14,443 research outputs found

    Sources of Chicano Art: Our Lady of Guadalupe

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    There have been two main streams of influence on Chicano artists aside from the obvious one that is the result of their artistic training, education and development in the United States. The primary influence came from Mexico, first during the colonial period in the form of New Spanish art and architecture, and then in modem times provided by the Mexican muralists through their work and their use of pre-Columbian art. The New Spanish materials formed the nucleus for the second stream of influence composed of the various manifestations of religious folk art found primarily in the Southwest

    Should the NCAA Have to Pay? Long-Term Injuries in College Athletics, Improper Assumptions of Risk, and Coverage of Medical Expenses After College

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    Student-athletes spend years training, perfecting their sport, and working hard in school in order to make it to the big leagues: Division I College Athletics. However, when student-athletes finally get there, they are met with empty promises, and often leave with injuries that no one took the time to warn them about. That is because, despite being told that they must sign an agreement with the National Collegiate Athletic Association (“NCAA”) which binds them to the organization’s rules, athletes learn quickly that the other side of that agreement is rarely, if ever, upheld when they need it. Courts fail to recognize the coercive nature of the relationship between the NCAA and student-athletes, and completely ignore the duty of the NCAA to adequately inform athletes of the potential risk of their athletic participation. The long-relied-upon assumption-of-risk doctrine utilized by the NCAA as a defense should no longer be accepted by the courts, as it is clear that the nature of participation in athletics is not always entirely voluntary. Thus, the NCAA should be held liable for the lifelong medical expenses of student-athletes brought about by injuries sustained while acting as athletic representatives of their school

    Una mirada a un grupo de nombres de lugar de reciente creación en un municipio español: algunas semejanzas y diferencias con los topónimos antiguos

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    The present work is focused on toponyms of recent creation. These new place names have generally received less attention among scholars than those with a long history, which have often generated passionate debates and academic papers about their origins. The group analyzed here was discarded from the index list resulting from a toponymy survey made in the village of Gata (Cáceres) in 2014. They are less than one hundred years old, and do not appear to be registered as toponyms in any known written source. However, their analysis reveals that the necessity for a social community to give names to the places it inhabits, and the process for the creation of new toponyms has essentially not changed for centuries.El presente trabajo se centra en los topónimos de reciente creación. Este grupo ha recibido generalmente menos atención por parte de los investigadores que aquellos otros que cuentan con una historia más larga, los cuales han sido con frecuencia objeto de apasionados debates acerca de su origen y generado numerosos trabajos académicos. La nómina de los aquí analizados está formada por el grupo de los no tomados en consideración para formar porte del corpus topónimo de Gata (Cáceres) efectuado en 2014 por tener menos de un siglo de antigüedad y no aparecer en ninguna de las fuentes escritas consultadas. Sim embargo, su análisis revela que para una comunidad rural la necesidad de darle un nombre a los lugares de su entorno y el proceso de creación de nuevos topónimos no ha variado sustancialmente desde la antigüedad