6,857 research outputs found

    A Quantized Johnson Lindenstrauss Lemma: The Finding of Buffon's Needle

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    In 1733, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon in France, set the ground of geometric probability theory by defining an enlightening problem: What is the probability that a needle thrown randomly on a ground made of equispaced parallel strips lies on two of them? In this work, we show that the solution to this problem, and its generalization to NN dimensions, allows us to discover a quantized form of the Johnson-Lindenstrauss (JL) Lemma, i.e., one that combines a linear dimensionality reduction procedure with a uniform quantization of precision δ>0\delta>0. In particular, given a finite set SRN\mathcal S \subset \mathbb R^N of SS points and a distortion level ϵ>0\epsilon>0, as soon as M>M0=O(ϵ2logS)M > M_0 = O(\epsilon^{-2} \log S), we can (randomly) construct a mapping from (S,2)(\mathcal S, \ell_2) to (δZM,1)(\delta\mathbb Z^M, \ell_1) that approximately preserves the pairwise distances between the points of S\mathcal S. Interestingly, compared to the common JL Lemma, the mapping is quasi-isometric and we observe both an additive and a multiplicative distortions on the embedded distances. These two distortions, however, decay as O((logS)/M)O(\sqrt{(\log S)/M}) when MM increases. Moreover, for coarse quantization, i.e., for high δ\delta compared to the set radius, the distortion is mainly additive, while for small δ\delta we tend to a Lipschitz isometric embedding. Finally, we prove the existence of a "nearly" quasi-isometric embedding of (S,2)(\mathcal S, \ell_2) into (δZM,2)(\delta\mathbb Z^M, \ell_2). This one involves a non-linear distortion of the 2\ell_2-distance in S\mathcal S that vanishes for distant points in this set. Noticeably, the additive distortion in this case is slower, and decays as O((logS)/M4)O(\sqrt[4]{(\log S)/M}).Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures (note: this version corrects a few typos in the abstract

    A Short Note on Compressed Sensing with Partially Known Signal Support

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    This short note studies a variation of the Compressed Sensing paradigm introduced recently by Vaswani et al., i.e. the recovery of sparse signals from a certain number of linear measurements when the signal support is partially known. The reconstruction method is based on a convex minimization program coined "innovative Basis Pursuit DeNoise" (or iBPDN). Under the common 2\ell_2-fidelity constraint made on the available measurements, this optimization promotes the (1\ell_1) sparsity of the candidate signal over the complement of this known part. In particular, this paper extends the results of Vaswani et al. to the cases of compressible signals and noisy measurements. Our proof relies on a small adaption of the results of Candes in 2008 for characterizing the stability of the Basis Pursuit DeNoise (BPDN) program. We emphasize also an interesting link between our method and the recent work of Davenport et al. on the δ\delta-stable embeddings and the "cancel-then-recover" strategy applied to our problem. For both approaches, reconstructions are indeed stabilized when the sensing matrix respects the Restricted Isometry Property for the same sparsity order. We conclude by sketching an easy numerical method relying on monotone operator splitting and proximal methods that iteratively solves iBPDN

    Small Width, Low Distortions: Quantized Random Embeddings of Low-complexity Sets

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    Under which conditions and with which distortions can we preserve the pairwise-distances of low-complexity vectors, e.g., for structured sets such as the set of sparse vectors or the one of low-rank matrices, when these are mapped in a finite set of vectors? This work addresses this general question through the specific use of a quantized and dithered random linear mapping which combines, in the following order, a sub-Gaussian random projection in RM\mathbb R^M of vectors in RN\mathbb R^N, a random translation, or "dither", of the projected vectors and a uniform scalar quantizer of resolution δ>0\delta>0 applied componentwise. Thanks to this quantized mapping we are first able to show that, with high probability, an embedding of a bounded set KRN\mathcal K \subset \mathbb R^N in δZM\delta \mathbb Z^M can be achieved when distances in the quantized and in the original domains are measured with the 1\ell_1- and 2\ell_2-norm, respectively, and provided the number of quantized observations MM is large before the square of the "Gaussian mean width" of K\mathcal K. In this case, we show that the embedding is actually "quasi-isometric" and only suffers of both multiplicative and additive distortions whose magnitudes decrease as M1/5M^{-1/5} for general sets, and as M1/2M^{-1/2} for structured set, when MM increases. Second, when one is only interested in characterizing the maximal distance separating two elements of K\mathcal K mapped to the same quantized vector, i.e., the "consistency width" of the mapping, we show that for a similar number of measurements and with high probability this width decays as M1/4M^{-1/4} for general sets and as 1/M1/M for structured ones when MM increases. Finally, as an important aspect of our work, we also establish how the non-Gaussianity of the mapping impacts the class of vectors that can be embedded or whose consistency width provably decays when MM increases.Comment: Keywords: quantization, restricted isometry property, compressed sensing, dimensionality reduction. 31 pages, 1 figur

