116 research outputs found

    The Economics of All-You-Can-Read Pricing: Tariff Choice, Contract Renewal, and Switching for E-Book Purchases

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    E-book markets are currently moving through a period of disequilibrium as new pricing structures (i.e., flat-fee subscriptions) are rapidly embraced by major vendors. On the basis of a novel dataset, we investigate how the availability of “all-you-can-read” pricing programs influences consumers’ tariff choice, contract renewal, and switching behaviors. Consistent with the rational choice framework, the findings suggest that most e-book consumers significantly gain from subscription-based tariffs. However, we also find some other intriguing results. Among the three subscription designs examined, the 1-week plan affords consumers more economic benefits than do 1-day or 1-month programs. The economic gains derived from subscription-based tariffs diminish as consumers renew their subscriptions under the same contract duration. Consumers who switch to other plans also suffer from reduced savings. Finally, iOS users are more inclined to select subscription models than are Android users because of the absence of in-app purchase functionalities for the former

    Whole Genome Analysis of the Red-Crowned Crane Provides Insight into Avian Longevity

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    The red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis) is an endangered, large-bodied crane native to East Asia. It is a traditional symbol of longevity and its long lifespan has been confirmed both in captivity and in the wild. Lifespan in birds is known to be positively correlated with body size and negatively correlated with metabolic rate, though the genetic mechanisms for the red-crowned crane's long lifespan have not previously been investigated. Using whole genome sequencing and comparative evolutionary analyses against the grey-crowned crane and other avian genomes, including the long-lived common ostrich, we identified red-crowned crane candidate genes with known associations with longevity. Among these are positively selected genes in metabolism and immunity pathways (NDUFA5, NDUFA8, NUDT12, SOD3, CTH, RPA1, PHAX, HNMT, HS2ST1, PPCDC, PSTK CD8B, GP9, IL-9R, and PTPRC). Our analyses provide genetic evidence for low metabolic rate and longevity, accompanied by possible convergent adaptation signatures among distantly related large and long-lived birds. Finally, we identified low genetic diversity in the red-crowned crane, consistent with its listing as an endangered species, and this genome should provide a useful genetic resource for future conservation studies of this rare and iconic species

    Isolation and Characterization of a Defensin-Like Peptide (Coprisin) from the Dung Beetle, Copris tripartitus

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    The antibacterial activity of immune-related peptides, identified by a differential gene expression analysis, was investigated to suggest novel antibacterial peptides. A cDNA encoding a defensin-like peptide, Coprisin, was isolated from bacteria-immunized dung beetle, Copris tripartitus, by using differential dot blot hybridization. Northern blot analysis showed that Coprisin mRNA was up-regulated from 4 hours after bacteria injection and its expression level was reached a peak at 16 hours. The deduced amino acid sequence of Coprisin was composed of 80 amino acids with a predicted molecular weight of 8.6 kDa and a pI of 8.7. The amino acid sequence of mature Coprisin was found to be 79.1% and 67.4% identical to those of defensin-like peptides of Anomala cuprea and Allomyrina dichotoma, respectively. We also investigated active sequences of Coprisin by using amino acid modification. The result showed that the 9-mer peptide, LLCIALRKK-NH2, exhibited potent antibacterial activities against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus

    Comparison of Serum Beta 2-Microglobulin and 24 hour Urinary Creatinine Clearance as a Prognostic Factor in Multiple Myeloma

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    A new staging system for multiple myeloma (MM) has utilized serum concentrations of beta 2-microglobulin (Sβ2M) and albumin as important prognostic factors for survival. Since Sβ2M is an indicator of glomerular filtration rate, we compared the prognostic values of Sβ2M and 24-hr urinary creatinine clearance (Ccr) in patients with MM. We retrospectively reviewed the records of 170 MM patients from January 1996 to November 2003 whose 24-hr urinary Ccr was available at the time of diagnosis. We found that pretreatment Sβ2M was inversely related to Ccr (Spearman's correlation coefficient=-0.787). In univariate analysis, the hazard ratio (HR) of death was 1.043 (p<0.001) for Sβ2M and 0.985 (p<0.001) for Ccr. Multivariate analysis showed that Sβ2M (HR 1.030, p=0.010) and Ccr (HR 0.993, p=0.059) were significant prognostic factors in patients' survival. In conclusion, 24-hr urinary Ccr may be utilized for staging of patients with MM

