78 research outputs found

    Comparative Study of Organizational Climate among Physical Education Teachers of Different School Organizations

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    The purpose of the present study was to compare the Organizational climate among physical education teachers of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Government schools and Public schools of Utter Pradesh. For the purpose of the present study 300 Physical education teachers from different school organizations (100 Kendriya Vidyalayas, 100 Government schools and 100 Public schools) were selected randomly from Utter Pradesh. Keeping the feasibility criterion in mind, Organizational climate Variable was selected for the present study. It was assessed with the help School Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire developed by Dr. Motilal Sharma. To compare the Organizational Climate among Physical Education teachers of different school organizations of Utter Pradesh Descriptive statistics i.e. (Mean, standard deviation), analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post hoc (least significant difference) test was used and the level of significance was set at 0.05 level. The findings of the study showed significant difference in Organizational Climate of different school organizations. As the obtained F-ratio 34.160 was found statistically significant. After applying the post hoc (least significant difference) test it was observed that State Government schools’ Organizational Climate is statistically significantly lower than Kendriya Vidyalayas and Public schools. Whereas there is no statistically significant difference found between the Kendriya Vidyalayas and Public schools. Physical education teachers of Kendriya Vidyalaya and Public schools exhibits better climate as compare to Government schools of Uttar Pradesh

    Participatory multi-objective planning for the management of natural resources

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    Smart Power Monitoring System on Solar

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    The design and development of a Smart Power monitoring device has reported in this paper. System has been designed that can be used to monitor electrical appliances such as voltage, current and power of solar panel. The system consists of a smart sensing unit that detects and controls the energy deliver and it used for daily activities by following different tariff rates. A developed prototype has been extensively tested and experimental results have compared with conventional measuring devices. This work has been designed to implement smart power monitoring and control system through IOT using cloud data storage.In this system we are collecting the energy data from the solar panel and pass it to the microcontroller device. The device will pass this collected data via RS232 to the GSM sender.Here two GSM devices are used, that is sender and receiver.The PHP will perform some operation on the received data and stored it in database

    Spontaneous Mirror Symmetry Breaking and Chiral Segregation in the Achiral Ferronematic Compound DIO

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    An achiral compound, DIO, known to exhibit three nematic phases namely N, NX and NF, is studied by polarizing microscopy and electro-optics for different surface conditions in confinement. The high temperature N phase assigned initially as a conventional nematic phase, shows two additional unusual features: the optical activity and the linear electro-optic response related to the polar nature of this phase. An appearance of chiral domains is explained by the spontaneous symmetry breaking arising from the saddle-splay elasticity and followed by the formation of helical domains of the opposite chirality. This is the first example of helical segregation observed in calamitic non-chiral molecules in the nematic phase. As reported previously, the ferronematic NF shows strong polar azimuthal surface interaction energy which stabilizes a homogeneous structure in planar aligned LC cells rubbed parallel and exhibits a twisted structure in cells with antiparallel buffing. The transmission spectra are simulated using Berreman\u27s 4 × 4 matrix method. The observed agreement between the experimental and the simulated spectra quantitatively confirms the presence of twisted structures in antiparallel rubbed cells

    Two mechanisms for the formation of the ferronematic phase studied by dielectric spectroscopy

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    A non-chiral ferroelectric nematic compound with a 1,3-dioxane unit in the mesogenic core called 2,3′,4′,5′-tetrafluoro-[1,1′-biphenyl]-4-yl 2,6-difluoro-4-(5-propyl-1,3-dioxan-2-yl) benzoate (DIO) was studied by dielectric spectroscopy in the frequency range 0.1 Hz–10 MHz over a wide range of temperatures. The compound exhibits three nematic phases on cooling from the isotropic phase, i.e., the ordinary paraelectric nematic N; the intermediate nematic NX and the ferroelectric NF phase. The least frequency process is due to the dynamics of ions. The middle frequency relaxation process P1 is like as observed in other ferronematic compounds and this mode is a continuation of the molecular flip-flop motion in the isotropic phase to the collective dynamics of dipoles which are strongly coupled with the splay fluctuations in nematic phases. In addition to this process, DIO shows an additional collective relaxation process P2 at higher frequencies both in the N and the NX phases. This mode originates from the polar/chiral molecules of the opposite chirality, these arise from the spontaneous symmetry breaking of achiral mesogens in the N phase. Both collective processes, P1 and P2, show soft mode-like characteristic behavior on cooling from the N to the NX-NF phase transition temperature and are shown to contribute independently to the formation of the ferronematic NF phase

