4 research outputs found

    Improvement of Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval over Hong Kong from a Geostationary Meteorological Satellite Using Critical Reflectance with Background Optical Depth Correction

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    Despite continuous efforts to retrieve aerosol optical depth (AOD) using a conventional 5-channelmeteorological imager in geostationary orbit, the accuracy in urban areas has been poorer than other areas primarily due to complex urban surface properties and mixed aerosol types from different emission sources. The two largest error sources in aerosol retrieval have been aerosol type selection and surface reflectance. In selecting the aerosol type from a single visible channel, the season-dependent aerosol optical properties were adopted from longterm measurements of Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) sun-photometers. With the aerosol optical properties obtained fromthe AERONET inversion data, look-up tableswere calculated by using a radiative transfer code: the Second Simulation of the Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum (6S). Surface reflectance was estimated using the clear sky composite method, awidely used technique for geostationary retrievals. Over East Asia, the AOD retrieved from the Meteorological Imager showed good agreement, although the values were affected by cloud contamination errors. However, the conventional retrieval of the AOD over Hong Kong was largely underestimated due to the lack of information on the aerosol type and surface properties. To detect spatial and temporal variation of aerosol type over the area, the critical reflectance method, a technique to retrieve single scattering albedo (SSA), was applied. Additionally, the background aerosol effect was corrected to improve the accuracy of the surface reflectance over Hong Kong. The AOD retrieved froma modified algorithmwas compared to the collocated data measured by AERONET in Hong Kong. The comparison showed that the new aerosol type selection using the critical reflectance and the corrected surface reflectance significantly improved the accuracy of AODs in Hong Kong areas,with a correlation coefficient increase from0.65 to 0.76 and a regression line change from MI [basic algorithm] = 0.41AERONET + 0.16 to MI [new algorithm] = 0.70AERONET + 0.01

    Computational concepts reflected on Scratch programs

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    Evaluating the quality of students’ programs is necessary for better teaching and learning. Although many innovative learning environments for computer science have been introduced, the scarcity of program evaluation frames and tools is a demanding issue in the teaching practice. This study examined the quality of students’ Scratch programs by utilizing Dr. Scratch and by analyzing codes based on four computational concepts: conditions, loops, abstractions, and variables. Twenty-three Scratch programs from two classes of pre-service teachers from a university were examined. Dr. Scratch results revealed that Scratch programs demonstrated a middle level of competency in computational thinking. The analysis of computational concepts suggested that students had a sufficient understanding of the main concepts and demonstrated computing competency by applying the concepts into their programs. The study also discussed inefficient programming habits, instructional issues utilizing Scratch, and the importance of problem decomposition skills

    Scalable Algorithms for Maximizing Spatiotemporal Range Sum and Range Sum Change in Spatiotemporal Datasets

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    In this paper, we introduce the three-dimensional Maximum Range-Sum (3D MaxRS) problem and the Maximum Spatiotemporal Range-Sum Change (MaxStRSC) problem. The 3D MaxRS problem tries to find the 3D range where the sum of weights across all objects inside is maximized, and the MaxStRSC problem tries to find the spatiotemporal range where the sum of weights across all objects inside is maximally increased. The goal of this paper is to provide efficient methods for data analysts to find interesting spatiotemporal regions in a large historical spatiotemporal dataset by addressing two problems. We provide a mathematical explanation for each problem and propose several algorithms for them. Existing methods tried to find the optimal region over two-dimensional datasets or to monitor a burst region over two-dimensional data streams. The majority of them cannot directly solve our problems. Although some existing methods can be used or modified to solve the 3D MaxRS problems, they have limited scalability. In addition, none of them can be used to solve the MaxStRS-RC problem (a type of MaxStRSC problem). Finally, we study the performance of the proposed algorithms experimentally. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithms are scalable and much more efficient than existing methods