177 research outputs found

    Evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding with transvaginal sonography and hysteroscopy in perimenopausal women

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    Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding is defined as any deviation from the normal menstrual cycle this include change in regularity, frequency of menses, duration or amount of bleeding during or in between periods. Objective of present study was to evaluate abnormal uterine bleeding with transvaginal sonography and hysteroscopy in perimenopausal women.Methods: This study is conducted on women presenting to the gynecological OPD with complain of abnormal uterine bleeding in perimenopausal age group. A total of 50 patients were subjected to transvaginal sonography and Diagnostic hysteroscopy.Results: On TVS, out of total 50 patients, 50% patient showed normal endometrial finding. 24% Patient showed Endometrial hyperplasia, 14% Endometrial Polyp, 8% Submucosal fibroid, 4% Adenomyosis. On TVS, out of total 50 patient, 50% patient showed normal endometrial finding. 24% Patient showed endometrial hyperplasia, 14% endometrial Polyp, 8% submucosal fibroid, 4% adenomyosis. Out of total 50 patients, 28 (56%) showed normal endometrial finding.20% cases showed endometrial Hyperplasia, 16% showed endometrial Polyp, 8% showed submucosal fibroid. Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV of endometrial hyperplasia – 81.81%, 92.3%, 75%, 94.73% respectively.Conclusions: Transvaginal sonography has a moderate diagnostic accuracy in detecting endometrial hyperplasia and other intrauterine pathology. TVS is safe, acceptable and easily available & is noninvasive. It should be used as 1st line diagnostic tool in patients with AUB in perimenopausal women. Hysteroscopy has important tool in the diagnosis of various endometrial and intrauterine lesions TVS and hysteroscopy should be employed hand in hand in evaluation of AUB

    Salinity induced changes in ascorbic acid, hydrogen peroxide, lipid peroxidation and glutathione content in leaves of salt tolerant and salt-susceptible cultivars of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

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    The present study was carried out to investigate the effect of NaCl salinization onascorbate content, hydrogen peroxide content and lipid peroxidation in seedlings of saltsensitive(H-1236) and salt-tolerant (H-1226) American cotton genotypes. A nonsignificantchange was observed in ascorbate content in salt-tolerant (H-1226) genotypewhen exposed to salt stress, while there was a significant increase of 33.7% in sensitivegenotype (H-1236). Enhancement in hydrogen peroxide content was observed in both thegenotypes upon NaCl treatment. The basal level of hydrogen peroxide content was higherin sensitive genotype (87.2 μmoles/gFW) as compared to the tolerant genotype (67.9μmoles/gFW). The leaves of both the genotypes showed higher level of malondialdehydecontent when subjected to salt stress, however, the extent of enhancement was more insensitive genotype (182%) as compared to that in tolerant genotype (140%)

    Paternally inherited trisomy at D21S11 and mutation at DXS10135 microsatellite marker in a case of fetus paternity establishment

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    AbstractThe case of establishment of paternity of an aborted fetus was examined with 15 autosomal STR markers. The genotype of the fetus was X at amelogenin marker and showed inheritance of both the alleles of father at D21S11 marker, thus displaying unusual tri-allelic pattern. The cases where mutation in any of biparental autosomal STR markers is observed, the use of additional STR marker system is recommended. On testing all the three samples with 12 X-STR markers, all the maternal and paternal alleles were accounted in the female fetus except at DXS10135 marker. The genotypes of mother, fetus and father at DXS10135 were 20, 22; 20, 20 and 21, which confirmed mutation of the paternal allele in the female fetus. The paternal allele contracted from 21 to 20. The allele peak heights of D21S11 and DXS10135 markers were also examined to rule out the possibility of any false allele. The probability of paternity was 0.99999999, which confirmed the paternity of the fetus. This paper presents unusual occurrence of mutation observed with two multiplex STR systems, with AmpflSTR identifier plus Kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) and Investigator Argus X-12 multiplex kit (Qiagen, Germany), thus suggesting forensic DNA experts on high alert while interpreting the DNA test results

    Oksidacijski stres i antioksidacijski sustav u plodovima voća Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. tijekom sazrijevanja

