24 research outputs found

    Early onset anorexia nervosa: Multidisciplinary hospital intervention in a 1-year follow-up study

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    Background: Early onset anorexia nervosa (EOAN) is a subclassification of AN, defined by an onset before 14 years, and characterized by specific demographic, neuropsychological, and clinical features. The present study aims to provide naturalistic data on a wide sample with EOAN, focusing on psychopathological and nutritional changes occurring in the context of a multidisciplinary hospital intervention, as well as the rate of rehospitalizations during a 1-year follow-up. Method: Observational, naturalistic study adopting standardized criteria for EOAN (onset before 14 years). EOAN were compared to adolescent-onset AN (AOAN) patients (onset after 14 years) by demographic, clinical, psycho and treatment variables. Psychopathology was assessed at admission (T0) and discharge (T1) with self-administered psychiatric scales for children and adolescents (SAFA) subtests for Eating Disorders, Anxiety, Depression, Somatic symptoms, and Obsessions. Then, potential differences of T0–T1 changes in psychopathological and nutritional variables were assessed. Finally, rates of re-hospitalizations at 1-year post-discharge follow-up were assessed with Kaplan–Meier analyses. Results: Two-hundred thirty-eight AN individuals (EOAN = 85) were enrolled. When compared to AOAN, EOAN participants were more frequently males (X2 = 5.360, p = .021), more frequently received nasogastric-tube feeding (X2 = 10.313, p = .001), and risperidone (X2 = 19.463, p < .001), obtained a greater T0-T1 improvement in bodymass index percentage (F[1.229] = 15.104, p < .001, η2 = 0.030), with higher 1-year freedom from re-hospitalization (hazard ratio, 0.47; Log-rank: X2 = 4.758, p = .029). Conclusion: In this study, describing the broadest EOAN sample available in literature so far, EOAN patients received specific interventions and obtained better outcomes at discharge and follow-up when compared to AOAN. Longitudinal, matched studies are required

    Premenarchal anorexia nervosa: clinical features, psychopharmacological interventions, and rehospitalization analysis in a 1‑year follow‑up, controlled study

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    Premenarchal anorexia nervosa (AN) represents a specific subtype of AN, defined by an onset before the menarche in females, involving unique endocrine and prognostic features. The scarce data on this condition lack case–control and follow-up studies. This is a case–control, observational, naturalistic study, involving participants with premenarchal AN (premenarchal girls presenting to the study center newly diagnosed with AN) treated with a multidisciplinary hospital intervention, compared to postmenarchal AN individuals on clinical, endocrine, psychopathological, and treatment variables. The rate of rehospitalizations on a 1-year follow-up after discharge and respective prognostic factors were assessed with a Kaplan–Meier analysis and Cox regression model. The sample included 234 AN participants (43, 18.4% with premenarchal and 191, 81.6% with postmenarchal AN). When compared to postmenarchal, premenarchal AN individuals presented with lower depressive scores (Self-Administered Psychiatric Scales for Children and Adolescents (SAFA)) (U=1387.0, p=0.010) and lower luteinizing hormone (LH) levels (U=3056.0, p=0.009) and were less frequently treated with antidepressants (X2=5.927, p=0.015). A significant predictive model of the risk of rehospitalization (X2=19.192, p=0.004) identified a higher age at admission (B=0.522, p=0.020) and a day-hospital (vs inpatient) treatment (B=3957, p=0.007) as predictive factors for rehospitalization at 1-year, independent from the menarchal status. Conclusion: This study reports the clinical and treatment characteristics of premenarchal AN in one of the largest samples available in the current literature. Specific clinical features and prognostic factors for rehospitalization at 1-year follow-up were identified. Future studies should longitudinally investigate treatment-dependent modifications in endocrine and psychopathological measures in this population

    Barriers and facilitators affecting treatment uptake behaviours for patients with eating disorders: A systematic review synthesising patient, caregiver and clinician perspectives