    Multidetector row computed tomography evaluation of the micropig kidney as a potential renal donor

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    Multidetector row computed tomography (MDCT) provides anatomical information about the kidney and other internal organs. Presently, the suitability of 64-channel MDCT to assess the kidney of healthy micropigs was evaluated. Morphological evaluations of the kidney and the major renal vessels of six healthy micropigs were carried out using MDCT, recording kidney volume and the diameter and length of renal arteries and veins. The mean diameters and lengths of the renal artery were 0.44 ± 0.05 and 4.51 ± 0.55 cm on the right side and 0.46 ± 0.06 and 3.36 ± 0.27 cm on the left side, respectively. The mean diameters and lengths of the renal vein were 1.44 ± 0.52 and 4.22 ± 1.29 cm on the right side and 1.38 ± 0.17 and 5.15 ± 0.87 cm on the left side, respectively. The mean volume of the right kidney was 79.3 ± 14.5 mL and of the left kidney was 78.0 ± 13.9 mL. The data presented in this study suggest that the MDCT offers a noninvasive, rapid, and accurate method for the evaluation of the renal anatomy in living kidney donors. It also provides sufficient information about extra-renal anatomy important for donor surgery and determination of organ suitability

    Estrogen Receptor-1 Genetic Polymorphisms for the Risk of Premature Ovarian Failure and Early Menopause

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    Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1) genetic polymorphisms for early menopause that was classified as premature ovarian failure (POF) and early menopause (EM) and to examine whether the associations of ESR1 genetic variants are different for POF and EM. Methods: We selected 100 POF cases and matched 100 EM cases and 200 normal menopause (NM) controls from the Korean Multi-Center Cohort. Among them, we restricted idiopathic POF and EM cases vs NM controls by excluding POF/EM cases with medical/surgical causes. The XbaI (rs9340799) and PvuII (rs2234693) in the ESR1 gene were genotyped. The single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and haplotype effects were analyzed by multivariate logistic regression and haplotype analysis. Also nominal polytomous logistic regression was used to find whether ESR1 genetic variants are differently associated with POF and EM. Results: The global p values for idiopathic POF and EM were 0.08 and 0.39 (SNP-based), and <0.001 and 0.12 (haplotype-based), respectively. The XbaI genetic variant containing the X allele was marginally significantly associated with a reduced risk of idiopathic POF (OR=0.6, 95% CI 0.3-1.0). The P-x haplotype and diplotypes significantly decreased the risk of idiopathic POF (OR=0.5, 95% CI 0.2-0.9; OR 0.4, 95% CI 0.2-0.9, respectively). In