    Design and characterization of floating microspheres for rheumatoid arthritis

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    Gastroretentive systems can remain in the gastric region for several hours and significantly prolong the gastric residence of the drugs. Prolonged gastric retention improves bioavailability, reduces drug waste, improve solubility of drugs that are less soluble in a high pH environment. It has application also for local drug delivery to the stomach and proximal small intestine. The main objective of any drug therapy is to achieve  a desire concentration of the drug in blood or tissue  which is therapeutically effective and nontoxic  for extended period of time, and this goal can  be achieved by proper design of sustain release  dosage regimen. Microspheres have been widely accepted as a mean to achieve oral and parenteral controlled release. The microspheres require a polymeric substance as a coating material or carrier. A number of different substances biodegradable as well as non-biodegradable have been investigated for the preparation of microspheres. The aim of this study is to prepare floating microspheres containing Sulfasalazineto achieve a controlled drug release profile suitable for peroral administration. Keywords: Gastroretentive, Sulfasalazine, sustain release, Microsphere


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    Flowers of Plant Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Schum.were reported to possess good medicinal value in traditional system of medicine, the present investigation deals with Macroscopic, Microscopic and preliminary phytochemical investigation of flowers of Thevetia peruviana which includes pharmacognostical parameters, physiochemical parameters like ash values, extractive values and moisture content. The total ash, acid insoluble ash, waterâ€soluble ash values and sulfated ash were observed to be 3.50%, 1.60%, 1.30% and 1.20% w/w respectively. Alcohol soluble, waterâ€soluble and Ether soluble extractive values of the flowers were observed to be 8.30%, 4.80%, and 3.70% respectively. Powdered flowers were also subjected to fluorescence analysis with different chemicals. Phytochemical investigation of powdered drug revealed the presence of Alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, phenolic compounds, proteins, essential oils, gums, mucilage and fixed oils. The main aim of the present investigation is to study the macro, microscopic and some other pharmacognostic characters and physicochemical standards of flowers of Thevetia peruviana Pers. which could be used to prepare a monograph for the proper identification of the plant. Keywords: Thevetia peruviana, Phytochemical, Fluorescence analysis, Physical evaluation.  Â

    Unexpected electric-field-induced antiferroelectric liquid crystal phase in the Sm C*α temperature range and the discrete flexoelectric effect

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    The unique nanometer-sized helical structure in SmCα∗ may sometimes evolve continuously to the micrometer-sized one in SmC∗; conceivably ferroelectric SmCα∗ is to be unwound by an applied electric field. By drawing electric-field-induced birefringence contours in the field-temperature phase diagram and by studying the superlattice structure of the field-induced subphase with resonant x-ray scattering, we established that an applied field unexpectedly stabilizes the well-known antiferroelectric four-layer biaxial subphase as well as the other prototypal ferrielectric three-layer one in the SmCα∗ temperature range; the effective long-range interlayer interaction due to the discrete flexoelectric effect actually plays an important role in stabilizing not only the biaxial subphases but also the optically uniaxial SmCα∗ subphase, contrary to the notion that the competition between the direct interactions of the nearest-neighbor layers and those of the next-nearest-neighbor layers should be required for the nanometer-sized helical structure

    Temporal transcriptome of tomato elucidates the signaling pathways of induced systemic resistance and systemic acquired resistance activated by Chaetomium globosum

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    C. globosum is an endophytic fungus, which is recorded effective against several fungal and bacterial diseases in plants. The exclusively induce defense as mechanism of biocontrol for C. globosum against phyto-pathogens is reported. Our pervious study states the effectiveness of induced defense by C. globosum (Cg), in tomato against Alternaria solani. In this study the temporal transcriptome analysis of tomato plants after treatment with C. globosum was performed for time points at 0 hpCi, 12 hpCi, 24 hpCi and 96 phCi. The temporal expression analysis of genes belonging to defense signaling pathways indicates the maximum expression of genes at 12 h post Cg inoculation. The sequential progression in JA signaling pathway is marked by upregulation of downstream genes (Solyc10g011660, Solyc01g005440) of JA signaling at 24 hpCi and continued to express at same level upto 96 hpCi. However, the NPR1 (Solyc07g040690), the key regulator of SA signaling is activated at 12 h and repressed in later stages. The sequential expression of phenylpropanoid pathway genes (Solyc09g007920, Solyc12g011330, Solyc05g047530) marks the activation of pathway with course of time after Cg treatment that results in lignin formation. The plant defense signaling progresses in sequential manner with time course after Cg treatment. The results revealed the involvement of signaling pathways of ISR and SAR in systemic resistance induced by Cg in tomato, but with temporal variation
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