432 research outputs found

    Automatic information exchange between interoperable information systems: Potential improvement of access management in a seaport terminal

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore how and when the most beneficial and cost effective information attributes can be automatically exchanged between interoperable information systems of a seaport terminal operator, a road haulier, and a rail operator to potentially improve their access management. The automatically exchange of the attributes is dependent on interoperability between information systems of the involved actors. The interoperability is achieved through a developed application programming interface in this study. This case study adds to prior research by developing a cost-benefits analysis that categorises the attributes (from low cost / low benefit to high cost / high benefit) involving four strategies: data farming, dedicated information exchange, opportunistic information exchange, and avoiding information exchange. These four strategies are important in identifying when to collect the information attributes automatically to facilitate real-time decision-making and in turn potentially improve the access management for the involved actors. is developed in this case study to enable interoperability between the information systems of involved actors. As a change management tool, the cost-benefit analysis can also be used to identify and support transformation of attributes from one category to another. The empirical study included nine workshops resulting in the identification of the most beneficial and cost effective information attributes: deviation information, direction, driver ID, estimated time of arrival, goods priority information, intermodal transport unit (ITU) ID, ITU status, opening hours, shipment ID, and vehicle ID. The attributes must be automatically exchanged according to three identified time phases: one week before, one day before, and two hours before the ITUs are to be picked up at the terminal. By exchanging these attributes between the interoperable actors\ub4 information systems, there is potential for reducing the actors\ub4 turnaround times, increasing their access reliability, access precision, and access flexibility. Finally, two propositions are formulated from the empirical findings and in relation to prior research results

    Carbon Dioxide Capture from Ambient Air Using Amine-Grafted Mesoporous Adsorbents

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    Anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) have been identified as a major contributor to climate change. An attractive approach to tackle the increasing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere is direct extraction via absorption of CO2 from ambient air, to be subsequently desorbed and processed under controlled conditions. The feasibility of this approach depends on the sorbent material that should combine a long lifetime with nontoxicity, high selectivity for CO2, and favorable thermodynamic cycling properties. Adsorbents based on pore-expanded mesoporous silica grafted with amines have previously been found to combine high CO2 adsorption capacity at low partial pressures with operational stability under highly defined laboratory conditions. Here we examine the real potential and functionality of these materials by using more realistic conditions using both pure CO2, synthetic air, and, most importantly, ambient air. Through a combination of thermogravimetric analysis and Fourier transform infrared (TGA-FTIR) spectroscopy we address the primary functionality and by diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) spectroscopy the observed degradation of the material on a molecular level

    Crystallisation Kinetics and Associated Electrical Conductivity Dynamics of Poly(Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) Nanocomposites in the Melt State

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    Nanocomposite systems comprised of a poly(ethylene vinyl acetate) (EVA) matrix and carbon black (CB) or graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) were used to investigate conductivity and crystallisation dynamics using a commercially relevant melt-state mixing process. Crystallisation kinetics and morphology, as investigated by DSC and SEM, turn out to depend on the interplay of (i) the interphase interactions between matrix and filler, and (ii) the degree of filler agglomeration. For the GNP-based systems, an almost constant conductivity value was observed for all compositions upon cooling, something not observed for the CB-based compositions. These conductivity changes reflect structural and morphological changes that can be associated with positive and negative thermal expansion coefficients. GNP-based systems were observed to exhibit a percolation threshold of approximately 2.2 vol%, lower than the 4.4 vol% observed for the CB-based systems

    Comparisons of Blockage Widths of Ideally Hard Cylinders of Different Cross-Sectional Shapes

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    In some applications the electromagnetic waves radiating from or being received by an antenna are obstructed by some mechanical structure. If the structure is part of or close to an antenna, the obstruction may represent aperture blockage causing increased sidelobes and reduced gain of the antenna. For example, the blocking structures can be struts or masts supporting the feed in reflectarrays or in reflectors. Usually in antennas, the direction of the incident wave is known, so the struts can be designed to reduce the blockage for a given direction of incidence

    Recreational values of the natural environment in relation to neighbourhood satisfaction, physical activity, obesity and wellbeing.

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this population-based study was to investigate associations between recreational values of the close natural environment and neighbourhood satisfaction, physical activity, obesity and wellbeing. METHODS: Data from a large public health survey distributed as a mailed questionnaire in suburban and rural areas of southern Sweden were used (N = 24,819; 59% participation rate). Geocoded residential addresses and the geographical information system technique were used to assess objectively five recreational values of the close natural environment: serene, wild, lush, spacious and culture. RESULTS: On average, a citizen of the Scania region, inner city areas excluded, only had access to 0.67 recreational values within 300 metres distance from their residence. The number of recreational values near the residence was strongly associated with neighbourhood satisfaction and physical activity. The effect on satisfaction was especially marked among tenants and the presence of recreational values was associated with low or normal body mass index in this group. A less marked positive association with vitality among women was observed. No evident effect on self-rated health was detectable. CONCLUSIONS: Immediate access to natural environments with high recreational values was rare in the study population and was distributed in an inequitable manner. Moreover, such access was associated with a positive assessment of neighbourhood satisfaction and time spent on physical activity, which can be expected to reduce obesity and increase vitality by having a buffering effect on stress

    Bacterial composition in Swedish raw drinking water reveals three major interacting ubiquitous metacommunities

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    Background Surface raw water used as a source for drinking water production is a critical resource, sensitive to contamination. We conducted a study on Swedish raw water sources, aiming to identify mutually co-occurring metacommunities of bacteria, and environmental factors driving such patterns. Methods The water sources were different regarding nutrient composition, water quality, and climate characteristics, and displayed various degrees of anthropogenic impact. Water inlet samples were collected at six drinking water treatment plants over 3 years, totaling 230 samples. The bacterial communities of DNA sequenced samples (n = 175), obtained by 16S metabarcoding, were analyzed using a joint model for taxa abundance. Results Two major groups of well-defined metacommunities of microorganisms were identified, in addition to a third, less distinct, and taxonomically more diverse group. These three metacommunities showed various associations to the measured environmental data. Predictions for the well-defined metacommunities revealed differing sets of favored metabolic pathways and life strategies. In one community, taxa with methanogenic metabolism were common, while a second community was dominated by taxa with carbohydrate and lipid-focused metabolism. Conclusion The identification of ubiquitous persistent co-occurring bacterial metacommunities in freshwater habitats could potentially facilitate microbial source tracking analysis of contamination issues in freshwater sources