128 research outputs found

    Investment and rate of profit in a financial context: The French case

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    The growth regime which prevailed in France since the middle of the 1980s is characterised by a recovery of profitability without durable resumption of growth or accumulation of productive capital. The financialization of this growth regime can be read in firms' balance sheet structure with rising shares of equities. Following a Post-Keynesian framework, the main determinants of capital accumulation and finance are analysed and tested at the level of non financial companies for France from flow of funds national accounts. The arbitration which seems to prevail between real and financial accumulation could contribute to explain the insufficient recovery of investment. Regarding firms' liability structure, two alternative approaches are considered, one in terms of indebtedness norm, the other in terms of arbitration between financing by debt and issuing shares.Finance; investissement; comportemenet de portefeuille; régime de croissance

    Equity and debt in a financialised economy: the French case

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    While many studies have been devoted to capital accumulation and rate of profit, the article empirically characterises the financialization at the level of firms' liability, i.e. at the level of debt and equity. In particular, the determinants of non financial firms' indebtedness and equity issuing will be analysed econometrically. The theoretical framework is mainly Post-Keynesian, with the founding role played by Minsky (1986) and with Stock Flow Consistent models proposed by Lavoie and Godley (2001), Godley and Lavoie (2007), Taylor (2004) and Dos Santos and Zezza (2008 )with their analysis of interactions between financial variables and investment. The article is based on the flow of funds accounts of INSEE which provide coherent data in flows and stocks over the period 1978-2007. Thanks to a precise account of financial assets and liabilities and capital gains, these data allow to implement a rigorous analysis of firms' financial behaviour at the macroeconomic level.finance; investment; portfolio behaviour; growth regime

    Exchange Rate Misalignments at World and European Levels: a FEER Approach

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    Since the mid-1990s, we observe an increase of world current account imbalances. These imbalances have only been partially reduced since the burst of the crisis in 2007. They reflect, to some extent, exchange rate misalignments, an issue which has been frequently studied in the literature. However, these imbalances, which have reinforced in the 2000s, are also important inside the Euro area. This analysis cannot be reduced to simple estimates of euro misalignment at the world level because of the specific constraints that exist for each member of the Euro area. This article aims to examine to what extent the intra-European imbalances reflect exchange rate misalignments for each "national euro".Equilibrium Exchange Rate; Current Account Balance; Macroeconomic Balance

    Interest rates, eurobonds and intra-European exchange rate misalignments: the challenge of sustainable adjustments in the eurozone

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    The euro zone crisis illustrates the deficiencies of adjustment mechanisms in a monetary union characterized by a large heterogeneity. Exchange rate adjustments being impossible, they are very few alternative mechanisms. At the level of the whole euro zone the euro is close to its equilibrium parity. But the euro is strongly overvalued for Southern European countries, France included, and largely undervalued for Northern European countries, especially Germany. The paper gives a new evaluation of these exchange rate misalignments inside the euro zone, using a FEER approach, and examines the evolution of competitiveness. In a second step, we use a two-country SFC model of a monetary union with endogenous interest rates and eurobonds issuance. Three main results are obtained. Facing a competitiveness loss in southern countries due to exchange rates misalignments, increasing intra-European financing by banks of northern countries or other institutions could contribute to reduce the debt burden and induce a partial recovery but public debt would increase. Implementation of eurobonds as a tool to partly mutualize European sovereign debt would have a rather similar positive impact, but with a public debt limited to 60% of GDP. Furthermore, eurobonds could also be used to finance large European projects which could impulse a stronger recovery in the entire euro zone with stabilized current account imbalances. However, the settlement of a European Debt Agency in charge of the issuance of the eurobonds would face strong political obstacles

