125 research outputs found

    Clinical Evolution and Risk Factors of Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19, Haiti, March-June 2020

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    In December 2019, a coronavirus epidemic emerged in China. Within months, the epidemic was considered a public health emergency of international concern. In Haiti, the first laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 were reported on March 19, 2020, in a context where there was some limitations of knowledge on the modes of transmission, the severity, the clinical characteristics and the risk factors of the disease. This study has made it possible to characterize the epidemic and investigate the associations between the risk factors, co morbidities, and clinical evolution of the disease. To develop the epidemiological and clinical profile of patients with COVID-19 in Haiti, data were collected from the clinical records of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 from March 16 to June 16, 2020, in 22 healthcare facilities. Univariate, bivariate, and logistic regression model analyses were performed to describe and explore the risk factors, comorbidities, and treatments associated with patients’ clinical evolution. Statistical significance was determined using a 95% confidence interval or p-value of ?0.05.  Diabetes and high blood pressure were the main comorbidities that had a statistically significant association with the severe form of the disease and the occurrence of death. The likelihood of dying increased with age, and patients in the severe form were almost four times more likely to die. The administration of ceftriaxone to patients was significantly related to recovery from the disease. Diabetes, high blood pressure, and age were the major risk factors for the severity and mortality of people infected with COVID19. Ceftriaxone administration was protective against recovery

    Quels patronats pour quelle responsabilité dans le moindre développement ultramarin ?

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    Marseille Jacques. Quels patronats pour quelle responsabilité dans le moindre développement ultramarin ?. In: L’esprit économique impérial (1830-1970). Groupes de pression & réseaux du patronat colonial en France & dans l'empire. Paris : Société française d'histoire d'outre-mer, 2008. pp. 759-766. (Publications de la Société française d'histoire d'outre-mer, 6

    Nouvelles lectures sur les avenirs flous de la longue crise

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    New Readings on the Blurry Future of the Long Crisis. Historians are not prophets, but the closely watched economic signs make it possible to predict trends. From the economic point of view, the crisis made three scenarios credible : wild capitalism, the New Deal, and self-management socia lism. It is interesting to think about the way these choices are perceived. Socialism in the 1980s was credited with a high resistance factor by American experts themselves ; the savageness of capitalism, painted yesterday with horror by Dickens and today by Viviane Forrester, reserves a few surprises, since a lessening of inequalities and a rising standard of living bas been seen ; the New Deal, preceded prior to 1914 by Bismarck's and Lloyd George's social reforms weren't taken into France easily, as the democracy of the small land owners didn't adapt to what was felt to be the interference of the state. This hindsight renders one prudent in the formulation of prognostics. A totally new New Deal can however be imagined, characterized by a regression of the State, from now on focussed on a few missions, and a new division of working life. That, at least, is the most plausible hypotheses.New Readings on the Blurry Future of the Long Crisis. Historians are not prophets, but the closely watched economic signs make it possible to predict trends. From the economic point of view, the crisis made three scenarios credible : wild capitalism, the New Deal, and self-management socia lism. It is interesting to think about the way these choices are perceived. Socialism in the 1980s was credited with a high resistance factor by American experts themselves ; the savageness of capitalism, painted yesterday with horror by Dickens and today by Viviane Forrester, reserves a few surprises, since a lessening of inequalities and a rising standard of living bas been seen ; the New Deal, preceded prior to 1914 by Bismarck's and Lloyd George's social reforms weren't taken into France easily, as the democracy of the small land owners didn't adapt to what was felt to be the interference of the state. This hindsight renders one prudent in the formulation of prognostics. A totally new New Deal can however be imagined, characterized by a regression of the State, from now on focussed on a few missions, and a new division of working life. That, at least, is the most plausible hypotheses.Marseille Jacques. Nouvelles lectures sur les avenirs flous de la longue crise. In: Vingtième Siècle, revue d'histoire, n°69, janvier-mars 2001. D'un siècle l'autre. pp. 31-42

    Jean Bouvier, René Girault, Jacques Thobie, L'impérialisme à la française, 1914-1960

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    Marseille Jacques. Jean Bouvier, René Girault, Jacques Thobie, L'impérialisme à la française, 1914-1960. In: Annales. Economies, sociétés, civilisations. 43ᵉ année, N. 5, 1988. pp. 1191-1193


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    Jewsiewicki (Bogumil) : Marx, Afrique et Occident

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    Marseille Jacques. Jewsiewicki (Bogumil) : Marx, Afrique et Occident. In: Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer, tome 74, n°274, 1er trimestre 1987. p. 106

    Jean-Pierre Bardou, Jean-Jacques Chanaron, Patrick Fridenson, James M. Laux, La Révolution automobile

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    Marseille Jacques. Jean-Pierre Bardou, Jean-Jacques Chanaron, Patrick Fridenson, James M. Laux, La Révolution automobile. In: Annales. Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations. 36ᵉ année, N. 2, 1981. pp. 327-329

    Havnevik (Kjell J.) ed : The IMF and the World Bank in Africa. Conditionality, impact and alternatives

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    Marseille Jacques. Havnevik (Kjell J.) ed : The IMF and the World Bank in Africa. Conditionality, impact and alternatives. In: Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer, tome 77, n°287, 2e trimestre 1990. p. 234

    Jean-Pierre Bardou, Jean-Jacques Chanaron, Patrick Fridenson, James M. Laux, La Révolution automobile

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    Marseille Jacques. Jean-Pierre Bardou, Jean-Jacques Chanaron, Patrick Fridenson, James M. Laux, La Révolution automobile. In: Annales. Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations. 36ᵉ année, N. 2, 1981. pp. 327-329

    Quels patronats pour quelle responsabilité dans le moindre développement ultramarin ?

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    Marseille Jacques. Quels patronats pour quelle responsabilité dans le moindre développement ultramarin ?. In: L’esprit économique impérial (1830-1970). Groupes de pression & réseaux du patronat colonial en France & dans l'empire. Paris : Société française d'histoire d'outre-mer, 2008. pp. 759-766. (Publications de la Société française d'histoire d'outre-mer, 6
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