1,190 research outputs found

    Radical Dissents in International Criminal Trials

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    Indian Hindi Cinema and Queer Gaze: Presentation Of LGBTQ+ In Bollywood

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    Cinema has long been a pillar of our culture. On a variety of subjects, it shocked, amused, inspired, and exceeded hopes and expectations. Film is also seen as a powerful tool for accelerating social change, subtly influencing society's way of thinking. Indian cinema is said to have different genres as they should appeal to a wide range of audiences. The topic undergoes constant paradigm shifts. Various epics, myths, tales, and retellings of side stories were shown at the beginning of the movie. The film then highlighted the ideas of the freedom movement and Gandhi's philosophy. More recently, true events have been incorporated and film actors have waged battles for social justice. In addition, through widespread publicity, they started enacting important changes that affected politics and other political dramas. The contents of the film are frequently taken from society and vice versa, and the term is used to designate a broad range of sexual identities, including non-cisgender. Without a doubt, the LGBT movement in India has benefited enormously from the movies. Like many other modern social movements, the Indian queer movement seeks to change society. a shift in our perception of sexuality away from seeing it as a passing phase. His objective is to dismantle the constructed barriers of predominate notions that characterize the typical adult's sexual world

    Comparative International Law at the ICTY: The General Principles Experiment

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    For a significant period of time, the comparativist and the international lawyer were con- sidered to inhabit different worlds: the former scrutinized similarities and differences between domestic legal systems while the latter focused on the universal realm of international law that overlays these systems. This comfortably segregated image has been conclusively shattered by numerous studies demonstrating the multiple areas of interaction between international and comparative law.1 Of these, one of the ripest areas for further reflection is the “general prin- ciples of law” as a source of international law. Puzzlingly, given the traditional domestic law origins of the general principles of law, comparative law and methodology have rarely featured in the scholarship and jurisprudence on the general principles.2 Thus, the attempt of the Inter- national Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) to use the general principles as a freestanding source of international criminal law provides a particularly intriguing oppor- tunity to study the interaction between international and comparative law

    The Many Inequalities of International Law

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    Axon guided axon growth in DRG neurons from the spinal cord of rat embryos

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    Early studies in the area of neuronal physiology and injury have shown that axons are guided by a number of physical as well as chemical cues. Although the guidance effect of initial axons and their processes on later axons has been shown from a development point of view, little light has been thrown on the subject from the injury point of view. This important ability of axons which plays a key role during development and formation of neuronal networks could become crucial in repairing damaged nerves and disrupted neuronal tracts. In the following study, the guidance effect of an older population of neurons on a younger population was studied using a specialized PDMS well. Embryonic DRGs derived from rats were used for the study and it was found that axons could be guided by other axons. The cues or the signaling mechanism responsible appeared to be contact dependent. However, more studies should be done in this direction to verify these results

    Moral Panic, Social Exclusion and The Human Rights of Same-Sex Partners in Ghana

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    At the core of this chapter is a thematic analysis of media portrayal of same-sex partnership in the Ghanaian public sphere. The chapter ponders how media products affect societal framing and (mis)understanding of homosexual identity and activities. It interrogates the function the Ghanaian media plays in the framing of same-sex activities and the notion (misperception) people have about same-sex partners. The chapter thus situates the exclusion of same-sex partners within the context of mediatization of their sexual lifestyles. What appears as stigmatized and discriminative treatment as well as social exclusion of same-sex partners, the chapter contends, is partly a result of the fear that same-sex lifestyles will lead to the destruction of heterosexual relationship and the eventual disintegration of society

    Interpretive Divergence

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