96 research outputs found

    La genÚse de la publication de Totalité et Infini

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    Mon propos concerne les circonstances Ă  la faveur desquelles j’ai eu le privilĂšge en 1960 d’ĂȘtre l’un des premiers lecteurs du dactylogramme de TotalitĂ© et Infini, plusieurs mois avant la publication de l’ouvrage dans la collection PhĂŠnomenologica aux Ă©ditions Nijhoff Ă  La Haye. J’avais Ă©tĂ© associĂ© Ă  la fondation de cette collection par le PĂšre Herman-Leo Van Breda, franciscain belge, qui peu aprĂšs la mort d’Edmund Husserl en 1938 s’ingĂ©nia Ă  fa..

    The Gift and the meaning-giving subject: A Reading of Given Time

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    In this essay the relation between justice and the gift in Derrida’s thinking is explored. The essay shows that an understanding of the ontological difference or the relation between Being and beings in Heidegger’s thinking as well as Freud’s speculations on the death drive are essential to comprehend the ‘concept’ or ‘notion’ of diffĂ©rance as well as the gift in Derrida’s thinking. The analysis points to the complexity of Derrida’s thinking in his contemplation of the relation between justice and law and the need for a broader investigation to understand what is at stake in this regard. An exploration of the gift shows that Derrida’s thinking on justice is not ‘relativistic’ as is often assumed and that the gift can in a certain way function as a ‘guide’ in questions of constitutional interpretation

    Spéculation et jugement

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    Taminiaux Jacques. Spéculation et jugement. In: Bulletin de la Classe des lettres et des sciences morales et politiques, tome 12, n°1-6, 2001. pp. 183-199

    Le CongrĂšs Bergson

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    Taminiaux Jacques. Le CongrÚs Bergson. In: Revue Philosophique de Louvain. TroisiÚme série, tome 57, n°55, 1959. pp. 438-442