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    ObjectiveA significant treatment gap exists between persons affected by eating disorders (ED), and those engaging with treatment services. This systematic review aims to provide a thorough understanding of the barriers and facilitators affecting eating disorder treatment engagement, including a synthesis of the perspectives of patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals. MethodThis systematic review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Studies were retrieved from three databases (PubMed, PsycInfo, Web of Science) and were screened and assessed independently by two raters. A thematic analysis was completed to determine the key barriers and facilitators reported by the included studies. ResultsA total of 73 studies were included. From these studies, 12 barriers and 13 facilitators were identified. Patients reported stigma, shame and guilt as the most prominent barrier affecting their engagement with treatment services. Meanwhile, caregivers and healthcare professionals reported a lack of eating disorder knowledge of clinicians as the most important barrier. Positive social support was cited as the most prominent facilitator to promote help-seeking. DiscussionPatients, caregivers and healthcare professionals experience a variety of barriers and facilitators to treatment uptake for ED. Interventions addressing barriers and facilitators could increase treatment engagement, including anti-stigma campaigns and positive peer-support interventions

    Specific Learning Disorders and Eating Disorders: an Italian retrospective study

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    Background: Although Anorexia Nervosa (AN) patients show dysfunctional behaviour in information processing, visual and verbal memory performance, and different cognitive fields, regardless of their BMI, the literature on the correlations between Eating Disorders (ED) and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NDD) does not provide conclusive data. Rather than a consequence of the mental disorder, cognitive dysfunctions may be a risk factor for AN. Methods: Our retrospective study investigates the prevalence of Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) among patients with ED. We considered 262 patients being treated at the Emilia Romagna Feeding and Eating Disorders Outpatient Service in Bologna, Italy. We compared the results with the Italian reference values, according to the most recent data provided by the Italian Ministry of Education. Results: We found that 25 patients out of 262 (9.54%) presented a comorbid diagnosis of SLD. This SLD prevalence is higher than the Italian reference values (4.9% in the school year 2018/19, p < 0.001). Comorbidity with SLD was significantly more frequent in males. A diagnosis of SLD was not associated with a higher frequency of any specific ED diagnosis or with psychiatric comorbidity in general. Positive family history for SLD was not significantly associated with either a positive family history for ED or a diagnosis of SLD. Conclusions: This is the first Italian study to investigate the prevalence of SLD in ED patients during childhood and adolescence. Our data support previous research documenting that neuropsychological deficit could lead to the development of ED

    The use of TikTok among childrenand adolescents with Eating Disorders: experience in a third‑level public Italian center during the SARS‑CoV‑2 pandemic

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    Background: Recent research has documented the potential associations existing between the use of social media (SM) and the occurrence/development and treatment of Eating Disorders (ED). However, the literature directly addressing the use of SM TikTok among children and adolescents with ED is still scarce. Methods: In January–February 2021, during the second Italian national lockdown due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, an anonymous paper survey was conducted in an Italian third-level center for ED in childhood and adolescence. Demographics, frequency of use of TikTok, frequently viewed topics and hashtags, experienced body-shaming, as well as the use of TikTok (active search, use of proposed contents) and perceived influences of this SM on eating attitudes and self-esteem were assessed. Groups of patients with different perceived SM-induced effects were compared to determine the frequency of their interaction with 3 specific contents (diet, Pro-Anorexia Nervosa (pro-Ana) and pro- ED recovery). Results: Seventy-eight patients (93.6% females, mean age 14.5 ± 2.1 years) were enrolled in the study. For 62.8%, TikTok represented the main SM, used for 1.4 ± 1.0 h/day, with diet (21.8%) as the most frequently used topic category. Pro-Ana and pro-ED recovery contents (“#foryou” and “#edrecovery” as the most frequent, respectively) were both actively searched by patients and proposed by the SM in a significant number of cases. For 59.0%, using TikTok reduced self-esteem, while 26.9% reported TikTok-related significant changes in their daily lives, and 3.8% reported experiences of body-shaming. Patients describing a negative effect of TikTok on their self-esteem more frequently searched and browsed “diet” (p = 0.007) and pro-ED recovery (p = 0.007) contents. Positive qualitative feedback on the SM was also reported. Conclusions: This study documents the use of the SM TikTok among children and adolescents with ED. Individuals with a perceived negative effect of this SM on their self-esteem may show greater interaction with specific content. Further studies are needed to investigate the psychopathological factors influencing the relationship between ED and the use of SM