contrast from POF, the P-x haplotypes and diplotypes insignificantly increased the risk for both idiopathic EM (p(polytomous)=0.009 for P-x haplotype; p(polytomous)=0.02 for P-x diplotypes). Conclusion: Our results suggest that the ESR1 gene including PvuII and XbaI polymorphisms may modify the risk of idiopathic premature ovarian failure (POF) but not idiopathic early menopause (EM) risk.Bretherick KL, 2008, FERTIL STERIL, V89, P318, DOI 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2007.03.008Chang SH, 2007, MATURITAS, V58, P19, DOI 10.1016/j.maturitas.2007.04.001Kitamura I, 2007, BONE, V40, P1623, DOI 10.1016/j.bone.2007.02.016Molvarec A, 2007, HYPERTENS RES, V30, P205Hsieh YY, 2007, MOL HUM REPROD, V13, P117, DOI 10.1093/molehr/gal099Dvornyk V, 2006, MATURITAS, V54, P19, DOI 10.1016/j.maturitas.2005.08.005Onland-Moret NC, 2005, CANCER CAUSE CONTROL, V16, P1195, DOI 10.1007/s10552-005-0307-5Popat RA, 2005, NEUROLOGY, V65, P383Schuit SCE, 2005, EUR J ENDOCRINOL, V153, P327, DOI 10.1530/eje.1.01973Kok HS, 2005, HUM REPROD, V20, P536, DOI 10.1093/humrep/deh600Ioannidis JPA, 2004, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC, V292, P2105van der Klift M, 2004, J BONE MINER RES, V19, P1172, DOI 10.1359/JBMR.040215Schuit SCE, 2004, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC, V291, P2969Wasserman L, 2004, INT J OBESITY, V28, P49, DOI 10.1038/sj.ijo.0802481van Meurs JBJ, 2003, HUM MOL GENET, V12, P1745, DOI 10.1093/hmg/ddg176Gorai I, 2003, J CLIN ENDOCR METAB, V88, P799, DOI 10.1210/jc.2002-020353Laml T, 2002, HUM REPROD UPDATE, V8, P483Herrington DM, 2002, CIRCULATION, V105, P1879, DOI 10.1161/01.CIR.0000016173.98826.88Kobayashi N, 2002, MATURITAS, V41, P193YOO KY, 2002, ASIAN PAC J CANCER P, V3, P85de Bruin JP, 2001, HUM REPROD, V16, P2014Pelletier G, 2000, J CLIN ENDOCR METAB, V85, P4835Weiderpass E, 2000, CARCINOGENESIS, V21, P623Yan G, 2000, J WOMEN HEALTH GEN-B, V9, P275Lorentzon M, 1999, J CLIN ENDOCR METAB, V84, P4597Weel AEAM, 1999, J CLIN ENDOCR METAB, V84, P3146Drummond AE, 1999, MOL CELL ENDOCRINOL, V151, P57, DOI 10.1016/S0303-7207(99)00038-6Christin-Maitre S, 1998, MOL CELL ENDOCRINOL, V145, P75Torgerson DJ, 1997, EUR J OBSTET GYN R B, V74, P63vanderSchouw YT, 1996, LANCET, V347, P714Kobayashi S, 1996, J BONE MINER RES, V11, P306NELSON LM, 1996, REPROD ENDOCRINOLOGY, P1394KAPRIO J, 1995, HUM BIOL, V67, P739CRAMER DW, 1995, FERTIL STERIL, V64, P740EXCOFFIER L, 1995, MOL BIOL EVOL, V12, P921NELSON LM, 1994, J CLIN ENDOCR METAB, V79, P1470CAPLAN GA, 1994, J ROY SOC MED, V87, P200PALMER JR, 1992, AM J EPIDEMIOL, V136, P408BAGUR AC, 1992, CALCIFIED TISSUE INT, V51, P4FRANCESCHI S, 1991, INT J CANCER, V49, P57MEYER JM, 1991, AM J MED GENET, V39, P148TRELOAR SA, 1990, AM J HUM GENET, V47, P137SNOWDON DA, 1989, AM J PUBLIC HEALTH, V79, P709

