19 research outputs found

    Prevalence Threshold and the Geometry of Screening Curves

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    The relationship between a screening tests' positive predictive value, Ļ\rho, and its target prevalence, Ļ•\phi, is proportional - though not linear in all but a special case. In consequence, there is a point of local extrema of curvature defined only as a function of the sensitivity aa and specificity bb beyond which the rate of change of a test's Ļ\rho drops precipitously relative to Ļ•\phi. Herein, we show the mathematical model exploring this phenomenon and define the prevalenceprevalence thresholdthreshold (Ļ•e\phi_e) point where this change occurs as: Ļ•e=a(āˆ’b+1)+bāˆ’1(Īµāˆ’1)\phi_e=\frac{\sqrt{a\left(-b+1\right)}+b-1}{(\varepsilon-1)} where Īµ\varepsilon = aa+bb. From the prevalence threshold we deduce a more generalized relationship between prevalence and positive predictive value as a function of Īµ\varepsilon, which represents a fundamental theorem of screening, herein defined as: limā”Īµā†’2āˆ«01Ļ(Ļ•)dĻ•=1\displaystyle\lim_{\varepsilon \to 2}{\displaystyle \int_{0}^{1}}{\rho(\phi)d\phi} = 1 Understanding the concepts described in this work can help contextualize the validity of screening tests in real time, and help guide the interpretation of different clinical scenarios in which screening is undertaken

    Infant cognitive, motor and language development at 2 years of age following conception through assisted reproductive technologies (ART) relative to natural conception : findings from the prospective, longitudinal, cohort ā€œ3D-Studyā€

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    Objectifs : Lā€™impact a long terme des techniques de procreĢation meĢdicalement assisteĢe (PMA) en ce qui concerne le deĢveloppement neurologique des enfants demeure source de controverse. Cette eĢtude vise aĢ€ eĢvaluer et comparer le deĢveloppement cognitif, moteur, et verbal des enfants aĢ‚geĢs de 2 ans issus des techniques de PMA par rapport aĢ€ ceux issus par une conception naturelle. MeĢthodes: Lā€™eĢtude de cohorte prospective Ā« 3D Ā» a eĢteĢ meneĢe entre 2010-2012. 2,366 femmes enceinte on eĢteĢ recruteĢes, dont 278 ont utiliseĢ la PMA: stimulation ovarienne (OS), inseĢmination intra-uteĢrine (IUI), fertilisation in-vitro (IVF), injection intra-cytoplasmique du sperme (ICSI) ou maturation in-vitro (IVM). La conception naturelle a eĢteĢ deĢfinie comme une grossesse spontaneĢe. Le deĢveloppement cognitif, moteur et verbal a eĢteĢ compareĢ entre les groupes de PMA vs. conception naturelle a lā€™aide des outils standardiseĢs et valideĢs suivants : ā€œThe Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, 3rd ed. (BSID-III)ā€ ainsi que des ā€œMacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventoriesā€. Des modeĢ€les de reĢgression lineĢaire ajusteĢs eĢvaluant lā€™impact des techniques de PMA sur les issus du neurodeĢveloppement ont eĢteĢ utiliseĢs, tenant compte de la conception naturelle comme groupe de reĢfeĢrence. ReĢsultats: Un total de 175 enfants dans le groupe PMA (62,9%) et 1.345 enfants dans le groupe de conception naturelle (64,4%) ont subi une eĢvaluation neurodeĢveloppementale aĢ€ 24 mois de vie. En ajustant pour les variables potentiellement confondantes, la PMA nā€™a eu aucun effet statistiquement significatif sur les scores de lā€™eĢchelle cognitive BSID-III [B1 (SE) = -1,60 (0,9), p = 0,08], de lā€™eĢchelle motrice [B1 (SE) = -1,33 (1,0), p = 0,18] ou dans les scores linguistiques du MacArthur-Bates [B1 (SE) = - 0,28 (2.1), p = 0,89]. Aucune diffeĢrence significative n'a eĢteĢ observeĢe en comparant les techniques de PMA individuelles ou la conception sous-fertile, ni lorsquā€™on compare les techniques in-vivo ou in-vitro (p> 0,05). Conclusion : Dans cette eĢtude de cohorte prospective, les enfants neĢs suite a la PMA semblent avoir un deĢveloppement cognitif, moteur et verbal similaire aux enfants neĢs apreĢ€s la conception naturelle aĢ€ lā€™aĢ‚ge de 2 ans. Ces reĢsultats pourraient eĢ‚tre utiles dans le counseling clinique des patients utilisant des techniques de PMA.Objective: Whether assisted reproductive techniques (ART) have an impact on infantsā€™ long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes remains controversial. In this study, we compared infantsā€™ cognitive, motor, and language development at 2 years of age following ART relative to natural conception. Methods: The prospective cohort ā€œ3D-Studyā€ was carried out from 2010-2012. 2,366 pregnant women were recruited, of which 278 conceived with ART: ovarian stimulation (OS), intrauterine sperm insemination (IUI), in-vitro fertilization (IVF), intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) or in-vitro maturation (IVM). Natural conception was defined as the unassisted establishment of pregnancy. Cognitive, motor, and language neurodevelopmental outcomes were compared between ART and natural conception groups at 24 months using ā€œThe Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, 3rd ed. (BSID-III)ā€ and the ā€œMacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventoriesā€. Adjusted linear regression models evaluated the effect of ART on neurodevelopmental outcomes, using natural conception as reference. Results: 175 infants in the ART group (62.9%) and 1,345 infants in the natural conception group (64.4%) underwent neurodevelopmental assessment at 24 months of age. After adjusting for relevant confounders, infants born after ART showed no difference in BSID-III cognitive scores [B1(SE)=-1.60(0.9), p=0.08], composite motor scores [B1(SE)=-1.33(1.0), p=0.18] or MacArthur-Bates language scores [B1(SE)=-0.28(2.1), p=0.89]. No statistically significant difference was observed when comparing independent ART techniques or subfertile conceptions, nor comparing in-vivo or in-vitro techniques (p>0.05). Conclusion: In this prospective cohort, infants born after ART had no significant differences in cognitive, motor, and language development relative to infants born following natural conception at 2 years of age. These findings may be useful in the clinical counseling of patients undergoing ART


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