17 research outputs found

    Off-label use of targeted therapies in osteosarcomas: data from the French registry OUTC'S (Observatoire de l'Utilisation des Thérapies Ciblées dans les Sarcomes):

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    BACKGROUND: The objective of this study is to explore the off-label use of targeted therapies (TTs) for patients with osteosarcoma registered within the French Sarcoma Group--Bone Tumor Study Group (GSF-GETO) national registry. METHODS: All patients with an osteosarcoma, registered between January 1, 2009 and July 15, 2013 were analyzed. RESULTS: Twenty-nine patients with refractory relapsed osteosarcomas received 33 treatment lines of TTs. The median age at the beginning of treatment was 19 years (range 9-72). The median number of previous lines of chemotherapy was 3 (range 1-8). Before inclusion, 3 patients were in second complete remission, 26 were in progression for metastatic relapse. Twenty-three patients received sirolimus (in combination with cyclophosphamide for 18); 5, sunitinib; 4, sorafenib; and one, pazopanib. Stable disease was observed for 45.5% of patients (95% Confidence Interval (CI) [20-52.8]). The median Progression-Free Survival (PFS) was 3 months (95% CI [2-5.4]) for patients treated by sirolimus and 1.8 months (95% CI [1.3-2.8]) for patients receiving multi-targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitors; 6-month PFS 15%. The median Overall Survival (OS) was 6.8 months (95% CI [4.7-12.1]), and one-year OS was 24%. In a multivariate analysis, PFS was superior for patients receiving sirolimus compared to other TTs (Hazard Ratio (HR) = 2.7, 95% CI [1.05-7.1]). No toxic death was reported. Grade 3 and 4 toxicities were observed in 27 and 6% of cases respectively. CONCLUSION: Off-label TTs, especially sirolimus, reported benefit in the treatment of refractory osteosarcomas with an acceptable toxicity profile, including in pediatric population

    Do pea nodulated roots have a memory like a sieve or like an elephant when faced with recurrent water deficits ?

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    National audienceIn the current context of climate change, periods of water deficit occur more frequentlyalong the crop cycle, leading to high yield losses. To limit the negative impact of recurrentwater deficits, plants can adapt, via the mobilization of “stress memory”, allowing them torespond to a subsequent stress in a faster and/or more intensive manner. After a first stressevent, plants can keep an imprint of this stress via the induction of epigenetic (e.g. memorygene regulation), physiological (e.g. stomatal closure) and molecular (e.g. compoundaccumulation) changes. When maintained between two stress periods, these changes mayprepare plants for a subsequent water deficit.This work addresses the potential role of stress memory in plant adaptation to recurrent waterdeficits with a special focus on plant hydro-mineral uptake by roots. For this purpose, anexperiment was conducted on the high throughput phenotyping platform (4PMI, Dijon, France),where several frequencies of water deficits were applied to pea plants. An integrativeapproach, including a structure-function ecophysiological framework characterizing planthydromineral nutrition (nutrients and beneficial elements), enriched with root and noduletranscriptomic analyses (RNA-seq), revealed the mechanisms underlying the “memory effect”throughout the plant cycle. We will discuss the role of memory genes during recurrent stressesand plant strategies to acquire water as well as macro- and micro-nutrients more efficientlyduring recurrent stresses. This work offers the new perspective of considering plant memoryin the design of ideotypes better adapted to multiple stress events in a context of climatechange.Study conducted in the framework of the EAUPTIC project, supported by the “Fond UniqueInterministĂ©riel" (n° 3870401/1), BPIFrance (n° DOS0097244/00), the Regional Council ofBurgundy (n° DOS0133465/00), Dijon Metropole (n° CONV-DM2018-118-20180820), and theFonds EuropĂ©en de DĂ©veloppement RĂ©gional (n° 2018-6200FEO003S01889)

    Does the memory of a first water deficit enable a more efficient response to a subsequent water deficit?

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    National audienceIn the current context of climate change, periods of water deficit occur more frequently along the crop cycle, leading to high yield losses. To limit the negative impact of recurrent water deficits, plants can adapt, via the mobilization of “stress memory”, allowing them to respond to a subsequent stress in a faster and/or more intensive manner. After a first stress event, plants can keep an imprint of this stress via the induction of epigenetic (e.g. memory gene regulation), physiological (e.g. stomatal closure) and molecular (e.g. compound accumulation) changes. When maintained between two stress periods, these changes may prepare plants for a subsequent water deficit. This work addresses the potential role of stress memory in plant adaptation to recurrent water deficits with a special focus on plant hydro-mineral uptake by roots. For this purpose, an experiment was conducted on the high throughput phenotyping platform (4PMI, Dijon, France), where several frequencies of water deficits were applied to pea plants. An integrative approach, including a structure-function ecophysiological framework characterizing plant hydromineral nutrition (nutrients and beneficial elements), enriched with root and nodule transcriptomic analyses (RNA-seq), and metabolomic analyses revealed the mechanisms underlying the “memory effect” throughout the plant cycle. We will discuss the role of memory genes during recurrent stresses and plant strategies to acquire water as well as macro- and micro-nutrients more efficiently during recurrent stresses. This work offers the new perspective of considering plant memory in the design of ideotypes better adapted to multiple stress events in a context of climat

    Le pois lors de stress hydriques rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©s : mĂ©moire d’élĂ©phant ou de poisson rouge ?

