620 research outputs found

    Government consumption, taxation, and economic activity

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    The authors use a stylized model of the economy to analyze how permanent and temporary increases in government expenditure--and the timing of taxation used to finance them--affect aggregate output and other variables that describe the economy.Expenditures, Public ; Deficit financing

    The effect of war expenditures on U.S. output

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    A study of how war-related temporary increases in government expenditures affect real interest rates and output, with particular emphasis on the probable fiscal effects of the Persian Gulf War.Persian Gulf War, 1991 ; War - Economic aspects

    Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization and Liming on Rye-Ryegrass Yield and Soil pH Dynamics

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    Using ammonium based nitrogen fertilizers in crop production has been shown to acidify soils. Lime used to correct soil pH is an important cost to producers. Recommendations of the optimal level of nitrogen to apply typically ignore the cost of lime created by nitrogen fertilization. This study was aimed to estimate soil pH change in response to nitrogen and lime application, and determine the effect of considering the cost of lime on recommendations about the optimal level of nitrogen. Yield response and pH functions were estimated and used to determine optimal levels of inputs. The effect of the cost of lime on recommendations about the optimal level of nitrogen was found to be marginal. Nitrogen acidification was found to be more severe with nitrogen application amounts above recommended rates than with nitrogen that is used by the plant.Lime, Nitrogen, Soil pH, Rye-ryegrass, Crop Production/Industries, Production Economics,

    Evaluation of adverse drug reactions of anti-tubercular drugs in the treatment of tuberculosis in tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Adverse drug reactions are very common among patients on anti-tubercular treatment. Hence, the current study was done to evaluate the adverse drug reaction (ADR) profile in patients receiving anti-tubercular treatment (ATT).Methods: A 6 months prospective, cross-sectional observational study was performed in collaboration with Pulmonology Medicine department. WHO-UMC scale and Naranjo scale was used to evaluate the ADRs.Results: Ninety-two patients receiving ATT presented with 113 adverse drug events (ADE). Males were more affected than females. DOTS category-1 regimen was mostly responsible for ADE. Addition of drugs for the management of ADR events was done.Conclusions: The study results show more ADRs related to ATT demanding increased collaboration between NTEP 2020 and Pharmacovigilance Programme of India to enhance drug safety in this field

    Determining Optimal Levels of Nitrogen Fertilizer Using Random Parameter Models

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    The parameters of yield response functions can vary by year. Past studies usually assume yield functions are nstochastic ‘‘limited’’ stochastic. In this study, we estimate rye– ryegrass yield functions in which all parameters are random. The three functional forms considered are the linear response plateau, the quadratic, and the Spillman-Mitscherlich. Nonstochastic yield models are rejected in favor of stochastic parameter models. Quadratic functional forms fit the data poorly. Optimal nitrogen application recommendations are calculated for the linear response plateau and Spillman-Mitscherlich. The stochastic models lead to smaller recommended levels of nitrogen, but the economic benefits of using fully stochastic crop yield functions are small because expected profit functions are relatively flat for the stochastic yield functions. Stochastic crop yield functions provide a way of incorporating production, uncertainty into input decisions.cereal rye–ryegrass, Monte Carlo, nitrogen, random parameters, stochastic plateau, Production Economics, Q10, C12, D24,

    Determining Optimal Levels of Nitrogen Fertilizer Using Random Parameter Models

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    The parameters of yield response functions can vary by year. Past studies usually assume yield functions are nonstochastic or ‘limited’ stochastic. In this study, we estimate rye-ryegrass yield functions where all parameters are random. Optimal nitrogen rates are calculated for two yield response functions: linear response plateau and quadratic. Nonstochastic models are rejected in favor of stochastic parameter models. However, the economic benefits of using fully stochastic models are small since optimal nitrogen rates do not differ greatly between stochastic and nonstochastic models.Linear response plateau, Monte Carlo, nitrogen, random parameters, Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Farm Management, Production Economics,


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    Phytoestrogens are structurally similar to its mammalian counterparts and are capable of producing estrogen-like effects and non-steroidal in nature. Their affinity to bind to the estrogen receptors, a class of cytoplasmic proteins, is far less in comparison to the natural estrogen hormones found in humans and other animals or even the synthetically prepared estrogen and, therefore, are far less potent. Even so, the usage of phytoestrogen in either dietary or supplemental form in postmenopausal women is gaining interest, as opposed to the conventional estrogen replacement therapy (ERT), which was so far being used to alleviate the postmenopausal symptoms and believed, with little experimental/clinical evidence, to cause a significant reduction in the threat of coronary heart diseases (CHD). This usage of phytoestrogen follows from the fact that the overall health risks exerted by ERT outweigh the benefits, and to a little extent, the perception that synthetically prepared, so-called prescription estrogen†interferes with what is otherwise a natural process. It is crucial to explore the alternatives that mimic the beneficial effects of ERT, especially with regard to the minimization of the risk of developing CHD and further evaluation of the aforementioned risks in terms of lipid profiling while simultaneously keeping the health risks to a minimum. This review discusses the scope of use of phytoestrogen specifically pertaining to lipid profiling, their possible health benefits, and adverse effects if any. Keywords: Phytoestrogens, Postmenopause, Lipid profile, Isoflavones

    The Values of Warm-Season Native Perennial Grasses Grown for Pasture or Biofuel in the Southern Great Plains, USA

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    The Renewable Fuel Standard under the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 mandated the production of 136 billion liters of cellulosic biofuel by 2022. Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) has been identified as a primary feedstock because it is a perennial, produces high yields and is adapted to a wide environmental range. Development of the cellulosic biofuel industry has been slow. A reason for this slow development is lack of available feedstock driven by lack of a developed market. Rather than considering switchgrass only as a dedicated biofuel feedstock, we examined its potential both for grazing and biofuel feedstock. In a series of experiments testing yield, grazing preference and animal gain; switchgrass (cv. Alamo) was found to produce greater total yield (17696 kg/ha) than fifteen other warm season perennial grasses, was the most preferred by stocker cattle in a grazing preference study and produced average daily gains in a grazing study (0.84-1.05 kg/hd). These results demonstrate the potential of switchgrass for both grazing and biofuel feedstock. However, the feedstock price would need to increase above $91/t before the economics of dedicated switchgrass feedstock production would surpass that of a combination of switchgrass grazing and feedstock production