19 research outputs found

    Long-term Results after Restoring Flexor Tendon Injury in Children Younger than Age 10 Years

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    Background: In regard to the rarity of pediatric tendon lacerations compared with the adult population, sparse knowledge exists. Published reports indicate that the incidence of “good” flexor tendon repair outcomes is low. This study aimed to determine the injury pattern and demographics of pediatric flexor tendon injuries over the past decade.Methods: A retrospective chart review of all flexor tendon injuries between 2005 and 2015 was performed. Parameters reviewed included demographics, injury mechanism, repair technique, outcomes, and complications.Results: A total of 20 patients with a median age of 4 years and 4 months experienced 45 tendon injuries. The most common cause of injury was glass (n = 10), with the most common digit injured being the index finger (n = 8). Zone II had the highest number of injuries (n = 14). The modified Kessler core and peripheral running sutures technique were used in all primary repairs (n = 18). Using author designed evaluation system, 80% of patients experienced excellent recovery. Four patients had good results. Only one patient complicated with rupture necessitating further surgery that its final evaluation was excellent.Conclusions: The outcome of restoring flexor tendon injury of children is satisfactory, and we recommend that


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    بر اساس اصل 44 قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی، جایگاه بخش خصوصی و دولتی در اقتصاد ایران مشخص گردیده است. مطابق با این اصل ، بسیاری از فعالیتهای مهم اقتصادی از قبیل مخابرات، تأمین نیرو، کشتیرانی، هواپیمایی، راه آهن و غیره بایستی توسط بخش دولتی اداره گردد و بخش خصوصی شامل فعالیتهای مکمل بخش دولتی میباشد. از اینرو به عقیده بسیاری از اقتصاددانان ایرانی، بخش خصوصی از فرصت کمی برای مشارکت در فعالیتهای اقتصادی کشور برخوردار است. با توجه به کارایی پایین بنگاههای بخش دولتی نسبت به بنگاههای بخش خصوصی، اخیراً دولت ایران برنامه جدید خصوصیسازی مبنی بر واگذاری 80 درصد از شرکتهای دولتی به بخش خصوصی را آغاز کرده است. هدف اصلی از اجرای این برنامه، افزایش بهرهوری در اقتصاد ایران، کاهش انحصارات و رشد رقابتپذیری در بین شرکتها میباشد. در این مطالعه اثرات واگذاری مالکیت دولتی به بخش خصوصی بر متغیرهای کلان اقتصادی از قبیل سطح تولید، سطح اشتغال، و بر اساس جدول ماتریس حسابداری 1 نرخ تورم، حجم تجارت و صادرات غیرنفتی با استفاده از مدل تعادل عمومی قابل محاسبه (CGE) اجتماعی، از طریق اعمال سناریوهای مختلف واگذاری بنگاههای دولتی به بخش خصوصی شبیهسازی شده است. نتایج مطالعه حاضر حاکی از این است که اجرای سیاستهای کلی اصل 44، افزایش سطح تولید، اشتغال، حجم تجارت و صادرات غیرنفتی و نیز کاهش نرخ تورم را در پی دارد. همچنین بر اساس یافتههای مطالعه، واگذاری بنگاههای دولتی به بخش خصوصی منجر به بهبود متغیرهای کلان اقتصادی در بخشهای مختلف اقتصادی میشود

    Combined Treatment of Dendrosomal-Curcumin and Daunorubicin Synergistically Inhibit Cell Proliferation, Migration and Induce Apoptosis in A549 Lung Cancer Cells