    On the Determinants of Exchange Rate Misalignments

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    The literature on exchange rate misalignments is very extensive as well as the literature on exchange rate determinants. To our knowledge, however, no study has analyzed the determinants of exchange rate misalignments. As huge capital inflows have been pouring into emerging countries since the climax of the crisis, exchange rate misalignments are becoming a crucial issue for policy makers. For a large panel of emerging and industrialized countries and on the period 1982-2008, we identify, empirically, the main determinants of exchange rate misalignments obtained thanks to a FEER approach (Williamson, 1994). Our analysis put forward trade openness, financial openness and regional specialization as determinant variables of exchange rate misalignments

    Modelling Transition And International Opening In Asia: The Case Of Vietnam With A Comparison With China And The "Asian Tigers"

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    This paper describes the multisectoral macroeconomic model of a small developing economy in transition, in order to highlight linkages between agriculture and the rest of the economy, and consequences of external opening up. Agriculture is a supply sector, sticky in the short range with market clearing by price adjustment. The non agricultural sector is demand-led, with imperfect competition (and hence sticky prices and indexed nominal wages). According to this dual theoretical pattern, labor market is segmented with an unlimited supply in the rural area. This part of labor force is employed in the agricultural sector and in the rural non agricultural one. Urban workers are employed in the non agricultural sector but may face unemployment. The wage gap between urban and ruralareas induces migration, according to a Harris Todaro mechanism. This framework is applied to the Vietnam case. A calibrated quantitative model performs a base line simulation from 1993 to 2010, following approximately the path designed by the Vietnamese government. Finally, this model is used to sketch various scenarios, among which traditional macroeconomic packages, structural reforms, and external shocks.Vietnam; multisectoral models; development; transition

    Slide or growth in Europe? Alternative economic policies and the European social model

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    Since the mid-1980s, the mismanagement of European economic policy has appeared as one of the main causes of the slow growth. After the brief 1998-2000 recovery, the blocking factors are again fully at play. The EU is all the more up against the wall as