    Eating disorders in young patients with neurofibromatosis type 1

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    Aim: We describe the association of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) and feeding and eating disorders (FED) in five patients admitted to our third level centre for both FED and NF1. Methods: Case series of five adolescent females with NF1 treated for FED. Results: We collected data from five patients with NF1 aged between 14 and 22 years, all females. The onset of eating disorder symptoms occurred between 13 and 19 years of age and was characterised by food intake restriction, associated with physical hyperactivity in three out of five cases. One patient also reported self-injurious acts and episodic binges. Patients received diagnoses of anorexia nervosa (AN, n = 2), atypical AN (n = 1), bulimia nervosa (n = 1), unspecified feeding and eating disorder (n = 1). Conclusion: The current literature reports a single case of an adult with NF1 and comorbid AN, focusing on the dermatological features of NF1. Our article describes a case series of five patients in developmental age affected by NF1 and FED. Clinical and psychological features of NF1 may play a role in the pathogenesis of FED when these two conditions co-occur. The dermatological alterations of NF1 may contribute to body image distortion that characterises AN. Further research is required to systematically screen populations of patients with NF1 for the presence of FED

    Adjunctive Clotiapine for the Management of Delusions in Two Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa

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    open7noClotiapine is an atypical antipsychotic indicated for the management of a series of acute psychotic disorders. The current literature lacks evidence concerning the tolerability and clinical use of this drug in the management of individuals with anorexia nervosa (AN). In this study, we report two cases of adolescents with AN, treated with clotiapine. The reason for the administration of clotiapine was, for both patients, the manifestation of bizarre delusions concerning food and calories. Patient 1 presented a presyncope after the first dose of clotiapine, and treatment was rapidly discontinued. Patient 2 was treated with clotiapine for 9 months; doses were titrated from 20 mg/day to 70 mg/day, with an improvement in the reported delusions, which also enhanced compliance with psychological and nutritional interventions. EKG, QTc, white blood count, and red blood count were not relevantly influenced by the introduction of clotiapine in either patient. No extrapyramidal effect was documented. These reports stress the need for further studies assessing the tolerability and potential effect of clotiapine in treating adolescents with AN and delusional symptomatology.openJacopo Pruccoli , Giulia Joy Leone, Cristina Di Sarno, Luigi Vetri , Giuseppe Quatrosi , Michele Roccella, Antonia ParmeggianiJacopo Pruccoli , Giulia Joy Leone, Cristina Di Sarno, Luigi Vetri , Giuseppe Quatrosi , Michele Roccella, Antonia Parmeggian

    Virtual Reality Exposure to a Healthy Weight Body Is a Promising Adjunct Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa

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    Introduction/objective: Treatment results of anorexia nervosa (AN) are modest, with fear of weight gain being a strong predictor of treatment outcome and relapse. Here, we present a virtual reality (VR) setup for exposure to healthy weight and evaluate its potential as an adjunct treatment for AN. Methods: In two studies, we investigate VR experience and clinical effects of VR exposure to higher weight in 20 women with high weight concern or shape concern and in 20 women with AN. Results: In study 1, 90% of participants (18/20) reported symptoms of high arousal but verbalized low to medium levels of fear. Study 2 demonstrated that VR exposure to healthy weight induced high arousal in patients with AN and yielded a trend that four sessions of exposure improved fear of weight gain. Explorative analyses revealed three clusters of individual reactions to exposure, which need further exploration. Conclusions: VR exposure is a well-accepted and powerful tool for evoking fear of weight gain in patients with AN. We observed a statistical trend that repeated virtual exposure to healthy weight improved fear of weight gain with large effect sizes. Further studies are needed to determine the mechanisms and differential effects

