18 research outputs found

    Synthesis of enantiopure building blocks for biologically active compounds by enzyme catalysis. Optimizing reaction conditions for increased enantioselectivity and activity

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    Efficient methods for synthesis of enantiomerically pure enantiomers of a series of secondary alcohols and butanoates have been performed by kinetic resolution of the racemic alcohols and esters catalyzed by lipase B from Candida antarctica (Novozym 435). The effect of the substrate structure on E was different for transesterifications of alcohols in organic media as compared to hydrolysis of esters in buffer. The influence of different acyl donors on the enantioselectivity has also been investigated. Derivatives of 1-phenoxy-2-alkanols have been kinetically resolved by esterification with irreversible and reversible acyl donors using lipase B from Candida antarctica (Novozym 435) as catalyst. Esterifications in eight different solvents with different water activity have been performed. For 3-bromo-1-phenoxy-2-propanol the E-values in all of the solvents were higher when the water activity was increased. The water content of the various reaction media at the same water activity was also determined. In esterifications of secondary alcohols catalyzed by immobilized lipase B from Candida antarctica (Novozym 435) the E-values decreased during the reaction. Hydrolysis of the corresponding butanoates showed the opposite effect. When an enantiopure (R)-alcohol, related but different, was added to the transesterification reaction, the E-value was significantly enhanced. Decreasing enantioselectivity (E-value) by conversion has also been observed in transesterification reactions of secondary alcohols catalyzed by a pure protein formulation of lipase B from Candida antarctica (Novozym 525 F). It can be concluded that the immobilization of Novozym 435 not was the reason for the decrease in E-value which was observed. Addition of a range of enantiopure alcohols caused a temporary increase in enzyme selectivity in the transesterification reaction of 3-chloro-1-phenoxy- 2-propanol with vinyl butanoate. Enantioselective hydrolyses and ammonolyses of diethyl 3-hydroxyglutarate and dimethyl 3-hydroxyglutarate gave a maximum of 91 and 98 % enantiomeric excess, respectively, with use of immobilized lipase B from Candida antarctica (Novozym 435). Ee´s were determined using chiral GLC of the mono amides and achiral GLC of diastereomeric derivatives of the monoesters. The catalyst was re-used more than ten times with retention of high activity and selectivity. Biocatalytic asymmetrizations of diethyl 3-hydroxyglutarate furnish a route to enantiomers of ethyl 4-cyano-3-hydroxybutanoate. The enantiopreference of different enzymes has been established by chiral chromatography. Conclusive evidence for absolute configurations has been provided by X-ray crystallographic structure determination of co-crystals of the predominant monoester (3S)-3-hydroxy pentanedioic monoethyl ester with (R)-phenylethylamine. The predominant enantiopure monoester produced by ammonolysis of diethyl 3-hydroxyglutarate catalyzed by immobilized lipase B from Candida antarctica (Novozym 435) was ethyl (3S)-4-carbamoyl-3- hydroxybutanoate. It was converted to ethyl (3S)-4-cyano-3-hydroxybutanoate in high yield and enantiomeric excess.dr.scient.dr.scient

    Chemoenzymatic Protocol for the Synthesis of Enantiopure <i>β</i>-Blocker (<i>S</i>)-Bisoprolol

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    The β-blocker (S)-bisoprolol hemifumarate has been synthesised in 96% enantiomeric excess with 19% total yield in a six-step synthesis. A transesterification reaction of the racemic chlorohydrin 1-chloro-3-(4-((2-isopropoxyethoxy)methyl)phenoxy)propan-2-ol catalysed by lipase B from Candida antarctica resulted in the R-chlorohydrin in high enantiomeric purity. Reaction of this building block with isopropylamine in methanol gave (S)-bisoprolol, and further reaction with fumaric acid gave (S)-bisoprolol fumarate in 96% ee. Specific rotation value confirmed the absolute configuration of the enantiopure drug

