8 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: of Development of metabolic and inflammatory mediator biomarker phenotyping for early diagnosis and triage of pediatric sepsis

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    Results of the metabolomic and protein mediator biomarker phenotyping in the two age subgroups. This file contains six figures depicting the results for the age subgroups and a seventh figure showing the loading plots that demonstrate which metabolites and/or inflammatory protein mediators contribute most to each component in the PCA models for the age 2–17-year-old cohort. (PDF 4020 kb

    The regression coefficient plots for the statistically significant (p <0.05) metabolites and inflammatory mediators distinguishing children with and without appendicitis.

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    <p>Red bars with positive coefficient values represent increased concentrations in the appendicitis samples, and black bars with negative values represent reduced concentration in the appendicitis patients, compared with control samples. Abbreviations: PC-Phosphatidylcholine, SAA-Serum amyloid A, CRP-C-reactive protein, HGF-Hepatocyte growth factor, IL-16-Interleukin-16, and TRAIL-Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand.</p

    Metabolomic and inflammatory mediator based biomarker profiling as a potential novel method to aid pediatric appendicitis identification - Fig 2

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    <p>OPLS-DA score scatter plots distinguishing pediatric appendicitis patients from pediatric control patients using <b>(a)</b> metabolic profile (R<sup>2</sup>Y = 0.74, Q<sup>2</sup> = 0.54), <b>(b)</b> inflammatory mediator profile (R<sup>2</sup>Y = 0.75, Q<sup>2</sup> = 0.63), and (c) integrated metabolic and inflammatory mediator profile (R<sup>2</sup>Y = 0.69, Q<sup>2</sup> = 0.67). Red diamonds represent the pediatric appendicitis patients and black diamonds represent the pediatric control patients.</p

    Metabolomic and inflammatory mediator based biomarker profiling as a potential novel method to aid pediatric appendicitis identification - Fig 1

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    <p>Three-dimensional PCA-X score scatter plots of pediatric patients with and without appendicitis using <b>(a)</b> metabolic profile and <b>(b)</b> inflammatory mediator profile and (<b>c</b>) integrated metabolic and inflammatory mediator profile, based on three principle components- PC1, PC2 and PC3. Red tetrahedrons represent the pediatric appendicitis patients and black tetrahedrons represent the pediatric control patients.</p