7 research outputs found

    Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Ternary Bulk Heterojunction of Nanostructured Perovskite–Low Bandgap Polymer–PCBM for Improved Efficiency of Organic Solar Cells

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    A new organic–inorganic ternary bulk heterojunction (TBHJ) hybrid configuration comprised of nanostructured (CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>NHPbI<sub>3</sub> (MAPbI<sub>3</sub>) perovskite–low bandgap PCPDTBT–PCBM was investigated. Well-organized TBHJ films were readily prepared by sequential spin-casting of sparsely covered MAPbI<sub>3</sub> nano dots and PCPDTBT–PCBM bulk heterojunction (BHJ) composites on ITO/PEDOT:PSS substrates. The TBHJ hybrid device configuration comprising diiooctane (DIO) treated MAPbI<sub>3</sub> perovskite nano dots and a PCPDTBT–PCBM BHJ composite processed with DIO additive exhibited excellent performances. The DIO additive played a key role in developing perovskite structures of MAPbI<sub>3</sub> nano dots and induced the (110) directional crystallinity growth of longitudinal constructive morphologies such as nano rods. The improved photocurrent and fill factor compared to those of conventional BHJ devices led to an increase in efficiency of ∼28%. This improved photovoltaic performance originated from the higher quantum efficiencies contributed by the charge transfer from nanostructured MAPbI<sub>3</sub> perovskite to PCBM. These TBHJs composed of nanostructured MAPbI<sub>3</sub> perovskite, PCPDTBT, and PCBM also facilitated the exciton dissociation in the multi-BHJ system between MAPbI<sub>3</sub> perovskite, PCPDTBT, and PCBM

    Sociodemographic, reproductive, anthropometric, and lifestyle characteristics of study subjects.

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    <p>CIN, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia; HPV, human papillomavirus; BMI, body mass index; MET, metabolic equivalent; SD, standard deviation.</p>1<p>Analysis of variance for continuous variables and χ<sup>2</sup> test for categorical variables.</p>2<p>Values in rows with different superscripts are significantly different from each other.</p

    Association of total calorie intake and physical activity with the risk of CIN1, CIN2/3, and cervical cancer.

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    <p>ORs, odds ratios; 95% CIs, 95% confidence intervals; CIN, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia; MET, metabolic equivalent.</p>1<p>Adjusted for age (years, continuous), parity (0, 1, 2, and ≥3), smoking habit status (never vs. ever), menopause (premenopause vs. postmenopause), human papillomavirus infection status (negative vs. positive), alcohol consumption status (never vs. ever), and oral contraceptive use (never vs. ever).</p

    Association of height, weight, and BMI with the risk of CIN1, CIN2/3, and cervical cancer.

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    <p>ORs, odds ratios; 95% CIs, 95% confidence intervals; CIN, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia; BMI, body mass index.</p>1<p>Adjusted for age (years, continuous), parity (0, 1, 2, and ≥3), smoking habit status (never vs. ever), menopause (premenopause vs. postmenopause), human papillomavirus infection status (negative vs. positive), alcohol consumption status (never vs. ever), and oral contraceptive use (never vs. ever).</p

    High-Performance Organic Solar Cells with Efficient Semiconducting Small Molecules Containing an Electron-Rich Benzodithiophene Derivative

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    High-performance organic semiconductors based on an electron-rich alkylsilylethynyl benzodithiophene (TIPSBDT) core were newly synthesized and characterized for use in solution-processed small-molecule organic solar cells. The rigid and extended π-conjugation of the TIPSBDT motifs facilitates intramolecular charge transfer and intermolecular π–π packing interactions of semiconducting small molecules in the BHJ film enhanced by processing additives and induces deep HOMO levels producing high open-circuit voltage of ∼1.0 V, exhibiting notable power conversion efficiency of 5.84% from a bulk-heterojunction film with PC<sub>61</sub>BM

    Efficient Organic Semiconductors Containing Fluorine-Substituted Benzothiadiazole for Solution-Processed Small Molecule Organic Solar Cells

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    The synthesis and photovoltaic characteristics of new organic semiconductors, <b>[bisDMFA-Th]-BT-HxTh</b><sub><b>3</b></sub> (<b>1</b>), <b>[bisDMFA-Th]-MonoF-BT-HxTh</b><sub><b>3</b></sub> (<b>2</b>), and <b>[bisDMFA-Th]-DiF-BT-HxTh</b><sub><b>3</b></sub> (<b>3</b>), are reported. These semiconductors have an unsymmetrical donor A–acceptor–donor B (D<sub>A</sub>-A-D<sub>B</sub>) framework composed of a benzothiadiazole (BT; fluorinated or unfluorinated) acceptor between two different donors, bisDMFA and terthiophene. We have demonstrated that these compounds are suitable for use in p-type organic semiconductors for high efficiency solution-processed small molecule organic solar cells (SMOSCs), for which we achieved a remarkable power conversion efficiency of 4.24% with a maximum <i>V</i><sub>oc</sub> of 0.89 V. The fluorine substitution on BT decreased its HOMO level and increased hole mobilities of <b>[bisDMFA-Th]-BT-HxTh</b><sub><b>3</b></sub> derivatives, leading to an increased <i>V</i><sub>oc</sub> in the SMOSCs and improved hole carrier transport properties of the material. In addition, we determined that the insertion of a TiO<sub><i>x</i></sub> functional layer into a bulk heterojunction (BHJ) solar cell significantly reduced the interfacial resistance between the photoactive film and metal electrode, resulting in an increased photocurrent with facile electron transfer between these two layers

    Improved External Quantum Efficiency from Solution-Processed (CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>)PbI<sub>3</sub> Perovskite/PC<sub>71</sub>BM Planar Heterojunction for High Efficiency Hybrid Solar Cells

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    Well-organized (CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>)­PbI<sub>3</sub> perovskite films fabricated from various solution-processing conditions were characterized and used in hybrid solar cells with PC<sub>71</sub>BM planar heterojuncion films, exhibiting a high power-conversion efficiency of 12.2% with the better photocurrent and fill factor compared to those with PC<sub>61</sub>BM due to a better spectral response in the visible region and a better planar junction with the Ag electrode than the PC<sub>61</sub>BM