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    The present investigations were undertaken to ascertain the extent of lipid peroxidation, oxidative stress and antioxidative system during ripening of two varieties of ber fruits (Ziziphus mauritiana Lam.) differing in their shelf lives, viz. Umran (8–9 days) and Kaithali (4–5 days). Based on visual observations, fruits were categorized as immature green (IG), mature green (MG), turning colour (TC), ripe (R) and overripe (OR). Lipoxygenase (LOX) activity, malondialdehyde (MDA) value and H2O2 content increased significantly during ripening in both varieties, obtaining 3-, 3- and 2.5-fold increase in Umran and 4-, 3.5- and 3-fold increase in Kaithali, respectively. Kaithali being short-lived variety, exhibited higher values of these parameters at almost all the stages of fruit ripening. Activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione reductase (GR) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) increased during initial stages but thereafter decreased, whereas that of peroxidase (POX) decreased continuously during ripening. On the other hand, catalase (CAT) activity increased continuously as ripening progressed. In general, antioxidative enzymes exhibited comparatively higher activity in Umran. Total ascorbic acid content increased from IG to TC stage, while total glutathione increased up to MG stage and thereafter decreased in both varieties. Kaithali had higher content of ascorbate than Umran. β-Carotene and α-tocopherol also decreased as ripening progressed. However, the decrease was more pronounced in Umran as compared to Kaithali.Svrha je ovog istraživanja bila utvrditi razinu peroksidacije lipida, oksidacijski stres i antioksidacijski sustav u plodovima voća Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. pri različitom vremenu skladištenja, i to sorte Umran od 8 do 9 dana i sorte Kaithali od 4 do 5 dana. Vizualnim su pregledom plodovi svrstani u ove skupine: nezreli zeleni plodovi, sazreli zeleni plodovi, dozreli plodovi koji su promijenili boju te zreli i prezreli plodovi. Pri sazrijevanju obje sorte bitno se povećala aktivnost lipoksigenaze, i to tri puta u plodovima sorte Umran, a četiri puta u plodovima sorte Kaithali, kao i udjeli malondialdehida, koji su bili trostruko veći u obje sorte nakon zrenja. Udjel je vodikova peroksida nakon zrenja plodova bio dvostruko veći u plodovima sorte Umran i trostruko veći u plodovima sorte Kaithali. Plodovi sorte Kaithali imaju kraći rok trajanja od plodova sorte Umran, što se vidi iz većih vrijednosti ispitivanih parametara u gotovo svim fazama sazrijevanja voća. Aktivnosti superoksid dismutaze, glutation reduktaze i askorbat peroksidaze povećale su se u prvim fazama sazrijevanja plodova, ali su se nakon toga smanjile, dok se aktivnost peroksidaze kontinuirano smanjivala tijekom zrenja voća. S druge strane, aktivnost se katalaze neprestano pojačavala. Antioksidacijski su enzimi imali veću aktivnost u plodovima sorte Umran. Ukupni se udjel askorbinske kiseline povećao u dozrelim plodovima koji su promijenili boju, u usporedbi s nezrelim plodovima. Udjel je glutationa bio veći u sazrelim nego u nezrelim zelenim plodovima, a nakon toga se sazrijevanjem plodova smanjivao u obje sorte voća. Sorta Kaithali imala je veći udjel askorbata od sorte Umrani. Udjel se β-karotena i α-tokoferola smanjivao tijekom sazrijevanja plodova, što je bilo izraženije u plodovima sorte Umran nego u onima sorte Kaithali

    Anaesthetic management in a case of large plunging ranula with difficult airway: A case report

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    AbstractPlunging ranula is a mucous retention cyst found on the floor of mouth which arises from the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands extending to lateral aspect of neck, which may often cause potential airway obstruction leading to difficulty in airway management. A forty year old female patient was admitted to our hospital with large, painless swelling in the floor of mouth extending to the lateral part of body of mandible and neck. This intraoral swelling distorted the normal airway anatomy thus making airway management difficult as the patient was planned for excision of swelling under general anaesthesia. So we present a case of successful management of a difficult airway by using awake fibre optic intubation in a patient posted for excision of a large plunging ranula under general anaesthesia

    Utjecaj metabolizma stanične stijenke na dozrijevanje plodova voća Ziziphus mauritiana

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    Two ber varieties differing in their shelf lives (Umran, 8 to 9 and Illaichi, 4 to 5 days) were analyzed for cell wall components, cell wall degrading enzymes and their isoenzyme profile at immature green, mature green, turning colour, ripe and overripe stages of ripening. Cellulose and pectin contents decreased during ripening in both varieties. This decrease was accompanied by a corresponding increase in pectin methylesterase, polygalacturonase and cellulase. The increase in the activity of pectin methylesterase was about 20- and 10-fold, that of polygalacturonase about 8.4- and 5.7-fold, and of cellulase 5.5- and 4.4-fold in Umran and Illaichi, respectively. The basal level of activities of all these enzymes was higher at all the stages of ripening in Illaichi variety, having short shelf life, as compared to Umran, with long shelf life. This was further confirmed by the intensity of isoenzyme bands of these enzymes. The isoenzyme profile also revealed that two isoenzymes of each, pectin methylesterase and polygalacturonase, and one of cellulase could be considered as isoenzymes responsible for the softening of cell wall during ripening and could be potential targets for manipulation to delay softening during ripening.U radu su ispitane dvije sorte voća Ziziphus mauritiana koje se razlikuju prema roku trajanja, i to sorta Umran (roka trajanja od 8 do 9 dana) i sorta Illaichi (roka trajanja od 4 do 5 dana). Analizirani su sastojci stanične stijenke, enzimi koji ju razgrađuju te njihovi izoenzimi u nezrelim zelenim, dozrelim zelenim plodovima i onima koji su promijenili boju, te u zrelim i prezrelim plodovima. Udjel se celuloze i pektina smanjivao tijekom dozrijevanja u obje sorte, što je uzrokovalo povećanje udjela pektin metilesteraze (u sorti Umran 20 puta, a u sorti Illaichi 10 puta), poligalakturonaze (8,4 i 5,7 puta) i celulaze (5,5 i 4,4 puta). U svim su fazama dozrijevanja voća osnovne aktivnosti tih enzima bile izraženije u sorti Illaichi, što potvrđuje i intenzitet njihovih izoenzimskih vrpci. Iz izoenzimskog je profila pektin metilesteraze, poligalakturonaze i celulaze vidljivo da ti enzimi razgrađuju staničnu stijenku tijekom dozrijevanja plodova, te da se njihovom inaktivacijom taj proces može usporiti