    Quantized Compressive K-Means

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    The recent framework of compressive statistical learning aims at designing tractable learning algorithms that use only a heavily compressed representation-or sketch-of massive datasets. Compressive K-Means (CKM) is such a method: it estimates the centroids of data clusters from pooled, non-linear, random signatures of the learning examples. While this approach significantly reduces computational time on very large datasets, its digital implementation wastes acquisition resources because the learning examples are compressed only after the sensing stage. The present work generalizes the sketching procedure initially defined in Compressive K-Means to a large class of periodic nonlinearities including hardware-friendly implementations that compressively acquire entire datasets. This idea is exemplified in a Quantized Compressive K-Means procedure, a variant of CKM that leverages 1-bit universal quantization (i.e. retaining the least significant bit of a standard uniform quantizer) as the periodic sketch nonlinearity. Trading for this resource-efficient signature (standard in most acquisition schemes) has almost no impact on the clustering performances, as illustrated by numerical experiments

    Robust Phase Unwrapping by Convex Optimization

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    The 2-D phase unwrapping problem aims at retrieving a "phase" image from its modulo 2π2\pi observations. Many applications, such as interferometry or synthetic aperture radar imaging, are concerned by this problem since they proceed by recording complex or modulated data from which a "wrapped" phase is extracted. Although 1-D phase unwrapping is trivial, a challenge remains in higher dimensions to overcome two common problems: noise and discontinuities in the true phase image. In contrast to state-of-the-art techniques, this work aims at simultaneously unwrap and denoise the phase image. We propose a robust convex optimization approach that enforces data fidelity constraints expressed in the corrupted phase derivative domain while promoting a sparse phase prior. The resulting optimization problem is solved by the Chambolle-Pock primal-dual scheme. We show that under different observation noise levels, our approach compares favorably to those that perform the unwrapping and denoising in two separate steps.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted in ICIP1

    Time for dithering: fast and quantized random embeddings via the restricted isometry property

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    Recently, many works have focused on the characterization of non-linear dimensionality reduction methods obtained by quantizing linear embeddings, e.g., to reach fast processing time, efficient data compression procedures, novel geometry-preserving embeddings or to estimate the information/bits stored in this reduced data representation. In this work, we prove that many linear maps known to respect the restricted isometry property (RIP) can induce a quantized random embedding with controllable multiplicative and additive distortions with respect to the pairwise distances of the data points beings considered. In other words, linear matrices having fast matrix-vector multiplication algorithms (e.g., based on partial Fourier ensembles or on the adjacency matrix of unbalanced expanders) can be readily used in the definition of fast quantized embeddings with small distortions. This implication is made possible by applying right after the linear map an additive and random "dither" that stabilizes the impact of the uniform scalar quantization operator applied afterwards. For different categories of RIP matrices, i.e., for different linear embeddings of a metric space (KRn,q)(\mathcal K \subset \mathbb R^n, \ell_q) in (Rm,p)(\mathbb R^m, \ell_p) with p,q1p,q \geq 1, we derive upper bounds on the additive distortion induced by quantization, showing that it decays either when the embedding dimension mm increases or when the distance of a pair of embedded vectors in K\mathcal K decreases. Finally, we develop a novel "bi-dithered" quantization scheme, which allows for a reduced distortion that decreases when the embedding dimension grows and independently of the considered pair of vectors.Comment: Keywords: random projections, non-linear embeddings, quantization, dither, restricted isometry property, dimensionality reduction, compressive sensing, low-complexity signal models, fast and structured sensing matrices, quantized rank-one projections (31 pages