34 research outputs found

    The FCH/4 strain AMA1 is more homologous to 3D7 AMA1 as compared to FVO strain AMA1.

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    <p>Top panel shows the amino acid differences between 3D7, FVO and FCH/4 AMA1. Polymorphisms within the grey cells are included in the sequence boundary of 3D7 AMA1 vaccine, amino acid 83–531. The disulphide bonded domains (D1, D2 and D3) are marked by thick lines. D1 (amino acid 95–300), D2 (308–404) and D3 (439–584). Lower panel shows the crystal structure of AMA1 (amino acids 97–531) with the location of the 3D7-FVO (left) and 3D7-FCH/4 (right) amino acid differences shown as solid balls (D1 polymorphisms - red; D2 - green and D3 polymorphisms - blue). The residues of the C1 cluster (187, 190, 196, 197, 200, 204, 206 and 225) are circled in green.</p

    Domain-specificities of AS02<sub>A</sub> and ISA720 induced anti-AMA1 were similar.

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    <p>End-point titer was determined against chimeric proteins displaying <i>P. falciparum</i> domains 1, 2, 3, 1+2 or 2+3 on <i>P. berghei</i> AMA1 scaffold (D1, D2, D3, D1+2, D2+3 chimeras respectively). Domain-specific titer was calculated by expressing the domain-specific end-point titer as a percentage of titer against the full-length 3D7 AMA1 protein. Mean and standard error for 6 animals per group was plotted.</p

    Parasitemia profiles of FCH/4 and FVO challenged groups.

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    <p>Daily parasitemia of animals plotted against days-post-challenge (days). Solid lines represent a virulent parasitemia profile that required drug treatment for high parasitemia (>200,000/µL) within 15 days of challenge. Broken lines represent a slower progressing and self-limiting infection profile. The challenge strains are indicated in parentheses (FCH/4 or FVO). Two monkeys in the AMA+ISA<sub>FCH/4</sub> group (AI3181, AI-3176) were re-challenged on day 16.</p

    Immunogenicity and efficacy data of individual animals.

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    <p>Vaccine and challenge groups, animal ID, ELISA endpoint titer against 3D7 or FVO AMA1 coated plates, IFA titer against 3D7 and FVO schizonts, GIA activity against <i>P. falciparum</i> 3D7 or FVO target parasite and parasite burden (mean, peak and cumulative counts) between days 4 and 11 post challenge are shown. ** Two animals in the PBS+ISA<sub>FVO</sub> group died due to unrelated causes during the vaccination phase. GIA was not done (nd). The ELISA titer values are 1000X.</p

    Recombinant 3D7 AMA1 vaccine was pure and folded correctly.

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    <p>Left panel shows a coomassie blue stained SDS-PAGE analysis of the 3D7 AMA1 vaccine under non-reducing (NR) and reducing conditions (Red). Right panel shows positive reactivity of only the non-reduced 3D7 AMA1 protein with a conformational monoclonal antibody 4G2dc1.</p

    3D7 AMA1 vaccination slowed growth rate of FCH/4 but not FVO strain.

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    <p>Group-wise mean cumulative parasitemia of the FCH/4 (left panel) and FVO (right) challenged animals plotted against days post challenge. Solid line, PBS control group; broken line, AMA+ISA; dotted line, AMA+AS02<sub>A</sub>.</p

    Domain1+2 end-point titer of protected animals exceeded 100,000.

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    <p>FCH/4 challenged AMA+AS02<sub>A</sub> and AMA+ISA group titers against full-length 3D7 AMA1 (3D7) or chimeras D1, D2, D3, D1+2, D2+3 that display the corresponding <i>P. falciparum</i> 3D7 strain AMA1 domains on a <i>P. berghei</i> AMA1 scaffold (Pb). End-point titers against the <i>P. berghei</i> AMA1 scaffold protein are also plotted. Animals protected in the AMA+ISA group (AI-3176, AI-3179 and AI-3181) had the highest D1+2 end-point titer (red dotted line).</p

    Adverse events.

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    <p>Solicited Adverse Events (AEs) were recorded following each vaccination and are reported as the percentage of subjects in each cohort reporting the event. Pain was the most frequently reported AE, being reported by 80–100% of the subjects. A majority of the AEs presented as Grade 1 (G1, mild). Grade 2 (G2, moderate) erythema, fever, headache and Grade 3 (G3, severe) erythema were seen in a small percentage of individuals. AEs are shown post 1<sup>st</sup> (V1), 2<sup>nd</sup> (V2) and 3<sup>rd</sup> (V3) vaccine dose.</p