24 research outputs found

    Univariate profile likelihood to evaluate the time at which sero-conversion rates changed.

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    <p>Same region fits are represented in a) for MSP-1<sub>19</sub> fits and b) for AMA-1. The broken black line is the 95<sup>th</sup> percentile of the Chi-squared on 1 degree of freedom below the maximum. The two points at which this line crosses the log-likelihood profile are used to determine an approximate 95% confidence interval for the time since the change in SCR i.e. 11–18 years for MSP-1<sub>19</sub> and 6 to 14 years for AMA-1. The equivalent plots for Korogwe are shown in c) for MSP-1<sub>19</sub> and d) for AMA-1.</p

    Age sero-prevalence plots for MSP-1<sub>19</sub> and AMA-1 fitted by maximum likelihood with a single force of infection for the dispensaries in the Kili-IPTi study.

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    <p>Plot a) MSP-1<sub>19</sub> Same district; b) AMA-1 Same district; c) MSP-1<sub>19</sub> Korogwe district and d) AMA-1 Korogwe district. Black triangles represent observed data and black lines predicted values. Dotted black lines represent upper and lower 95% CI for the predicted SCR.</p