19 research outputs found

    Successful Design of Electronic Commerce Environment: On the Role of Sense of Presence in User Behavior

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    Despite the various benefits of the Internet/World Wide Web (Web) as a business transaction tool, such as lower search cost and greater selection of goods [Bakos 1998], and the millions of web-site visits, serious conduct of electronic commerce (EC) on the web by individual consumers does not appear to have taken root [Jarvenpaa & Todd 1997]. Notwithstanding security and privacy concerns [Kiely 1997], it appears that the current EC systems do not address varying levels of user needs. They fail to provide the rich commerce environment that users typically experience in a physical world; this deficiency might fail to arouse motivation or interest in carrying out “real transactions”. For instance, in a physical commerce environment, consumers can touch and feel the products and freely communicate with sellers about the products they want to buy. On the contrary, consumers in an EC environment might find it difficult to deal with the inherent nature of virtuality in their interaction, especially in a poorly designed EC environment where users might be uncomfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity caused by lack of interaction with products and sellers

    Adoption of XML Specifications: An Exploratory Study of Industry Practices

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    Factors Affecting Volunteer Participants\u27 Performance in the Virtual Community: The Case of Knowledge Sharing Website

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    Virtual community has gained much attention from academia and practice due to its great outcomes and potentials. One of the major issues here is how the virtual communities made such enormous outcomes with little control and reward, as wikipedia or Linux did. This study assumes that the voluntary participant’s performance has a direct impact on the productivity of the virtual community, and tries to find factors affecting the participant’s performance in the virtual community. We employ as theoretical bases Expectancy Theory, Goal Setting Theory, and literatures related with volunteers’ motivation. This study conducts the email survey from participants of knowledge service community of NHN, a leading Korean online company. We find that high-performing participants have individual ability, goal congruence, and the greater level of effort motivated by personal or collective functions

    The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and eBusiness: Significance and Impact

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    Investigating Usefulness Configurations of Online Consumer Reviews: A Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis

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    Online reviews have a significant impact on consumers’ purchasing decisions. Many researchers have studied the relationship between review usefulness based on various factors related to online review, but existing studies have focused only on the linear relationship between variables methodologically. Therefore, this study examines the usefulness of online reviews from a configurational perspective derived from the complex interactions between elements, and aims to identify how these configurations differ according to product types. This study developed a conceptual model by combining HSM and ELM based on the theoretical discussion on the information processing and analyzed 7,316 cases collected from Amazon.com using fsQCA. As a result, three configurations affecting online usefulness were derived from search goods and four from experience goods. In short, consumers consume reviews through the complex interaction of various factors related to reviews, and the factors affecting the usefulness of search goods and experience goods are different

    Intelligent Electronic Facilitator: Increasing GDSS Effectiveness and Making Web-Based GDSS Possible

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    Facilitation is considered one of the most critical factors in the successful use of group decision support systems (GDSS). Human facilitation is constrained by cost, availability, and consistency. These constraints are magnified when GDSS is implemented over the World Wide Web. In this paper, we explore the limitations of reliance solely on the human facilitation and propose the intelligent electronic facilitator (IEF) for supporting human facilitators. We hypothesize that a GDSS augmented with the IEF will improve the process and outcome of GDSS use. We develop an IEF prototype, and use it to test the validity of our hypothesis

    Product Complexity, Richness of Web-based Electronic Commerce Systems and System Success: A Proposed Research Framework

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    Despite the popularity of the Internet/World Wide Web (Web) and the millions of web-site visits, serious conduct of electronic commerce (EC) on the web by individual consumers does not appear to have taken root. Notwithstanding security and privacy concerns, it appears that the current EC systems do not address varying levels of user needs. They fail to arouse user interest and motivation to carry out “real transactions.” This research proposes a model to argue that a “fit” between product complexity and richness of the EC environment can trigger favorable consumer behavior

    Empirical Investigation into Impact of Electronic Commerce Systems Richness on User Behavior: The Case of a Complex Product

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    There is no doubt that growth of electronic commerce (EC) on the Internet/Web is only going to accelerate even more. However, given that commerce in these environments are virtual in nature and that most consumers feel uncomfortable with this virtuality a more compelling issue is how can the EC environments be made more acceptable to consumers to approximate their real-world physical store purchases behavior. Drawing upon previous literature, this study uses the theme of “fit” between EC environment and the product type, develops four different prototype systems depicting different EC environments, and using laboratory-based experiments examines the influence of “fit” on four user outcomes. Significant support to the “fit” theory is obtained

    Study on the Innovation of South Korean Mobile Telecommunication Businesses: An Institutional Intervantion Perspective

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    The objective of our research is to understand the innovation pattern of South Korean mobile telecommunication service. In the paper, the case study about SK Telecom was conducted in order to achieve the goal. Especially, the institutional intervention model was adopted as a conceptual map. Based on our qualitative research, we captured the South Korean government did two major roles, which did drive radical innovation. The role of a navigator and the role of a coordinator were investigated under the research methodology, which was framed by Benbasat et al. (1987). The findings of the research contribute to understand roles of the government in the perspective of the institutional intervention model