10 research outputs found

    Histograms of distances between pairs of connected cities,in model-inferred networks (top), versus “negative” networks from <i>Q</i> (bottom).

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    <p>Histograms of distances between pairs of connected cities,in model-inferred networks (top), versus “negative” networks from <i>Q</i> (bottom).</p

    Induced network, showing significant coefficients among the 40 most populous MSAs (using an FDR <0.001 threshold, yielding 254 links).

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    <p>Blue edges represent bidirectional influence, when there are directed edges in both directions; orange links are unidirectional.</p

    Average accuracy predicting links between MSA pairs, and its Monte Carlo standard error (calculated from simulation samples).

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    <p>The feature groups are defined in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0113114#pone-0113114-t003" target="_blank">Table 3</a>; “population” refers to “raw diff log population.”</p><p>Average accuracy predicting links between MSA pairs, and its Monte Carlo standard error (calculated from simulation samples).</p

    Statistics of metropolitan statistical areas.

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    <p>Mean and standard deviation for demographic attributes of the 200 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) considered in our study.</p><p>Statistics of metropolitan statistical areas.</p

    Change in frequency for six words: <i>ion</i>, -<sub>—</sub>-, <i>ctfu</i>, <i>af</i>, <i>ikr</i>, <i>ard</i>.

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    <p>Blue circles indicate cities where on average, at least 0.1% of users use the word during a week. A circle's area is proportional to the word's probability.</p

    Left: empirical term frequencies (circles) and their Monte Carlo smoothed estimates (dotted lines); Right: Monte Carlo smoothed estimates of <i>η</i>.

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    <p>Left: empirical term frequencies (circles) and their Monte Carlo smoothed estimates (dotted lines); Right: Monte Carlo smoothed estimates of <i>η</i>.</p

    Block diagram for our statistical modeling procedure.

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    <p>The dotted outline indicates repetition across samples drawn from sequential Monte Carlo.</p

    Logistic regression coefficients for predicting links between city (MSA) pairs.

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    <p>95% confidence intervals are plotted; standard errors are in parentheses. Coefficient values are from standardized inputs; the mean and standard deviations are shown to the right.</p

    Differences between linked and (sampled) non-linked pairs of cities, summarized by their mean and its standard error.

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    <p>Differences between linked and (sampled) non-linked pairs of cities, summarized by their mean and its standard error.</p

    Top: two sample networks inferred by the model, .

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    <p>(Unlike <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0113114#pone-0113114-g004" target="_blank">Figure 4</a>, all 200 cities are shown.) <b>Bottom: two “negative” networks, sampled from</b><i>Q</i>; these are samples from the non-linked pair distribution <i>Q</i>, which is constructed to have the same marginal distributions over senders and receivers as in the inferred network. A blue line indicates directed edges in both directions between the pair of cities; orange lines are unidirectional.</p