40,457 research outputs found
Dark Energy and the Statistical Study of the Observed Image Separations of the Multiply Imaged Systems in the CLASS Statistical Sample
The present day observations favour a universe which is flat, accelerated and
composed of matter (baryonic + dark) and of a negative
pressure component, usually referred to as dark energy or quintessence. The
Cosmic Lens All Sky Survey (CLASS), the largest radio-selected galactic mass
scale gravitational lens search project to date, has resulted in the largest
sample suitable for statistical analyses. In the work presented here, we
exploit observed image separations of the multiply imaged lensed radio sources
in the sample. We use two different tests: (1) image separation distribution
function of the lensed radio sources and (2)
{\dtheta}_{\mathrm{pred}} vs {\dtheta}_{\mathrm{obs}} as observational
tools to constrain the cosmological parameters and \Om. The results are
in concordance with the bounds imposed by other cosmological tests.Comment: 20 pages latex; Modified " Results and Discussion " section, new
references adde
Laser heterodyne system for obtaining height profiles of minor species in the atmosphere
An infrared laser heterodyne system for obtaining height profiles of minor constituents of the atmosphere was developed and erected. A brief discription of the system is given. The system consists of a tunable CO2 waveguide laser in the 9 to 11 micrometer band, that is used as a local oscillator and a heliostat that follows the sun and brings in solar radiation, that is mixed with the laser beam in a high speed liquid nitrogen cooled mercury cadmium telluride detector. The detected signal is analysed in a RF spectrum analyser that allows tracing absorption line profiles. Absorption lines of a number of minor constituents in the troposphere and stratosphere, such as O3, NH3, H2O, SO2, ClO, N2O, are in the 9 to 11 micrometer band and overlap with that of CO2 laser range. The experimental system has been made operational and trial observations taken. Current measurements are limited to ozone height profiles. Results are presented
Fractional statistics in the fractional quantum Hall effect
A microscopic confirmation of the fractional statistics of the {\em
quasiparticles} in the fractional quantum Hall effect has so far been lacking.
We calculate the statistics of the composite-fermion quasiparticles at
and by evaluating the Berry phase for a closed loop
encircling another composite-fermion quasiparticle. A careful consideration of
subtle perturbations in the trajectory due to the presence of an additional
quasiparticle is crucial for obtaining the correct value of the statistics. The
conditions for the applicability of the fractional statistics concept are
discussed.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres
Logarithmic temperature dependence of conductivity at half-integer filling factors: Evidence for interaction between composite fermions
We have studied the temperature dependence of diagonal conductivity in
high-mobility two-dimensional samples at filling factors and 3/2 at
low temperatures. We observe a logarithmic dependence on temperature, from our
lowest temperature of 13 mK up to 400 mK. We attribute the logarithmic
correction to the effects of interaction between composite fermions, analogous
to the Altshuler-Aronov type correction for electrons at zero magnetic field.
The paper is accepted for publication in Physical Review B, Rapid
Communications.Comment: uses revtex macro
Precision measurement of cosmic magnification from 21 cm emitting galaxies
We show how precision lensing measurements can be obtained through the
lensing magnification effect in high redshift 21cm emission from galaxies.
Normally, cosmic magnification measurements have been seriously complicated by
galaxy clustering. With precise redshifts obtained from 21cm emission line
wavelength, one can correlate galaxies at different source planes, or exclude
close pairs to eliminate such contaminations.
We provide forecasts for future surveys, specifically the SKA and CLAR. SKA
can achieve percent precision on the dark matter power spectrum and the galaxy
dark matter cross correlation power spectrum, while CLAR can measure an
accurate cross correlation power spectrum. The neutral hydrogen fraction was
most likely significantly higher at high redshifts, which improves the number
of observed galaxies significantly, such that also CLAR can measure the dark
matter lensing power spectrum. SKA can also allow precise measurement of
lensing bispectrum.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. Accepted to MNRAS. We deleted two figures and
shortened the paper to meet MNRAS's requirement. All main results remain
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