28 research outputs found
Sexual harassment: tips for young adults
"The JAGORI Safe Delhi Campaign seeks to mobilise diverse sections of society to ensure women‛s safety in public places. This information booklet on Sexual Harassment is a small attempt to make the public aware about the seriousness of this issue and how it affects women and girls.
Performance analysis of InAlN/GaN HEMT and optimization for high frequency applications
An InAlN/GaN HEMT device was studied using extensive temperature dependent DC
IV measurements and CV measurements. Barrier traps in the InAlN layer were
characterized using transient analysis. Forward gate current was modelled using
analytical equations. RF performance of the device was also studied and device
parameters were extracted following small signal equivalent circuit model.
Extensive simulations in Silvaco TCAD were also carried out by varying stem
height, gate length and incorporating back barrier to optimize the suitability
of this device in Ku-band by reducing the detrimental Short Channel Effects
(SCEs). In this paper a novel structure i.e., a short length T gate with
recess, on thin GaN buffer to achieve high cut-off frequency (f) and high
maximum oscillating frequency (f) apt for Ku-band applications is also
Investigation of RF performance of Ku-band GaN HEMT device and an in-depth analysis of short channel effects
In this paper, we have characterized an AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility
Transistor (HEMT) with a short gate length (Lg 0.15m). We have
studied the effect of short gate length on the small signal parameters,
linearity parameters and gm-gd ratio in GaN HEMT devices. To understand how
scaling results in the variation of the above-mentioned parameters a
comparative study with higher gate length devices on similar heterostructure is
also presented here. We have scaled down the gate length but the barrier
thickness(t) remained same which affects the aspect ratio
(L/t) of the device and its inseparable consequences are the
prominent short channel effects (SCEs) barring the optimum output performance
of the device. These interesting phenomena were studied in detail and explored
over a temperature range of -40C to 80C. To the best of our
knowledge this paper explores temperature dependence of SCEs of GaN HEMT for
the first time. With an approach to reduce the impact of SCEs a simulation
study in Silvaco TCAD was carried out and it is observed that a recessed gate
structure on conventional heterostructure successfully reduces SCEs and
improves RF performance of the device. This work gives an overall view of gate
length scaling on conventional AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
Sexual harassment: tips for young adults
"The JAGORI Safe Delhi Campaign seeks to mobilise diverse sections of society to ensure women‛s safety in public places. This information booklet on Sexual Harassment is a small attempt to make the public aware about the seriousness of this issue and how it affects women and girls.
Consequences of Economic Development on Women's Lives in India
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2018This dissertation is a collection of three essays that explore the effects of India's development policies and economic growth on women's outcomes, ranging from their mortality to quality of marriage. The first chapter estimates the effect of access to credit on the probability of marriage of women and men in rural India. In societies where dowry payments are customary, an increase in access to credit can potentially increase the probability of marriage of girls either through an increase in income or consumption smoothing. Using a formal bank branch expansion in rural India and an instrumental variables approach, I find the following: First, the probability of marriage increases for girls but does not change for boys in response to an increase in formal banking; Second, the effect of formal bank branch expansion on the probability of marriage of daughters is concentrated during the years that households do not experience a positive agricultural income shock; Third, consistent with this result of a tighter ``marriage squeeze", that is, there are more potential brides in the marriage market than potential grooms, an increase in per capita rural bank branches also leads to an increase in dowry payments and women's distance of marriage migration. The marriage market results are further supported by the following findings: (a) An increase in per capita rural bank branches increases the probability of school enrollment of young girls but fails to increase the probability of school enrollment of older girls who are at the highest risk of marriage; (b) An increase in per capita rural bank branches decreases labor participation of women, and therefore, fails to increase the value of women's labor in a household. The second chapter, which is a joint work with Joshua D. Merfeld, revisits the relationship between agricultural productivity shocks and excess female mortality in India and focuses on investigating how this relationship changes when households have access to employment opportunities outside of agriculture. When household's preference for son coincides with adverse income shocks, in order to smooth consumption overtime, households tend to disproportionately reduce care (prenatal or postnatal) for their female children, which leads to excess female child mortality. Building on previous work \citep{rose1999consumption}, we show that agricultural productivity shocks in rural India, proxied by rainfall, continue to be an important predictor of the sex of an