11,838 research outputs found

    Low-frequency sound propagation modeling over a locally-reacting boundary using the parabolic approximation

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    There is substantial interest in the analytical and numerical modeling of low-frequency, long-range atmospheric acoustic propagation. Ray-based models, because of frequency limitations, do not always give an adequate prediction of quantities such as sound pressure or intensity levels. However, the parabolic approximation method, widely used in ocean acoustics, and often more accurate than ray models for lower frequencies of interest, can be applied to acoustic propagation in the atmosphere. Modifications of an existing implicit finite-difference implementation for computing solutions to the parabolic approximation are discussed. A locally-reacting boundary is used together with a one-parameter impedance model. Intensity calculations are performed for a number of flow resistivity values in both quiescent and windy atmospheres. Variations in the value of this parameter are shown to have substantial effects on the spatial variation of the acoustic signal

    Research summary

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    The final report for progress during the period from 15 Nov. 1988 to 14 Nov. 1991 is presented. Research on methods for analysis of sound propagation through the atmosphere and on results obtained from application of our methods are summarized. Ten written documents of NASA research are listed, and these include publications, manuscripts accepted, submitted, or in preparation for publication, and reports. Twelve presentations of results, either at scientific conferences or at research or technical organizations, since the start of the grant period are indicated. Names of organizations to which software produced under the grant was distributed are provided, and the current arrangement whereby the software is being distributed to the scientific community is also described. Finally, the names of seven graduate students who worked on NASA research and received Rensselaer degrees during the grant period, along with their current employers are given

    Comment on "Accelerated Detectors and Temperature in (Anti) de Sitter Spaces"

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    It is shown how the results of Deser and Levin on the response of accelerated detectors in anti-de Sitter space can be understood from the same general perspective as other thermality results in spacetimes with bifurcate Killing horizons.Comment: 5 pages, LaTe

    HEAO 3 upper limits to the expected 1634 KeV line from SS 483

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    A model based on 24 Mg(1369) was developed as the source of the lines in which refractory grains in the jets, containing Mg and 0, are bombarded, by ambient protons in the local ISM. The narrowness of the features results because the recoil Mg nucleus is stopped in the grain before the 1369 keV excited state decays. A consequence of the 24 Mg interpretation is the expected appearance of other emission lines, due to 20 Ne and 20 Na, which are produced by proton bombardment of 24 Mg at the 33 MeV/nucleon energy corresponding to the velocity of the jets. These lines appear at rest energies of 1634 keV and 1636 keV, respectively, and should have essentially the same total flux as that emited at 1369 keV. The HEAO 3 data are examined to search for the 1634 keV (rest) emission. The observation and analysis, the results, and the implications for the understanding of SS 433 are discussed

    High-resolution spectrum of Cygnus X-1

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    A high resolution spectrum of Cygnus X-1 in the 45 to 600 keV range is presented. The measurement was made by the HEAO 3 gamma ray spectrometer during 82 days in the fall of 1979 and spring of 1980, when the source was in its normal low state. Results of a search for narrow emission lines from the source are reported. The spectrum shows no significant narrow features. The 3 delta upper limit to a narrow 511 keV annihilation line is 3 x 0.0001 photons/sq cm/s. There is also no evidence in HEAO 3 broadband data above 500 keV for the broad annihilation feature observed by HEAO 1

    Hawking radiation without black hole entropy

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    In this Letter I point out that Hawking radiation is a purely kinematic effect that is generic to Lorentzian geometries. Hawking radiation arises for any test field on any Lorentzian geometry containing an event horizon regardless of whether or not the Lorentzian geometry satisfies the dynamical Einstein equations of general relativity. On the other hand, the classical laws of black hole mechanics are intrinsically linked to the Einstein equations of general relativity (or their perturbative extension into either semiclassical quantum gravity or string-inspired scenarios). In particular, the laws of black hole thermodynamics, and the identification of the entropy of a black hole with its area, are inextricably linked with the dynamical equations satisfied by the Lorentzian geometry: entropy is proportional to area (plus corrections) if and only if the dynamical equations are the Einstein equations (plus corrections). It is quite possible to have Hawking radiation occur in physical situations in which the laws of black hole mechanics do not apply, and in situations in which the notion of black hole entropy does not even make any sense. This observation has important implications for any derivation of black hole entropy that seeks to deduce black hole entropy from the Hawking radiation.Comment: Uses ReV_TeX 3.0; Five pages in two-column forma

    Galactic distribution of interstellar Al-26

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    A narrow cosmic gamma ray line at 1809 keV was discovered which was interpreted as resulting from the decay of approximately 3 M sub theta of Al-26 residing in the galactic disk. While its intrinsic width was unresolved by the HEAO 3 spectrometer, a (1 sigma) limit of 3 keV FWHM was obtained; this corresponds to bulk motions of v 250 km/s, which is consistent with material at rest in the ISM. Sites which have been suggested include type II supernovae and massive stars which are members of the extreme population I, as well as novae and red giants which are associated with an older disk population. The HEAO 3 data was used to distinguish between these two stellar populations

    GABAergic compensation in connexin36 knock-out mice evident during low-magnesium seizure-like event activity

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    Gap junctions within the cerebral cortex may facilitate cortical seizure formation by their ability to synchronize electrical activity. To investigate this, one option is to compare wild-type (WT) animals with those lacking the gene for connexin36 (Cx36 KO); the protein that forms neuronal gap junctions between cortical inhibitory cells. However, genetically modified knock-out animals may exhibit compensatory effects; with the risk that observed differences between WT and Cx36 KO animals could be erroneously attributed to Cx36 gap junction effects. In this study we investigated the effect of GABAA-receptor modulation (augmentation with 16 μM etomidate and blockade with 100 μM picrotoxin) on low-magnesium seizure-like events (SLEs) in mouse cortical slices. In WT slices, picrotoxin enhanced both the amplitude (49% increase, p = 0.0006) and frequency (37% increase, p = 0.005) of SLEs; etomidate also enhanced SLE amplitude (18% increase, p = 0.003) but reduced event frequency (25% decrease, p < 0.0001). In Cx36 KO slices, the frequency effects of etomidate and picrotoxin were preserved, but the amplitude responses were abolished. Pre-treatment with the gap junction blocker mefloquin in WT slices did not significantly alter the drug responses, indicating that the reduction in amplitude seen in the Cx36 KO mice was not primarily mediated by their lack of interneuronal gap junctions, but was rather due to pre-existing compensatory changes in these animals. Conclusions from studies comparing seizure characteristics between WT and Cx36 KO mice must be viewed with a degree of caution because of the possible confounding effect of compensatory neurophysiological changes in the genetically modified animals

    The Semi-Classical Back Reaction to Black Hole Evaporation

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    The semi-classical back reaction to black hole evaporation (wherein the renormalized energy momentum tensor is taken as source of Einstein's equations) is analyzed in detail. It is proven that the mass of a Schwarzshild black hole decreases according to Hawking's law dM/dt=C/M2dM/dt = - C/ M^2 where CC is a constant of order one and that the particles are emitted with a thermal spectrum at temperature 1/8πM(t)1/8\pi M(t).Comment: 10 pages, LATE