40,139 research outputs found

    Relevance of inter-composite fermion interaction to the edge Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid

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    It is shown that Wen's effective theory correctly describes the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid at the edge of a system of non-interacting composite fermions. However, the weak residual interaction between composite fermions appears to be a relevant perturbation. The filling factor dependence of the Tomonaga-Luttinger parameter is estimated for interacting composite fermions in a microscopic approach and satisfactory agreement with experiment is achieved. It is suggested that the electron field operator may not have a simple representation in the effective one dimensional theory.Comment: 5 pages; accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    Two-dimensional electron system in high magnetic fields: Wigner crystal vs. composite-fermion liquid

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    The two dimensional system of electrons in a high magnetic field offers an opportunity to investigate a phase transition from a quantum liquid into a Wigner solid. Recent experiments have revealed an incipient composite fermion liquid in a parameter range where theory and many experiments had previously suggested the Wigner crystal phase, thus calling into question our current understanding. This Letter shows how very small quantitative corrections (< 1%) in the energy due to the weak interaction between composite fermions can cause a fundamental change in the nature of the ground state, thus providing insight into the puzzling experimental results.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    A flat space-time model of the Universe

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    We propose a model of the Universe based on Minkowski flat space-time metric. In this model the space-time does not evolve. Instead the matter evolves such that all the mass parameters increase with time. We construct a model based on unimodular gravity to show how this can be accomplished within the framework of flat space-time. We show that the model predicts the Hubble law if the masses increase with time. Furthermore we show that it fits the high z supernova data in a manner almost identical to the standard Big Bang model. Furthermore we show that at early times the Universe is dominated by radiative energy density. The phenomenon of recombination also arises in our model and hence predicts the existence of CMBR. However a major difference with the standard Big Bang is that the radiative temperature and energy density does not evolve in our model. Furthermore we argue that the basic motivation for inflation is absent in our model.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, changes in presentatio

    A Simple Method for Computing the Non-Linear Mass Correlation Function with Implications for Stable Clustering

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    We propose a simple and accurate method for computing analytically the mass correlation function for cold dark matter and scale-free models that fits N-body simulations over a range that extends from the linear to the strongly non-linear regime. The method, based on the dynamical evolution of the pair conservation equation, relies on a universal relation between the pair-wise velocity and the smoothed correlation function valid for high and low density models, as derived empirically from N-body simulations. An intriguing alternative relation, based on the stable-clustering hypothesis, predicts a power-law behavior of the mass correlation function that disagrees with N-body simulations but conforms well to the observed galaxy correlation function if negligible bias is assumed. The method is a useful tool for rapidly exploring a wide span of models and, at the same time, raises new questions about large scale structure formation.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Nonuniversal exponents in sandpiles with stochastic particle number transfer

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    We study fixed density sandpiles in which the number of particles transferred to a neighbor on relaxing an active site is determined stochastically by a parameter pp. Using an argument, the critical density at which an active-absorbing transition occurs is found exactly. We study the critical behavior numerically and find that the exponents associated with both static and time-dependent quantities vary continuously with pp.Comment: Some parts rewritten, results unchanged. To appear in Europhys. Let

    Activation gaps for the fractional quantum Hall effect: realistic treatment of transverse thickness

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    The activation gaps for fractional quantum Hall states at filling fractions ν=n/(2n+1)\nu=n/(2n+1) are computed for heterojunction, square quantum well, as well as parabolic quantum well geometries, using an interaction potential calculated from a self-consistent electronic structure calculation in the local density approximation. The finite thickness is estimated to make \sim30% correction to the gap in the heterojunction geometry for typical parameters, which accounts for roughly half of the discrepancy between the experiment and theoretical gaps computed for a pure two dimensional system. Certain model interactions are also considered. It is found that the activation energies behave qualitatively differently depending on whether the interaction is of longer or shorter range than the Coulomb interaction; there are indications that fractional Hall states close to the Fermi sea are destabilized for the latter.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figure

    Adaptation dynamics of the quasispecies model

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    We study the adaptation dynamics of an initially maladapted population evolving via the elementary processes of mutation and selection. The evolution occurs on rugged fitness landscapes which are defined on the multi-dimensional genotypic space and have many local peaks separated by low fitness valleys. We mainly focus on the Eigen's model that describes the deterministic dynamics of an infinite number of self-replicating molecules. In the stationary state, for small mutation rates such a population forms a {\it quasispecies} which consists of the fittest genotype and its closely related mutants. The quasispecies dynamics on rugged fitness landscape follow a punctuated (or step-like) pattern in which a population jumps from a low fitness peak to a higher one, stays there for a considerable time before shifting the peak again and eventually reaches the global maximum of the fitness landscape. We calculate exactly several properties of this dynamical process within a simplified version of the quasispecies model.Comment: Proceedings of Statphys conference at IIT Guwahati, to be published in Praman