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    International audienceDans le contexte actuel du changement climatique oĂč les Ă©pisodes de dĂ©ficits hydriques deviennent de plus frĂ©quents et surviennent Ă diffĂ©rents stades au cours du cycle, les lĂ©gumineuses Ă  graines telles que le pois voient leur rendement fortement impactĂ©. Afin de limiter lesimpacts nĂ©gatifs de stress rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©s, les plantes peuvent mettre en place une « mĂ©moire » du stress, qui induit une modification de leur rĂ©ponseĂ  des stress ultĂ©rieurs. Cette mĂ©moire dĂ©pend de plusieurs paramĂštres qui vont moduler l’ampleur et la rapiditĂ© de la rĂ©ponse Ă  un secondstress. Le premier stress peut induire des modifications Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tiques, physiologiques (e.g. fermeture des stomates) et molĂ©culaires (e.g.accumulation de certains composĂ©s avec diffĂ©rentes activitĂ©s) permettant Ă  la plante de se prĂ©parer Ă  un stress futur, la plante gardant une «empreinte du stress passĂ© ». Ces modifications peuvent aussi se poursuivre Ă  la fin du stress en l’attente d’un suivant. Cette prĂ©paration de laplante aux stress rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©s peut ainsi reposer sur la rĂ©gulation de l’expression de gĂšnes mĂ©moire. Dans ce contexte, nous faisons l’hypothĂšseque la valorisation de cet effet mĂ©moire pourrait ĂȘtre une nouvelle cible d’amĂ©lioration des variĂ©tĂ©s de pois, confrontĂ©es Ă  des dĂ©ficitshydriques multiples impactant leur nutrition minĂ©rale.Pour tester cette hypothĂšse, une expĂ©rimentation en conditions contrĂŽlĂ©es a Ă©tĂ© mise en place sur la plateforme 4PMI de phĂ©notypage haut-dĂ©bit de Dijon. Au cours de cette expĂ©rimentation, en prenant pour modĂšle d’étude le gĂ©notype Kayanne, quatre modalitĂ©s de stress hydriquesont Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©es : un stress hydrique avant floraison (WS1), un stress hydrique aprĂšs floraison (WS2), une combinaison de deux stresshydriques rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©s (WS1+WS2) espacĂ©s d’une pĂ©riode de rĂ©arrosage, et un stress hydrique continu (WSc). Des analyses Ă©cophysiologiquesont Ă©tĂ© intĂ©grĂ©es dans un cadre d’analyse de type structure/fonction et complĂ©tĂ©es par des analyses molĂ©culaires afin de mettre en Ă©videncel’effet mĂ©moire mis en jeu lors d’un stress rĂ©pĂ©tĂ© sur la croissance, le dĂ©veloppement et la nutrition hydrominĂ©rale de la plante (incluant macro-et micro-nutriments). Afin de mettre en avant les principaux gĂšnes impliquĂ©s dans l’effet mĂ©moire de la rĂ©ponse Ă  un stress hydrique rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©,des analyses transcriptomiques ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es par RNAseq. Nous discuterons de leur rĂŽle dans les grandes voies mĂ©taboliques impliquĂ©eset tenterons de les corrĂ©ler aux variables Ă©cophysiologiques Ă©tudiĂ©es par des approches de modĂ©lisation de rĂ©seau de gĂšnes. Les processuspermettant d’amĂ©liorer la rĂ©ponse Ă  un stress hydrique rĂ©pĂ©tĂ© par la valorisation de la mĂ©moire des plantes ainsi que des gĂšnes candidatssous-jacents seront l’occasion de porter un nouveau regard pour l’amĂ©lioration du pois sous conditions hydriques fluctuantes

    Memory or acclimation of water stress in pea rely on root system's plasticity and plant's ionome modulation

