5 research outputs found

    La Cultura de la Cancelaci贸n y su influencia en productos audiovisuales: The Morning Show.

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    Internet influye cada vez m谩s en la forma en la que nos relacionamos y comunicamos entre nosotros. Uno de los conceptos que ha surgido estos 煤ltimos a帽os es la cultura de la cancelaci贸n, mediante la cual se cancela, censura o silencia a aquel que piense o act煤e de distinta forma a lo que la sociedad piensa que es correcto. Esta cultura de la cancelaci贸n se ha extendido llegando incluso a ser el punto principal de una serie de televisi贸n. En este trabajo se analizar谩 el concepto y c贸mo la serie de televisi贸n The Morning Show ha estructurado su trama en torno a la cultura de la cancelaci贸n.<br /

    Knowledge exploitation from the web

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    Abstract. In the framework of Knowledge Management, the Internet can be a valuable source of information to produce new Knowledge. Here, an ontologybased web search system to ease the enterprise managers in the process of discovering new knowledge from the documents in the Internet is introduced. By means of a graphical user interface, the user of the system supplies an ontology in RDF to describe the domain of interest, and sets up some predefined parameters in order to constrain the search corpus. A distributed intelligent process works to achieve the levels of quality and quantity about the results that the user established. Several ideas about how to use this system and its application to seven real domains are also supplied.