    La flexibilité des prix relatifs et la mobilité du travail en Union monétaire

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    Avec la mise en place de l'euro, les mĂ©canismes d'ajustement au sein de l'Union europĂ©enne sont modifiĂ©s en profondeur du fait de la disparition du taux de change comme variable d'ajustement. Ceux qui subsistent sont, Ă  titre principal, la flexibilitĂ© des salaires et des prix relatifs, la mobilitĂ© des facteurs, particuliĂšrement du travail, les politiques budgĂ©taire et monĂ©taire. Ces modes d'ajustement intra-europĂ©ens constituent un enjeu dont l'importance dĂ©pend du caractĂšre asymĂ©trique ou non des chocs et des Ă©volutions structurelles affectant le fonctionnement de l'UE. Le prĂ©sent article s'intĂ©resse aux mĂ©canismes d'ajustement par le marchĂ© du travail Ă  travers deux approches complĂ©mentaires. La flexibilitĂ© des coĂ»ts et des prix relatifs est d'abord analysĂ©e Ă  l'aide d'une maquette macroĂ©conomique estimĂ©e pour les 14 pays europĂ©ens. Cette maquette est utilisĂ©e pour Ă©tudier les consĂ©quences de chocs d'offre ou de demande asymĂ©triques affectant un pays et pour comparer les capacitĂ©s de rĂ©action des diffĂ©rents pays europĂ©ens. Ces simulations montrent que la flexibilitĂ© des salaires et de l'emploi, et plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement la flexibilitĂ© des prix relatifs, ne permet qu'un rĂ©Ă©quilibrage incomplet et trĂšs lent (au-delĂ  de dix ans). Face Ă  un choc nĂ©gatif sur la demande interne, l'emploi et la production ne retrouvent pas leur niveau initial ou le retrouvent trĂšs lentement, et le taux de chĂŽmage demeure plus Ă©levĂ©. Le recours Ă  l'instrument budgĂ©taire serait plus appropriĂ©. Face Ă  un choc inflationniste et Ă  une perte de compĂ©titivitĂ©, la hausse du chĂŽmage qui en rĂ©sulte ne permet qu'un ajustement progressif et incomplet. Les disparitĂ©s de rĂ©action entre pays face Ă  un choc de mĂȘme ampleur apparaissent, enfin, non nĂ©gligeables entre grands et petits pays, notamment en raison des inĂ©galitĂ©s dans le degrĂ© d'ouverture, qui donnent plus de poids aux effets de la compĂ©titivitĂ©-prix dans les petits pays, mais aussi entre pays de mĂȘme taille, du fait des diffĂ©rences structurelles existantes. Ces divergences sont source d'asymĂ©tries qui compliquent la conduite de la politique Ă©conomique dans l'UE, particuliĂšrement en ce qui concerne la politique monĂ©taire commune. La mobilitĂ© de la main-d'Ɠuvre est ensuite Ă©tudiĂ©e avec une modĂ©lisation des mouvements migratoires articulĂ©e avec un bloc prix-salaires-emploi proche du prĂ©cĂ©dent modĂšle, appliquĂ©e au cas des États-Unis dĂ©coupĂ©s en quatre grandes rĂ©gions d'une taille voisine de celle des grands pays europĂ©ens. Les simulations confirment que, comme dans le cas europĂ©en, la flexibilitĂ© des coĂ»ts et des prix relatifs n'autorise que des ajustements limitĂ©s face Ă  des chocs de demande ou d'offre affectant une rĂ©gion. La mobilitĂ© de la main-d'Ɠuvre joue bien un rĂŽle de rĂ©Ă©quilibrage, mais celui-ci est d'une ampleur trĂšs rĂ©duite. Les mouvements migratoires rĂ©pondent essentiellement Ă  des Ă©volutions structurelles, mĂȘme aux États-Unis. Des enseignements peuvent en ĂȘtre tirĂ©s pour le fonctionnement de l'Union monĂ©taire europĂ©enne face Ă  des Ă©volutions asymĂ©triques. La recherche d'une plus grande flexibilitĂ© du marchĂ© du travail aurait une traduction macroĂ©conomique incertaine et n'aurait qu'une efficacitĂ© limitĂ©e pour accroĂźtre l'ampleur du rĂ©Ă©quilibrage par le jeu des prix relatifs. L'espoir Ă©galement entretenu qu'une plus grande mobilitĂ© intra-europĂ©enne de la main-d'Ɠuvre pourrait constituer une rĂ©ponse au moins partielle s'avĂ©rerait tout aussi vain.mĂ©canismes d'ajustement; choc asymĂ©trique; modĂšle macroĂ©conomĂ©trique; simulations; salaires; migration;

    Temporal Dimension and Equilibrium Exchange Rate: a FEER / BEER Comparison

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    International audienceWe analyze, in a unified theoretical framework, the two main models for equilibrium exchange rate, namely, the BEER and the FEER approaches. In order to understand the interactions between them, we study in detail the temporal links between these two measures. Our results show that, in average, the BEER and the FEER are closely related. Yet, important differences can be observed for some countries and/or some periods of time. Therefore, we analyze some of the factors that may explain this disconnection, identifying several aspects which are able to alter the relation between the current account and the real effective exchange rate, and so, between the FEER and the BEER. Our analysis puts forward the structural changes in matter of competitiveness, the dynamics of foreign asset positions and valuation effects as explanations for the divergence

    Temporal Dimension and Equilibrium Exchange Rate: a FEER / BEER Comparison

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    We analyze, in a unified theoretical framework, the two main models for equilibrium exchange rate, namely, the BEER and the FEER approaches. In order to understand the interactions between them, we study in detail the temporal links between these two measures. Our results show that, in average, the BEER and the FEER are closely related. Yet, important differences can be observed for some countries and/or some periods of time. Therefore, we analyze some of the factors that may explain this disconnection, identifying several aspects which are able to alter the relation between the current account and the real effective exchange rate, and so, between the FEER and the BEER. Our analysis puts forward the structural changes in matter of competitiveness, the dynamics of foreign asset positions and valuation effects as explanations for the divergence.Equilibrium Exchange Rate, BEER, FEER, Cointegration, Global Imbalances