    Foreign body rectum: A case report

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    Rectal foreign bodies are confronted frequently in a surgical emergency. These are often related to sexual behaviour. Due to the fear of social embarrassment, patients tend to hide the facts associated with the incident and present late. Because of the serious complications, foreign body rectum should be considered as an emergency and managed in a well-organised manner. Diagnosis can be made by clinical and radiological examination. In the majority of cases, the transanal approach is successful. Laparotomy is reserved for cases with perforation or peritonitis. Here, we report the case of a 24-year-old male who inserted an electrical beard trimmer in his rectum under alcohol intoxication. Since transanal removal failed, emergency laparotomy with successful removal of foreign body was done

    Evaluation of Reid’s Combined Colposcopic Index as a predictor of cervical intraepithelial lesion

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    Background: Carcinoma cervix is the commonest cancer among women worldwide and in India it accounts for 80% of all genital cancers. Screening methods include cervical cytology, human papilloma virus testing and colposcopy. Objective of present study was to evaluate suspicious cervix colposcopically using Reids Colposcopic Index (RCI) and to correlate RCI with histopathological findings.Methods: This was a prospective cross sectional study done on 125 women with clinical diagnosis of suspicious cervix. Colposcopy was performed and grading of the disease was done according to RCI. Positive cases were subjected to cervical biopsy and endocervical curettage was performed in unsatisfactory colposcopy.Results: Colposcopy was done on 125 women with suspicious cervix. Out of 125, sixty two showed abnormal colposcopic findings which were graded according to RCI into Low grade disease predicting histological diagnosis of CIN1 in 47, Intermediate grade disease predicting histological diagnosis of CIN1/2 in 11 and High grade disease predicting histological diagnosis of CIN2/3 in 4 women. Colposcopy of one women suggested invasive carcinoma and was confirmed on histopathology to be microinvasive squamous cell carcinoma. Six women with unsatisfactory colposcopy showed benign histopathology. Sensitivity, specificity, predictive value and false negative rate of colposcopy for invasive disease was 50%, 100%, 100% and 1.60% respectively with 98.40% diagnostic accuracy. Colposcopic diagnosis of invasive disease and histopathology report showed 100% correlation.Conclusions: Correlation between RCI and histopathology was good. Predictive accuracy of colposcopy increased with increasing severity of disease

    Biochemical assessment of nutritional status in Indian mustard

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    The present investigation was carried out to evaluate the nutritional potential of five different Indian mustard genotypes. Fatty acid composition was determined in the oil, whereas seed meal was analyzed for limiting amino acids (tryptophan and methionine), protein content, glucosinolate content and antioxidant potential (DPPH free radical scavenging activity, total antioxidant activity and iron chelating activity). The monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) were found to be maximum in RH 0749 (58.70 %) followed by RH (OE) 0801 (48.91 %), JM 6011 (47.03 %), EC 597328 and EC 597340 (45.77 %). Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were observed maximum in EC 597340 (47.45 %).Glucosinolate content ranged from 42.80 (EC 597328) to 79.79 ?mole/g defatted seed meal (EC 597340). The methanolic seed meal extract exhibited a concentration dependent elimination of DPPH free radicals. All the five genotypes showed about 50 % inhibition in 3.0 mg of dry seed meal. The highest total antioxidant activity (20.41mg/g) and metal ion chelating activity (32.58 %) was observed in RH 0749. Protein content varied from 33.57 [RH (OE) 0801] to 38.01 % (RH 0749). Maximum methionine and tryptophan content were recorded in RH 0749 (0.99 and 1.01 g/100g protein, respectively). Thus, RH 0749 was observed as a potent variety in terms of total antioxidant activity, metal ion chelating activity, protein content, methionine and tryptophan content