    Chemo-Enzymatic Synthesis of Enantiopure β-Antagonist (<i>S</i>)-Betaxolol

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    The β-blocker (S)-betaxolol has been synthesized in 99% enantiomeric excess (ee) from the commercially available precursor 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)phenol. The racemic chlorohydrin 1-chloro-3-(4-(2-(cyclopropylmethoxy)ethyl)phenoxy)propan-2-ol was esterified with vinyl acetate catalyzed by lipase B from Candida antarctica, which gave the R-chlorhydrin (R)-1-chloro-3-(4-(2-(cyclopropylmethoxy)ethyl)phenoxy)propan-2-ol in 99% ee with 38% yield. The enantiomeric excess of the R-chlorohydrin was retained in an amination reaction with isopropylamine in methanol to yield (S)-betaxolol in 99% ee and with 9% overall yield. We are under way to improve the yield

    Investigating learners' viewing behaviour in watching a designed instructional video

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    The production and use of video in education has increased during recent years. However, most videos are not properly designed to enhance attention and learning. In this article, we report on the design of an instructional video based on existing multimedia learning principles as well as on film and video theory, and the result of an eye tracker study of students watching it. The eye tracker technology enables us to study objectively the effects of the design elements. We show that the design principles used in the production help viewers to focus on important aspects in the video

    Immobilization does not influence the enantioselectivity of CAL-B catalyzed kinetic resolution of secondary alcohols

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    Decreasing enantioselectivity (E-value) by conversion has been observed in transesterification reactions of secondary alcohols catalyzed by a pure protein formulation of lipase B from Candida antarctica (Novozym 525 F). Addition of a range of enantiopure alcohols caused a temporary increase in enzyme selectivity in the transesterification reaction of 3-chloro-1-phenoxy-2-propanol with vinyl butanoate

    Development of an inventory for Alternative Conceptions among students in chemistry

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    A Chemistry concept inventory has been developed for assessing students learning and identifying the alternative conceptions that students may have in general chemistry. The conceptions in question are assumed to be mainly learned in school and to a less degree in student’s daily life. The inventory therefore aims at functioning as a tool for adjusting teaching practices in chemistry. The concept inventory presented here is mainly aimed at assessing students learning during general chemistry courses. The inventory has been administered and evaluated using statistical tests, focusing on both item analysis and on the entire test. The results indicate that the concept inventory is a reliable and discriminating tool in the present context

    Green Chemo-Enzymatic Protocols for the Synthesis of Enantiopure <i>β</i>-Blockers (<i>S</i>)-Esmolol and (<i>S</i>)-Penbutolol

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    The β-blocker (S)-esmolol, has been synthesized in 97% enantiomeric excess and 26% total yield in a four-step synthesis, with a transesterification step of the racemic chlorohydrin methyl 3-(4-(3-chloro-2-hydroxypropoxy)phenyl)propanoate, catalysed by lipase B from Candida antarctica from Syncozymes, Shanghai, China. The β-blocker (S)-penbutolol, has been synthesized in 99% enantiomeric excess and in 22% total yield. The transesterification step of the racemic chlorohydrin 1-chloro-3-(2-cyclopentylphenoxy)propan-2-ol was catalyzed by the same lipase as used for the esmolol building block. We have used different bases for the deprotonation step of the starting phenols, and vinyl butanoate as the acyl donor in the transesterification reactions. The reaction times for the kinetic resolution steps catalysed by the lipase varied from 23 to 48 h, and were run at 30–38 °C. Specific rotation values confirmed the absolute configuration of the enantiopure drugs, however, an earlier report of the specific rotation value of (S)-esmolol is not consistent with our measured specific rotation values, and we here claim that our data are correct. Compared to the previously reported syntheses of these two enantiopure drugs, we have replaced toluene or dichloromethane with acetonitrile, and replaced the flammable acetyl chloride with lithium chloride. We have also reduced the amount of epichlorohydrin and bases, and identified dimeric byproducts in order to obtain higher yields