32,424 research outputs found

    Laser heterodyne system for obtaining height profiles of minor species in the atmosphere

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    An infrared laser heterodyne system for obtaining height profiles of minor constituents of the atmosphere was developed and erected. A brief discription of the system is given. The system consists of a tunable CO2 waveguide laser in the 9 to 11 micrometer band, that is used as a local oscillator and a heliostat that follows the sun and brings in solar radiation, that is mixed with the laser beam in a high speed liquid nitrogen cooled mercury cadmium telluride detector. The detected signal is analysed in a RF spectrum analyser that allows tracing absorption line profiles. Absorption lines of a number of minor constituents in the troposphere and stratosphere, such as O3, NH3, H2O, SO2, ClO, N2O, are in the 9 to 11 micrometer band and overlap with that of CO2 laser range. The experimental system has been made operational and trial observations taken. Current measurements are limited to ozone height profiles. Results are presented

    Activation gaps for the fractional quantum Hall effect: realistic treatment of transverse thickness

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    The activation gaps for fractional quantum Hall states at filling fractions ν=n/(2n+1)\nu=n/(2n+1) are computed for heterojunction, square quantum well, as well as parabolic quantum well geometries, using an interaction potential calculated from a self-consistent electronic structure calculation in the local density approximation. The finite thickness is estimated to make \sim30% correction to the gap in the heterojunction geometry for typical parameters, which accounts for roughly half of the discrepancy between the experiment and theoretical gaps computed for a pure two dimensional system. Certain model interactions are also considered. It is found that the activation energies behave qualitatively differently depending on whether the interaction is of longer or shorter range than the Coulomb interaction; there are indications that fractional Hall states close to the Fermi sea are destabilized for the latter.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figure

    Cumulative effect of Forbush decreases in the heliospheric modulation during the present solar cycle

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    A monthly Forbush decrease index (Fd-I) is generated and it is compared with the observed long term chnges in the cosmic ray intensity near earth at energies greater than or equal to 1 Gev over 1976-83. Significant correlation is observed between the two except for 1978. Such an effect is also seen in the correlation plot between the solar flare index (SFI) and Fd-I

    Evolutionary dynamics of the most populated genotype on rugged fitness landscapes

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    We consider an asexual population evolving on rugged fitness landscapes which are defined on the multi-dimensional genotypic space and have many local optima. We track the most populated genotype as it changes when the population jumps from a fitness peak to a better one during the process of adaptation. This is done using the dynamics of the shell model which is a simplified version of the quasispecies model for infinite populations and standard Wright-Fisher dynamics for large finite populations. We show that the population fraction of a genotype obtained within the quasispecies model and the shell model match for fit genotypes and at short times, but the dynamics of the two models are identical for questions related to the most populated genotype. We calculate exactly several properties of the jumps in infinite populations some of which were obtained numerically in previous works. We also present our preliminary simulation results for finite populations. In particular, we measure the jump distribution in time and find that it decays as t2t^{-2} as in the quasispecies problem.Comment: Minor changes. To appear in Phys Rev

    Recovery Guarantees for One-hidden-layer Neural Networks

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    In this paper, we consider regression problems with one-hidden-layer neural networks (1NNs). We distill some properties of activation functions that lead to local strong convexity\mathit{local~strong~convexity} in the neighborhood of the ground-truth parameters for the 1NN squared-loss objective. Most popular nonlinear activation functions satisfy the distilled properties, including rectified linear units (ReLUs), leaky ReLUs, squared ReLUs and sigmoids. For activation functions that are also smooth, we show local linear convergence\mathit{local~linear~convergence} guarantees of gradient descent under a resampling rule. For homogeneous activations, we show tensor methods are able to initialize the parameters to fall into the local strong convexity region. As a result, tensor initialization followed by gradient descent is guaranteed to recover the ground truth with sample complexity dlog(1/ϵ)poly(k,λ) d \cdot \log(1/\epsilon) \cdot \mathrm{poly}(k,\lambda ) and computational complexity ndpoly(k,λ)n\cdot d \cdot \mathrm{poly}(k,\lambda) for smooth homogeneous activations with high probability, where dd is the dimension of the input, kk (kdk\leq d) is the number of hidden nodes, λ\lambda is a conditioning property of the ground-truth parameter matrix between the input layer and the hidden layer, ϵ\epsilon is the targeted precision and nn is the number of samples. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that provides recovery guarantees for 1NNs with both sample complexity and computational complexity linear\mathit{linear} in the input dimension and logarithmic\mathit{logarithmic} in the precision.Comment: ICML 201

    Ozone height profiles using laser heterodyne radiometer

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    The monitoring of vertical profiles of ozone and related minor constituents in the atmosphere are of great significance to understanding the complex interaction between atmospheric dynamics, chemistry and radiation budget. An ultra high spectral resolution tunable CO2 laser heterodyne radiometer has been designed, developed and set up at the National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi to obtain vertical profiles of various minor constituents the characteristic absorption lines in 9 to 11 micron spectral range. Due to its high spectral resolution the lines can be resolved completely and data obtained are inverted to get vertical profiles using an inversion technique developed by the author. In the present communication the salient features of the laser heterodyne system and the results obtained are discussed in detail

    Emulating Non-Abelian Topological Matter in Cold Atom Optical Lattices

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    Certain proposed extended Bose-Hubbard models may exhibit topologically ordered ground states with excitations obeying non-Abelian braid statistics. A sufficient tuning of Hubbard parameters could yield excitation braiding rules allowing implementation of a universal set of topologically protected quantum gates. We discuss potential difficulties in realizing a model with a proposed non-Abelian topologically ordered ground state using optical lattices containing bosonic dipoles. Our direct implementation scheme does not realize the necessary anisotropic hopping, anisotropic interactions, and low temperatures