50 research outputs found

    The behaviour of stock markets in transition economies

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    In the paper we investigate the properties of the stock markets in six transition economies: Slovenia, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. We try to find out, whether the transition has some effect on the stock markets in the sense of Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). According to the empirical work done in this field we suggest methodology, which will be based on a new approach for testing the validly of the EMH. In contrast to other studies, we will not only test the EMH for the whole transition process, but also investigate whether the result are stable over time. This will probably give us some additional information on the transition process in the observed countries

    The behaviour of stock markets in transition economies : is there a transition effects?

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    In the paper we investigate the properties of the stock markets in six transition economies: Slovenia, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. We try to find out, whether the transition has some effect on the stock markets in the sense of Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). According to the empirical work done in this field we suggest methodology, which will be based on a new approach for testing the validly of the EMH. In contrast to other studies, we will not only test the EMH for the whole transition process, but also investigate whether the result are stable over time. This will probably give us some additional information on the transition process in the observed countries

    Vpliv likvidnostnega tveganja na izračun tvegane vrednosti

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    V članku uvajamo likvidnost v standardno analizo tvegane vrednosti. Osnovne VaR modele nadgradimo z informacijami o cenovnem razponu med ponujeno in povpraŔevano ceno naložbe. Nadgrajene modele testiramo na podlagi domačega in tujih naborov delnic. Ugotavljamo, da likvidnostni VaR modeli ob upoŔtevanju predpostavk raziskave primerno ocenjujejo tržna tveganja. Le-ti metodoloŔko na eni strani predstavljajo napredek v okviru obravnave tržnih tveganj, vendar na drugi strani rezultati testiranj modelov kažejo pomanjkanje robustnosti. Glede primerjave rezultatov po naborih delnic pa ugotavljamo, da so rezultati za slovenski nabor kljub manjŔi globini trga primerljivi s tistimi iz tujine.In this article we implement liquidity in the standard value-at-risk framework. We incorporate bid-ask spread into basic VaR models. We then test these models on three foreign markets and on a domestic one. We conclude that liquidity VaR models adequately measure market risk. On one hand, the liquidity VaR methodology represents advancement in market risk analysis, but on the other hand, those models are not yet robust enough to pass all back tests. Comparing the results between markets we conclude that the results for the domestic market are comparable to those of foreign ones despite their size difference

    Auditorā€™s going-concern opinion prediction: the case of Slovenia

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    In an audit of a firmā€™s financial statements, the auditor assesses whether there is material uncertainty about the firmā€™s ability to continue as a going concern. If the existence of material uncertainty is confirmed, the auditor considers the adequacy of the firmā€™s disclosures regarding its going concern in the firmā€™s annual report. Most commonly, if the firmā€™s disclosures are adequate, the auditor issues a going-concern opinion in the auditorā€™s report. The auditor modifies his opinion on firmā€™s financial statements because of auditorā€™s going-concern doubt on the firmā€™s ability to continue as a going-concern rarely in specific circumstances. In the present paper we provide an auditorā€™s going-concern prediction model using various combinations of a firmā€™s economic predictors. A sample data of 14,761 firm-year observations from Slovenia during the period 2005ā€“2013 has been used for the model. The results reveal that firms with a going-concern qualification have a worse financial structure (i.e., lower equity financing rates), worse liquidity, worse efficiency, and worse profitability in comparison to firms without this qualification. Using a logistic regression prediction model for a going concern qualification in auditorā€™s report, qualification can be predicted with sufficient accuracy on a sample data of Slovenian firm

    Identification of auditorā€™s report qualifications: an empirical analysis for Slovenia

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    An auditorā€™s report qualifies a companyā€™s financial statements if the managementā€™s representation of the companyā€™s financial affairs is not in accordance with nationally generally accepted accounting pronouncements. The present research studies the qualification of auditorsā€™ reports in relation to the circumstances in the companyā€™s economic situation that lead to the qualification. Qualifications have been analysed on a sample of 293 large Slovenian companies. The results reveal that companies with qualified auditorsā€™ reports have high indebtedness, low liquidity, low efficiency and poor profitability in comparison with companies with unqualified auditorsā€™ reports. From a statistical viewpoint, a logistic model can distinguish between companies that received a qualified auditorā€™s report and companies that received an unqualified auditorā€™s report on a sample of Slovenian large companies

