48 research outputs found

    Resilient retfærdighed? Klimabevægelsen og den systemiske retorik

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    This article uses the idea of resilience as a point of departure for analysing some contemporary challenges to the climate justice movement posed by social-ecological sciences. Climate justice activists are increasingly rallying for a system-change, demanding fundamental changes to political bureaucracy and the economy, which would put ecology, biodiversity and climate change first for all future political decisions. Since the concept of resilience has taken up a central role in recent developments in ecological sciences, it has also become part of the activist debate. The article’s main argument is that the scientific framework behind resilience is not politically neutral and that this framework tends to weaken the activist’s demands for a just transition and place more emphasis on technical and bureaucratic processes

    Undtagelsesmodstand:Klimanød, undtagelsestilstand og aktivistisk temporalitet

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    This article examines various political criticisms of the State of Exception in light of climate activists’ desire to declare a climate emergency in a large number of states globally. These criticisms have developed in tandem with notions of securitization and de-politicization of the environment since the 1990s, and the article argues that several theorists overlook the temporal perspective of the climate crisis and risks of irreversibility in destroyed ecosystems. These risks – and their temporalities – should be included in the assessment of discursive issues surrounding the activists’ demands for a state of emergency. Since the criticisms revolve around questions of sovereignty, the article points to a more specific analysis of sovereignty futures, where climate risks are determinative, but where temporality still plays a minor role

    Redaktionelt forord

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    Alt det der med vagina dentata kan man godt putte skrådt op - Interview med Henning Bech og Vivi Hollænder

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    Sexual norms are not universal. Today’s cultural and social norms regarding sexuality consist of many different attitudes, beliefs, desires and practices. This interview with two of the leading Danish experts in sexological studies and sexology discusses sexual norms and practices, sexual discourse, moralism and taboos in current Danish society

    Redaktionelt forord - Seksualitetens autinomi

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    Det kan virke som om, seksualiteten er fanget i en form for historisk antinomi, en selvmodsigelse i modsatrettede lovmæssigheder, der på paradoksal vis eksisterer ved siden af hinanden. På den ene side er vi mere frigjorte end nogensinde, på den anden side er der moralisme og snerperi som aldrig før. Samtidig er også den akademiske verden præget af en blanding af akavethed og simpelt fravær af diskussion omkring seksualitetens sociale og politiske betydning. I dette nummer af Slagmark forsøger vi at åbne denne diskussion ved at betragte seksualitet som et fundamentalt vigtigt forhold i menneskenes liv, som manifesterer sig i mangfoldige former og med mange lag af historiske forudsætninger og implikationer. Vi har valgt ”Seksualiteter” som titel for at understrege denne mangfoldighed, der viser sig lige under overfladen af dikotomien mellem pornoficering og forskrækkethed. Ni meget forskellige bud på seksualitetens betydning fra ni meget forskellige forfattere er vores bud på et lille bidrag til en større offentlighed omkring seksualiteter

    Editor's Preface

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