    Inpatient treatment of anorexia nervosa with adjunctive valproate: a case series of 14 young and adolescent patients

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    Background: The use of valproate in the treatment of Anorexia Nervosa (AN) in children and adolescents is currently not recommended by clinical guidelines, due to lack of evidence. Nonetheless, valproate is used to treat a series of psychiatric and neurologic conditions. To date, only six cases of patients with Feeding and Eating Disorders (three with AN) have been described. Methods: Case series of 14 children and adolescent patients hospitalized for AN and treated with valproate as an adjunctive treatment. Reasons for introduction, dosages, plasma levels, adverse drug reactions (ADR) and modifications of liver enzymes, platelets levels, abdominal and pelvic ultrasounds, and concurrent drugs plasma levels were assessed. Results: Reasons for the introduction of valproate included unstable mood (57.1%), lack of compliance (50%) and aggressive behaviour (21.4%). In 71.4% of patients an improvement on target symptoms was observed. Valproate was started at 241.7 (± 73.3) mg, up to 521.4 (± 204.5) mg; the most frequent scheme was twice-daily. The mean plasmatic concentration was 66.3 (± 25.0) mg/L. One patient (7.1%) experienced side effects (somnolence). No major modifications of liver enzymes, platelet levels, abdominal and pelvic ultrasounds emerged after the introduction of valproate. Low concurrent olanzapine and quetiapine levels were documented. Conclusions: This is the largest sample of patients with AN treated with valproate. Valproate was administered to improve psychiatric symptoms impairing compliance with inpatient treatment programs. The majority of patients experienced an improvement on target symptoms after being administered valproate, with minor ADR. These data should be investigated in wider populations and controlled studies

    Treatment response in children and adolescents with anorexia nervosa: a naturalistic, case–control study

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    Purpose Although a few recent articles describe adults with treatment-resistant anorexia nervosa (TR-AN), no study addresses the specific features of subjects not responding to treatment in the developmental age. This study reports on the clinical and psychopathological variables that distinguish children and adolescents who did not respond to treatment (here “TR-AN”) from good-outcome controls, in a multidisciplinary hospital treatment setting. Methods Naturalistic, case–control study conducted on individuals showing lack of response to treatment and good-outcome controls. TR-AN was defined as two or more incomplete admissions and no complete admissions, consistently with studies in adults. Good-outcome was defined as complete first admission, availability for follow-up visit after 6 months, and maintain- ing at follow-up a %BMI > 70% in the absence of binging or purging in the preceding 3 months. Psychopathological (Eating Disorders Inventory-3 EDI-3; Beck Depression Inventory-II), clinical, and treatment variables at admission were compared. Significant differences in the univariate analyses were included in an exploratory binary logistic regression. Results Seventy-six patients (30 TR-AN, 46 good-outcome AN controls) were enrolled (mean age 14.9±1.9 years, F = 94.7%). TR-AN individuals had a higher age at admission and higher EDI-3 Eating Disorder Risk (EDRC) scores, were treated less frequently with a nasogastric tube (NGT), and achieved a lower BMI improvement at discharge than good- outcome controls. A predictive model for TR-AN status was found (X2 = 19.116; Nagelkerke-R2 = 0.478, p < 0.001), and age at admission (OR = 0.460, p = 0.019), EDI-3 EDRC (OR = 0.938, p = 0.043), and NGT (OR = 8.003, p = 0.019) were associated with a TR-AN status. Conclusions This is the first report on the psychopathological and clinical characteristics of children and adolescents not responding to treatment. These patients showed higher age and eating disorder scores, and were less frequently fed with NGT than controls. Despite the multiple incomplete admissions of our subjects, the short included follow-up limits the pos- sibility for direct comparisons with adult samples of treatment-resistant patients. Thus, the specific features of children and adolescents with TR-AN should be assessed in longitudinal studies