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    International audienceIntroduction: Peas, as legume crops, could play a major role in the future of food security in the context of worldwide human nutrient deficiencies coupled with the growing need to reduce consumption of animal products. However, pea yields, in terms of quantity and quality (i.e. grain content), are both susceptible to climate change, and more specifically to water deficits, which nowadays occur more frequently during crop growth cycles and tend to last longer. The impact of soil water stress on plant development and plant growth is complex, as its impact varies depending on soil water availability (through the modulation of elements available in the soil), and by the plant's ability to acclimate to continuous stress or to memorize previous stress events. Method: To identify the strategies underlying these plant responses to water stress events, pea plants were grown in controlled conditions under optimal water treatment and different types of water stress; transient (during vegetative or reproductive periods), recurrent, and continuous (throughout the plant growth cycle). Traits related to water, carbon, and ionome uptake and uses were measured and allowed the identification typical plant strategies to cope with water stress. Conclusion: Our results highlighted (i) the common responses to the three types of water stress in shoots, involving manganese (Mn) in particular, (ii) the potential implications of boron (B) for root architecture modification under continuous stress, and (iii) the establishment of an "ecophysiological imprint" in the root system via an increase in nodule numbers during the recovery period

    Pea resilience to water deficits: tolerance, acclimation, and stress memory of the nodulated root system

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    Book of abstracts p 163International audiencePeas have the potential to play a significant role in ensuring future food security. However, the yields of peas, both in terms of quantity and quality (such as grain content), are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, specifically water deficits.Nowadays, water deficits occur more frequently during crop growth cycles and persist for longer durations. The effects of soil water stress on plant development and growth are complex, as they depend on soil water availability, the modulation of available soil elements, and the plant’s ability to acclimate to continuous stress or remember previous stress events. To understand the strategies underlying plant responses to water stress events, we conducted controlled experiments with pea plants subjected to optimal water conditions, and different types of water stresses: transient stress during vegetative or reproductive periods, recurrent stress, and continuous stress throughout the entire growth cycle. An integrative approach, including a structure-function ecophysiological framework characterizing plant hydromineral nutrition, enriched with root and nodule transcriptomic analyses (RNA-seq), revealed the mechanisms underlying specific and common responses to the different types of water stress. In addition, a complementary field experiment was carried out in order to validate theobservations made under controlled conditions and to assess the level of expression of the candidate genes identified. This study introduces a fresh perspective by highlighting the importance of plant memory and acclimation in designing ideotypes that are more resilient to longer stresses, or multiple stress events in the context of climate change. This innovative approach has the potential to enhance crop productivity and ensure food security. This work was supported by Plant2Pro as part as the ARECOVER project, by FUI, BPIFrance, the Regional Council of Burgundy, Dijon Metropole, and FEDER, as part as the EAUPTIC project and by ANR-PIA as part as the PHENOME-EMPHASIS project

    Pea resilience to water deficits: tolerance, acclimation, and stress memory of the nodulated root system

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    Peas have the potential to play a significant role in ensuring future food security. However, the yields of peas, both in terms of quantity and quality (such as grain content), are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, specifically water deficits.Nowadays, water deficits occur more frequently during crop growth cycles and persist for longer durations. The effects of soil water stress on plant development and growth are complex, as they depend on soil water availability, the modulation of available soil elements, and the plant’s ability to acclimate to continuous stress or remember previous stress events. To understand the strategies underlying plant responses to water stress events, we conducted controlled experiments with pea plants subjected to optimal water conditions, and different types of water stresses: transient stress during vegetative or reproductive periods, recurrent stress, and continuous stress throughout the entire growth cycle. An integrative approach, including a structure-function ecophysiological framework characterizing plant hydromineral nutrition, enriched with root and nodule transcriptomic analyses (RNA-seq), revealed the mechanisms underlying specific and common responses to the different types of water stress. In addition, a complementary field experiment was carried out in order to validate theobservations made under controlled conditions and to assess the level of expression of the candidate genes identified. This study introduces a fresh perspective by highlighting the importance of plant memory and acclimation in designing ideotypes that are more resilient to longer stresses, or multiple stress events in the context of climate change. This innovative approach has the potential to enhance crop productivity and ensure food security. This work was supported by Plant2Pro as part as the ARECOVER project, by FUI, BPIFrance, the Regional Council of Burgundy, Dijon Metropole, and FEDER, as part as the EAUPTIC project and by ANR-PIA as part as the PHENOME-EMPHASIS project

    [Virgile, assis sous un arbre, est couronnĂ© par trois Muses, qui tiennent, chacune, un de ses ouvrages] : [estampe] ([État sans autre lettre que la signature : "Copia Sc." indiquĂ©e Ă  la pointe sous le tr. c., Ă  dr.]) / Girodet in. ; Copia Sc.

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    [Virgile, assis sous un arbre, est couronné par trois Muses, qui tiennent, chacune, un de ses ouvrages]Référence bibliographique : IFF18 COPIA (Jacques-Louis), 62Illustratio