    64-Channel multi-detector row CT angiographic evaluation of the micropigs for potential living donor lung transplantation

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    Micropigs are the most likely source animals for xenotransplantation. However, an appropriate method for evaluating the lung of micropigs had not been established. Therefore, this study was performed to evaluate the feasibility of 64-channel multi-detector row computed tomography (MDCT) to measure the diameter of the pulmonary arteries and the lung volume in micropigs. The mean diameters of the trachea, and left and right bronchi were 1.6 ± 0.17, 1.18 ± 0.14, and 1.1 ± 0.11 cm, respectively. The mean diameters of the main, right, and left pulmonary arteries were 1.38 ± 0.09, 1.07 ± 0.26, and 0.98 ± 0.13 cm and the diameters of right, left, and common inferior pulmonary veins were 0.97 ± 0.20, 0.76 ± 0.20, and 1.99 ± 0.26 cm, respectively. The mean lung volume was 820.3 ± 77.11 mL. The data presented in this study suggest that the MDCT may be a noninvasive, rapid, and accurate investigational method for pulmonary anatomy in living lung donors

    Association between exercise habits and stroke, heart failure, and mortality in Korean patients with incident atrial fibrillation: A nationwide population-based cohort study

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    BackgroundThere is a paucity of information about cardiovascular outcomes related to exercise habit change after a new diagnosis of atrial fibrillation (AF). We investigated the association between exercise habits after a new AF diagnosis and ischemic stroke, heart failure (HF), and all-cause death.Methods and findingsThis is a nationwide population-based cohort study using data from the Korea National Health Insurance Service. A retrospective analysis was performed for 66,692 patients with newly diagnosed AF between 2010 and 2016 who underwent 2 serial health examinations within 2 years before and after their AF diagnosis. Individuals were divided into 4 categories according to performance of regular exercise, which was investigated by a self-reported questionnaire in each health examination, before and after their AF diagnosis: persistent non-exercisers (30.5%), new exercisers (17.8%), exercise dropouts (17.4%), and exercise maintainers (34.2%). The primary outcomes were incidence of ischemic stroke, HF, and all-cause death. Differences in baseline characteristics among groups were balanced considering demographics, comorbidities, medications, lifestyle behaviors, and income status. The risks of the outcomes were computed by weighted Cox proportional hazards models with inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) during a mean follow-up of 3.4 ± 2.0 years. The new exerciser and exercise maintainer groups were associated with a lower risk of HF compared to the persistent non-exerciser group: the hazard ratios (HRs) (95% CIs) were 0.95 (0.90-0.99) and 0.92 (0.88-0.96), respectively (p ConclusionsInitiating or continuing regular exercise after AF diagnosis was associated with lower risks of HF and mortality. The promotion of exercise might reduce the future risk of adverse outcomes in patients with AF

    Imaging evaluation of the liver using multi-detector row computed tomography in micropigs as potential living liver donors

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    The shortage of organ donors has stimulated interest in the possibility of using animal organs for transplantation into humans. In addition, pigs are now considered to be the most likely source animals for human xenotransplantation because of their advantages over non-human primates. However, the appropriate standard values for estimations of the liver of micropigs have not been established. The determination of standard values for the micropig liver using multi-detector row computed tomography (MDCT) would help to select a suitable donor for an individual patient, determine the condition of the liver of the micropigs and help predict patient prognosis. Therefore, we determined the standard values for the livers of micropigs using MDCT. The liver parenchyma showed homogenous enhancement and had no space-occupying lesions. The total and right lobe volumes of the liver were 698.57 ± 47.81 ml and 420.14 ± 26.70 ml, which are 51.74% and 49.35% of the human liver volume, respectively. In micropigs, the percentage of liver volume to body weight was approximately 2.05%. The diameters of the common hepatic artery and proper hepatic artery were 6.24 ± 0.20 mm and 4.68 ± 0.13 mm, respectively. The hepatic vascular system of the micropigs was similar to that of humans, except for the variation in the length of the proper hepatic artery. In addition, the diameter of the portal vein was 11.27 ± 0.38 mm. In conclusion, imaging evaluation using the MDCT was a reliable method for liver evaluation and its vascular anatomy for xenotransplantation using micropigs

    Randomized Trial of Stents Versus Bypass Surgery for Left Main Coronary Artery Disease 5-Year Outcomes of the PRECOMBAT Study

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    AbstractBackgroundIn a previous randomized trial, we found that percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) was not inferior to coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) for the treatment of unprotected left main coronary artery stenosis at 1 year.ObjectivesThis study sought to determine the 5-year outcomes of PCI compared with CABG for the treatment of unprotected left main coronary artery stenosis.MethodsWe randomly assigned 600 patients with unprotected left main coronary artery stenosis to undergo PCI with a sirolimus-eluting stent (n = 300) or CABG (n = 300). The primary endpoint was a major adverse cardiac or cerebrovascular event (MACCE: a composite of death from any cause, myocardial infarction, stroke, or ischemia-driven target vessel revascularization) and compared on an intention-to-treat basis.ResultsAt 5 years, MACCE occurred in 52 patients in the PCI group and 42 patients in the CABG group (cumulative event rates of 17.5% and 14.3%, respectively; hazard ratio [HR]: 1.27; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.84 to 1.90; p = 0.26). The 2 groups did not differ significantly in terms of death from any cause, myocardial infarction, or stroke as well as their composite (8.4% and 9.6%; HR, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.52 to 1.52; p = 0.66). Ischemia-driven target vessel revascularization occurred more frequently in the PCI group than in the CABG group (11.4% and 5.5%, respectively; HR: 2.11; 95% CI: 1.16 to 3.84; p = 0.012).ConclusionsDuring 5 years of follow-up, our study did not show significant difference regarding the rate of MACCE between patients who underwent PCI with a sirolimus-eluting stent and those who underwent CABG. However, considering the limited power of our study, our results should be interpreted with caution. (Bypass Surgery Versus Angioplasty Using Sirolimus-Eluting Stent in Patients With Left Main Coronary Artery Disease [PRECOMBAT]; NCT00422968