Fermion Wigner Crystals

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    The Wigner crystal of composite fermions is a strongly correlated state of complex emergent particles, and therefore its unambiguous detection would be of significant importance. Recent observation of optical resonances in the vicinity of filling factor {\nu} = 1/3 has been interpreted as evidence for a pinned Wigner crystal of composite fermions [Zhu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 126803 (2010)]. We evaluate in a microscopic theory the shear modulus and the magnetophonon and magnetoplasmon dispersions of the composite fermion Wigner crystal in the vicinity of filling factors 1/3, 2/5, and 3/7. We determine the region of stability of the crystal phase, and also relate the frequency of its pinning mode to that of the corresponding electron crystal near integer fillings. These results are in good semiquantitative agreement with experiment, and therefore support the identification of the optical resonance as the pinning mode of the composite fermions Wigner crystal. Our calculations also bring out certain puzzling features, such as a relatively small melting temperature for the composite fermion Wigner crystal, and also suggest a higher asymmetry between Wigner crystals of composite fermion particles and holes than that observed experimentally.Comment: Composite Fermion Wigner Crystal; 14 pages, 9 figure

    Fractional quantum Hall effect arising from repulsive three body interaction

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    We consider a collection of fermions in a strong magnetic field coupled by a purely three body repulsive interaction, and predict the formation of composite fermions, leading to a remarkably rich phase diagram containing a host of fractional quantum Hall states, a composite fermion Fermi sea, and a pairing transition. This is entirely unexpected, because the appearance of composite fermions and fractional quantum Hall effect is ordinarily thought to be a result of strong two-body repulsion. Recent theoretical and experimental breakthroughs in ultra-cold atoms and molecules have facilitated the realization of such a system, where this physics can be tested.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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