    Estimating marginal infrastructure cost in new infrastructure charging model

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    Konkurentnost željezničkog prijevoza u usporedbi s cestovnim se smanjuje, naročito na regionalnim željezničkim prugama. Kako bi se poboljÅ”ala ta situacija, EU je donijela razne direktive i pravila u svrhu povećanja učinkovitosti željezničkih poduzeća. U ovom radu predstavljamo organizacijski i ekonomski model koji se zasniva na europskoj politici vođenja lokalnog željezničkog sustava. Organizacijski model se temelji na analizi odluke o viÅ”e kriterija. Za ekonomski smo model primijenili ekonometrijski pristup u procjeni funkcije troÅ”kova i marginalnih troÅ”kova na regionalnim prugama, koji predstavljaju osnovu troÅ”kova na željeznici. Primjenom takvog organizacijskog modela, poboljÅ”at će se funkcioniranje željezničke mreže. Istraživanjem se ustanovilo da bi promjena postojećeg modela izračuna troÅ”kova koriÅ”tenja infrastrukture donijela ekonomske koristi rukovodiocu željezničke infrastrukture i onima koji su zaduženi za promet. Primjenom predloženog modela također smo ustanovili da ima smisla povećati protok robe na nekoriÅ”tenim željezničkim linijama jer su troÅ”kovi održavanja željezničke infrastrukture neelastični u odnosu na prevezene bruto tone.Competitiveness of rail transport compared to road transport has been reducing, especially on regional railway lines. To improve this situation, the EU adopted various directives and regulations to increase efficiency of railway undertakings. In this paper we present an organizational and economic model based on European policies for local railway system. The organizational model is based on multi-criteria decision analysis. For the economic model we used an econometric approach to estimate the cost function and marginal costs in regional lines, which constitute the basis for railway charges. By implementing such an organizational model, the functioning of the railway network will improve. The research found that a change in the existing model of calculating costs of infrastructure use would bring economic effects for the railway infrastructure manager and the providers of transport. Using the proposed model we also found that it is reasonable to increase the flow of goods on unused regional railway lines because the railway infrastructure maintenance costs are inelastic with regard to transported gross tons

    Odvisnost vrzeli DDV in ukrepi finančne uprave

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    The paper examines the VAT gap estimated on the basis of VAT tax returns. The assessment of tax gap dependence is examined based on macroeconomic influences and the measures of the Slovenian fiscal administration. Regarding the latter, the number of audits being performed and the effects of audit activity (tax yield) have been considered. The results of the analysis support the thesis that the tax gap is reduced in conditions of economic growth. The fiscal administration measures showed the desired effect. An important factor lowering the gap was proven to be the number of (VAT) audits. A similar impact on the tax gap, although considerably smaller, was found to have effects of an audit. Audit planning might be considered as guidance for fiscal policies to lower the tax gap.Prispevek analizira DDV-vrzel, ki je bila ocenjena na osnovi izpolnjenih davčnih napovedi za DDV. Ocena odvisnosti davčne vrzeli je analizirana na osnovi makroekonomskih vplivov in ukrepov Finančne uprave RS. V zvezi s slednjimi je upoŔtevano Ŕtevilo izvedenih pregledov ter učinki aktivnosti pregledov (pobrani davek). Rezultati analize podpirajo tezo, da se davčna vrzel zmanjŔuje v pogojih ekonomske rasti. Ukrepi finančne uprave so pokazali želeni učinek. Izkazalo se je, da je pomemben dejavnik zmanjŔevanja vrzeli prav Ŕtevilo (DDV) pregledov. Podoben, vendar pomembno manjŔi učinek imajo učinki pregledov. Načrtovanje pregledov bi se lahko Ŕtelo kot smernica za fiskalno politiko s ciljem zmanjŔevanja davčne vrzeli

    Ovrednotenje makroekonomskih napovedi za Slovenijo v obdobju 1997-2009

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    Slovenian banking sector experiencing the implementation of capital requirements directive

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    Like all the member states of the European Union, Slovenia was also obligated to implement EU Directives 2006/48/EC and 2006/49/EC into national banking legislative. Basel II rules were implemented into Slovenian legislative in December 2006 and have been valid from 1st of January 2007. Before that, there have been some activities in order to perceive the consequences of Basel II on Slovenian banking sector and an attempt of the regulator to discuss possible changes in the regulation of Slovenian banks. The paper exploits the implications and consequences of Basel II for Slovenian banking sector. In order to gain an insight into Slovenian banks a survey was conducted just three months before the implementation of Basel II