infant: the sex-ratio of infants is more balanced in good rainfall years than in poor rainfall years. In addition, we show that the effect of rainfall during the year of birth on height-for-age is stronger for girls than for boys. We then show that a guaranteed rural workfare program in India, that provides labor opportunities outside of agriculture, attenuates the relationship between rainfall and both the sex ratio and height-for-age for girls. We also show that the negative relationship between agricultural productivity shocks (rainfall) and the number of dowry deaths \citep{sekhri2014dowry} also dissipates after the introduction of the workfare program. The third chapter, which is a joint work with Rachel M. Heath, evaluates the effect of woman's job opportunities on their ability to choose their own spouse and their eventual marriage quality. We find that an increase in women's job opportunities during their year of marriage increases their ability to chose their spouse independently by 28\% and also the likelihood that they have had some interaction with their spouse prior to marriage. Women are more likely to marry men who are more educated, are closer to their age, and grew up in a different village/town in response to a positive female labor demand shock. Lastly, we find that current female labor demand shocks are a stronger determinant of women's household bargaining power compared to female labor demand shocks at the time of marriage
Protecting Girls from Droughts with Social Safety Nets
This paper revisits the relationship between agricultural productivity shocks and the infant sex ratio in India and investigates how this relationship changes when households have access to government-provided employment opportunities outside of agriculture. When a household's preference for sons coincides with adverse agricultural productivity shocks, previous research has shown households tend to disproportionately reduce investments (prenatal and postnatal) in their female children. This behavior leads to a relatively more balanced sex ratio in good rainfall years and a more skewed sex ratio (in favor of boys) in bad rainfall years. We find evidence of both prenatal and postnatal channels in India and show that a workfare program, which decouples both wages and consumption from rainfall, attenuates the relationship between rainfall and the infant sex ratio. Using a back-of-the-envelope calculation and the assumption that females should never significantly outnumber males, the program could have saved around 550 girls per district per year -- relative to boys -- if the government had implemented it in the years 2001 to 2005. Additional results on postnatal channels show substantial impacts on long-run health outcomes of surviving girls, as rainfall no longer differentially affects girls' height-for-age, relative to boys', following the implementation of the program. In an important deviation from previous research, the entirety of the relationship between the sex ratio and rainfall is apparently driven by sex-selective abortions, not infant mortality
From necessities to possibilities : Four lessons on accessibility and its aspects
Vi har en stor utmaning framför oss eftersom världen vi lever i ej är utformad så att den passar alla. Ett av våra största hinder är att inkludera alla och bli mer tillgängligt för alla. Europeiska städer arbetar med att bli tillgängliga men de har fortfarande en lång väg att gå och i dagens samhälle är det mycket som inte är tillgängligt och användbart. Målet förframtiden är att man ska kunna ta del av omgivningen på lika villkor utan att behöva tänka om platsen är tillgänglig för alla, det ska vara en självklarhet oberoende av funktionsnedsättningar, ålder eller storlek. Tillgänglighet handlar om att göra det möjligt för alla att delta fullt ut i samhället utan hinder. Tillgänglighet och användbarhet är ett komplex problem i den publika miljön. Nedsatt rörlighet, hörsel, syn eller kognitiv förmåga är alla olika funktionsnedsättningar som kräver olika lösningar i den byggda miljön. Fallstudien använder sig av kvalitativa forskningsmetoder i två delstudier om tillgänglighet som begrepp. Arbetets syfte är undersöka och förklara tillgänglighet som begrepp för personer som arbetar med utformning av byggnader och byggd miljö. Med hjälp av information som samlats via intervjuer har vi formulerat några generella slutsatser över hur tillgänglighet kan lösas på ett effektivare sätt i publika miljöer. En stor del av arbetet går ut på att implementera den informationoch kunskap som vi fått av experter inom ämnet till att omgestalta en entré som vi behandlat som uppgifter under AVK-utbildningen på MAU. I arbetets slutsats kommer vi fram till att nuvarande lagar och bestämmelser inte är tillräckliga för att förklara tillgänglighet och användbarhet för de yrkesgrupper som arbetar med att utforma byggnader och byggd miljö. Kunskapen om funktionsnedsättningar och exkludering på grund av bristande utformning måste öka bland de som jobbar inom ämnet. Det som vanligtvis saknas i de redan existerande publika miljöerna är oftast små men betydelsefulla utformningsdetaljer såsom kontrastmarkeringar, ledstråk, underlag, färger och belysning, vilka tillsammans ofta gör en byggnad eller miljö mer tillgänglig. Det är åtgärder som oftast kan utföras till en låg kostnad. Med väldigt enkla medel går dessa problem att lösa effektivt om man är öppen för diskussioner och samarbete med kunniga personer och medborgare. Inkludering av alla gynnar alla. Det är viktigt i framtidens samhälle att ingen ska känna sig utesluten på grund av dålig utformning av byggnader och miljön.