4,225 research outputs found

    The simulated space proton environment for radiation effects on Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS)

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    The space telescope imaging spectrograph (STIS) is a second generation instrument planned for the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) which is currently in orbit. Candidate glasses and other transmitting materials are being considered for order sorters, in-flight calibration filters, detector windows, and calibration lamps. The glasses for in-flight calibration filters showed significant drop in UV transmission, but can probably still be used on STIS. The addressed topics include the Hubble radiation environment, simulation of orbital exposure at Harvard Cyclotron Laboratory, measurement of spectral transmission, and comments on individual samples

    Feller semigroups, Lp-sub-Markovian semigroups, and applications to pseudo-differential operators with negative definite symbols

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    The question of extending L-p-sub-Markovian semigroups to the spaces L-q, q > P, and the interpolation of LP-sub-Markovian semigroups with Feller semigroups is investigated. The structure of generators of L-p-sub-Markovian semigroups is studied. Subordination in the sense of Bochner is used to discuss the construction of refinements of L-p-sub-Markovian semigroups. The role played by some function spaces which are domains of definition for L-p-generators is pointed out. The problem of regularising powers of generators as well as some perturbation results are discussed

    Zwingli und "der" Geheime Rat: Entgegnung an Ekkehart Fabian

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    Innovative Financing in Early Recovery: The Liberia Health Sector Pool Fund - Working Paper 288

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    In post-conflict Liberia, the National Health Plan set out a process for transitioning from emergency to sustainability under government leadership. The Liberia Health Sector Pool Fund, which consists of DfID, Irish Aid, UNICEF, and UNHCR, was established to fund this plan and mitigate this transition by increasing institutional capacity, reducing the transaction costs associated with managing multiple donor projects, and fostering the leadership of the Liberian Health Ministry by allocating funds to national priorities. In this paper, we discuss the design of the health pool fund mechanism, assess its functioning, compare the pooled fund to other aid mechanisms used in Liberia, and look into the enabling conditions, opportunities, and challenges of the pool fundLiberia, national health plan, aid effectivenes

    On Mass Media, State Capacity, And Civil Conflict

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    State capacity scholars contend that a state\u27s capabilities objectively predict its likelihood of civil conflict onset. The state capacity literature argues that the likelihood of civil conflict increases when military strength, regime revenue, and/or political institution coherence decrease. However, for this theoretical causal linkage to hold, the state capacity literature must assume that prospective rebels possess complete regime capabilities information; whereas, prospective rebels will know to rebel when the regime has a sufficiently weak, low revenue, and/or an incoherent political institution. I begin my dissertation by contending that incomplete information is more indicative of prospective rebels\u27 informational abilities. Next, I consider how incomplete information changes the rebellion decision calculation for prospective rebels; prospective rebels use perception of the regime\u27s capabilities, not actual capabilities, to determine whether or not to rebel. Incorporating aspects from literatures and fields not typically associated with civil conflict, I hypothesize that two mass media dimensions, media freedom and media access, have a significant interactive effect on how prospective rebels perceive the regime\u27s capabilities which influences a state\u27s probability of civil conflict. Using a logistic regression, I empirically examine Media Interaction with established civil conflict literature variables on all states from 1993 to 2004. Over a series of models, predicted probabilities estimations, and a controlled experiment, I determine two novel findings: 1) mass media significantly impacts the likelihood of civil conflict under certain conditions and 2) the state capacity literature\u27s objective assumption misses important civil conflict onset variance

    Maintenance phosphorus and sulphur for pastures : progress report

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    PASTURE IMPROVEMENT has been based on topdressing with superphosphate, which supplies sulphur as well as phosphorus. In the past, all the benefit due to superphosphate was attributed to the phosphorus. It is only in recent years that the importance of the sulphur has been appreciated

    Soil and plant analysis : a guide to fertilizer usage

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    Soil and plant analysis can be used to identify problems in soils, diagnose nutrient deficiencies and as a guide to fertiliser usage. Soil testing is particularily useful where large amounts of phosphorus and potassium are leached or removed from the paddock in hay or silage. Actual rates of fertiliser can only be recommended from soil testing and only in conjunction with additional biological and economic information

    Rates of superphosphate for cereal grain production in the under 20 inch rainfall areas

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    EVERY year farmers use large quantities of superphosphate with cereal crops to overcome the inherent phosphate deficiency of West Australian soils. The increase in the average rate used by farmers reflects the increasing amount of new land being cropped. Good seasons and favourable economic conditions may also have influenced super rates

    Symbiosis: An Interconnected Region for 2050

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    For the first time in history, the majority of the world's population is residing in its cities. Expended resources and climatic concerns are prompting a shift from traditional patterns of growth, predicated on the burning of fossil fuels, in favor of innovative, sustainable strategies. This thesis demonstrates the implications of this trend in the DC | Baltimore area, in the proposal of a closed-loop symbiotic-network city that will be linked both by alternative means of transit but more importantly by a lifeblood of inter-relational sustainable systems. The project's design develops at three scales; [xL] regional - through the establishment of an infrastructural and transit network between developable brownfield and greenfield sites in and around Baltimore and Washington DC, [L] district - in the development of one site into a mixed-use neighborhood, and [s] building - by the design of a civic edifice that serves as a pronounced model for the whole

    Potassium deficiency in lupins : identification, rates, times and method of application

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    Large areas of sandplain soils north of Perth are low in potassium levels, and responses to applied potassium have been large for both sub. clover and grain lupins. This article indicates where potassium might be needed, and how to diagnose and overcome deficiencies in lupins