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    Purpose: Chemotherapy drugs used to treat lung cancer are associated with drug resistance and severe side effects. There have been rising demands for new therapeutic candidates and novel approaches, including combination therapy. Here, we aimed to investigate the combinatorial effect of a dendrosomal formulation of curcumin (DNC) and daunorubicin (DNR) on the A549 lung cancer cell line. Methods: We performed cytotoxicity, apoptosis, cell migration, colony-formation capacity, and gene expression analysis to interpret the mechanism of action for a combination of DNC and DNR on A549 cells. Results: Our results revealed that the combination of DNC and DNR could synergistically inhibit the A549 cells’ growth. This synergistic cytotoxicity was further approved by flow cytometry, migration assessment, colony-forming capacity and gene expression analysis. DNR combination with DNC resulted in increased apoptosis to necrosis ratio compared to DNR alone. In addition, the migration and colony-forming capacity were at the minimal range when DNC was combined with DNR. Combined treatment decreased the expression level of MDR-1, hTERT and Bcl-2 genes significantly. In addition, the ratio of Bax/Bcl2 gene expression significantly increased. Our analysis by free curcumin, dendrosomes and DNC also showed that dendrosomes do not have any significant cytotoxic effect on the A549 cells, suggesting that this carrier has a high potential for enhancing the curcumin’s biological effects. Conclusion: Our observations suggest that the DNC formulation of curcumin synergistically enhances the antineoplastic effect of DNR on the A549 cell line through the modulation of apoptosis/necrosis ratio, as well as Bax/Bcl2 ratio, MDR-1 and hTERT gene expression

    3D-printed placental-derived bioinks for skin tissue regeneration with improved angiogenesis and wound healing properties

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    Extracellular matrix (ECM)-based bioinks has attracted much attention in recent years for 3D printing of nativelike tissue constructs. Due to organ unavailability, human placental ECM can be an alternative source for the construction of 3D print composite scaffolds for the treatment of deep wounds. In this study, we use different concentrations (1.5%, 3% and 5%w/v) of ECM derived from the placenta, sodium-alginate and gelatin to prepare a printable bioink biomimicking natural skin. The printed hydrogels' morphology, physical structure, mechanical behavior, biocompatibility, and angiogenic property are investigated. The optimized ECM (5%w/v) 3D printed scaffold is applied on full-thickness wounds created in a mouse model. Due to their unique native-like structure, the ECM-based scaffolds provide a non-cytotoxic microenvironment for cell adhesion, infiltration, angiogenesis, and proliferation. In contrast, they do not show any sign of immune response to the host. Notably, the biodegradation, swelling rate, mechanical property, cell adhesion and angiogenesis properties increase with the increase of ECM concentrations in the construct. The ECM 3D printed scaffold implanted into deep wounds increases granulation tissue formation, angiogenesis, and re-epithelialization due to the presence of ECM components in the construct, when compared with printed scaffold with no ECM and no treatment wound

    Shoulder Duplication in Constriction Band Syndrome: a Case Report

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    A 2.5 year old girl is presented with both hands constriction bands leading to distal amputations and the rare deformity of shoulder duplication in the right side accompanying constriction skin marking over the affected shoulder. The cephalomedial scapula articulated with the clavicle and the caudolateral scapula articulated with humeral head. The most important physical finding which could explain the pathophysiology of this rare anomaly, was constriction band marking over the right shoulder. Shoulder range of motion was limited but still functional and no surgical intervention was required for the scapular duplication

    Comparative Study of Monopoly & Concentration in some of the Country’s Industries

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    Efficiency, optimal allocation of sources depends on competitive performance of markets. To establish competitive markets, maintain and increase efficiency, it is necessary to exist different issues including complete definition of legal ownership, reduction of conventional and exchange costs, facilitating the flow of information among producers and consumers in the markets and also existence of facilitator rules concerning competition and anti-monopoly. In this research, we have collected the statistics of big industrial working places in 2007 and computed the concentration and monopoly indexes for 130 industries by using Hrefindhal – Hirshman and share of better firms indexes. In addition, we have evaluated the role of private and public companies in increasing and reducing the monopoly, and the effective factors in creating & sustaining of monopolies. Results from the research indicates the considerable concentration in Iran’s including in public & private sectors. The most important reason to establish monopolies in the country, either in public or private sectors, is creating input obstacles through laws and regulations