34 research outputs found

    A Heterozygous Missense Variant in MAP2K2 in a Stillborn Romagnola Calf with Skeletal-Cardio-Enteric Dysplasia

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    RASopathies are a group of developmental disorders caused by dominant mutations in genes that encode components of the Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cell signaling pathway. The goal of this study was to characterize the pathological phenotype of a Romagnola stillborn calf with skeletal-cardio-enteric dysplasia and to identify a genetic cause by whole-genome sequencing (WGS). The calf showed reduced fetal growth, a short-spine, a long and narrow face, cardiac defects and heterotopy of the spiral colon. Genetic analysis revealed a private heterozygous missense variant in MAP2K2:p.Arg179Trp, located in the protein kinase domain in the calf, and not found in more than 4500 control genomes including its sire. The identified variant affecting a conserved residue was predicted to be deleterious and most likely occurred de novo. This represents the first example of a dominant acting, and most likely pathogenic, variant in MAP2K2 in domestic animals, thereby providing the first MAP2K2-related large animal model, especially in respect to the enteric malformation. In addition, this study demonstrates the utility of WGS-based precise diagnostics for understanding sporadic congenital syndromic anomalies in cattle and the general utility of continuous surveillance for rare hereditary defects in cattle.Skeletal dysplasias encompass a clinical-, pathological- and genetically heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by abnormal cartilage and/or bone formation, growth, and remodeling. They may belong to the so-called RASopathies, congenital conditions caused by heterozygous variants in genes that encode components of the Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cell signaling pathway. Herein, an affected calf of the Italian Romagnola breed was reported showing a skeletal-cardio-enteric dysplasia. We identified a most likely disease-causing mutation in the MAP2K2 gene by whole-genome sequencing (WGS). The MAP2K2 gene is known to be related with dominant inherited cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome in humans, but it was so far unknown to cause a similar disease in domestic animals. We assume that the identified missense variant that was predicted to impair the function of the protein, occurred either within the germline of the dam or post-zygotically in the embryo. Rare lethal diseases such as the skeletal-cardio-enteric dysplasia in livestock are usually not characterized to the molecular level, mainly because of the lack of funds and diagnostic opportunities. Precise WGS-based diagnostics enables the understanding of rare diseases and supports the value of monitoring cattle breeding populations for fatal genetic defects

    Is a heterozygous missense variant in SGSH the cause of a syndromic form of congenital amastia in an Original Braunvieh calf?

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    A 5-days-old female purebred Original Braunvieh female calf was referred owing to a congenital absence of teats and cleft palate. Gross pathology revealed the entire absence of the udder including teats, complete palatoschisis affecting both soft and hard palate, hepatomegaly, corneal opacity and an open vulva (Figure S1). Whole genome sequencing (WGS) was performed using genomic DNA obtained from ear tissue from the calf. Reads were mapped to the ARS-UCD1.2 assembly (Rosen et al., 2020), resulting in an average read depth of 14.7×. The WGS data were evaluated as previously described (Jacinto et al., 2021). Variant filtering did not reveal any private homozygous protein-changing variants present in the genome of the affected calf, making a possible recessive inheritance unlikely. Assuming that a spontaneous mutation affecting a protein-coding gene is the cause, filtering for private heterozygous coding variants present in the calf’s genome allowed the identification of six variants with a predicted moderate or high impact (Table S1). These variants were confirmed as true by visual inspection with the integrative genomes viewer software (Robinson et al., 2017). These variants were absent from a total of 5365 controls and a single variant affects SGSH, a putative candidate gene for the observed congenital anomaly. This heterozygous variant at chr19:52427490C>T represents a missense variant in SGSH exon 4 (NM_001102189.2: c.425C>T) (Figure S2). We suspected that the identified variant in SGSH either occurred post-zygotically in the developing embryo or was inherited from a mosaic parent. Unfortunately, no biological samples were available from the parents. The encoded amino acid of SGSH is predicted to be altered at codon 142 (NP_001095659.2: p.Thr142Met) located in the N-sulphoglucosamine sulphohydrolase domain. The substitution of threonine to methionine affects an amino acid that is highly conserved in all species (Figure S2) and has been predicted to be harmful using three different tools (Provean, −4.729; PhD-SNP, 50%; SIFT, 79%)

    Use of Electrodiagnostics in the Diagnosis and Follow-Up of Brachial Plexus Syndrome in a Calf

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    Electrodiagnostic testing by using electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction studies (NCS) is essential in the evaluation of patients with traumatic brachial plexus injury as it facilitates the localization of the lesion and the prognosis. In this case report, we present a long-term electrodiag- nostic follow-up of a 5-day-old female Holstein calf with brachial plexus syndrome. Electrodiagnostic studies were carried out at 2 weeks, 5 weeks, 7 months and 12 months after admission. Initially, EMG confirmed the damage to the brachial plexus, potentially indicating a condition of neurotmesis or axonotmesis. However, motor NCS and the repeated electrodiagnostic follow-up, along with the evolution of the clinical signs, allowed a more favorable diagnosis of axonotmesis to be made. In fact, EMG showed a slow but gradual reduction and finally the disappearance of spontaneous pathological activity, while motor NCS revealed an increase in the amplitude and areas of the compound muscle action potentials. The animal was deemed fully recovered 12 months after admission. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report on the use of motor NCS in bovine medicine and it demonstrates that electrodiagnostics represent a useful and practical tool for the evaluation and prognosis of brachial plexus injury cases in cattle

    A De Novo Mutation in COL1A1 in a Holstein Calf with Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type II

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) type II is a genetic connective tissue disorder characterized by bone fragility, severe skeletal deformities and shortened limbs. OI usually causes perinatal death of affected individuals. OI type II diagnosis in humans is established by the identification of heterozygous mutations in genes coding for collagens. The purpose of this study was to characterize the pathological phenotype of an OI type II-affected neonatal Holstein calf and to identify the causative genetic variant by whole-genome sequencing (WGS). The calf had acute as well as intrauterine fractures, abnormally shaped long bones and localized arthrogryposis. Genetic analysis revealed a private heterozygous missense variant in COL1A1 (c.3917T>A) located in the fibrillar collagen NC1 domain (p.Val1306Glu) that most likely occurred de novo. This confirmed the diagnosis of OI type II and represents the first report of a pathogenic variant in the fibrillar collagen NC domain of COL1A1 associated to OI type II in domestic animals. Furthermore, this study highlights the utility of WGS-based precise diagnostics for understanding congenital disorders in cattle and the need for continued surveillance for rare lethal genetic disorders in cattle

    DYRK1B haploinsufficiency in a Holstein cattle with epilepsy.

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    In this study, epilepsy with focal seizures progressing to generalized seizures was diagnosed in a 6-month-old Holstein heifer. The seizures were characterized by a brief pre-ictal phase with depression and vocalization. During the ictal phase eyelid spasms, tongue contractions, nodding and abundant salivation were observed, rapidly followed by a convulsive phase with bilateral tonic, clonic or tonic-clonic activity and loss of consciousness. Finally, during the postictal phase the heifer was obtunded and disorientated, unable to perceive obstacles and hypermetric, and pressed its head against objects. In the inter-seizure phase, the heifer was clinically normal. Neuropathology revealed axonal degeneration in the brainstem and diffuse astrocytic hypertrophic gliosis. Whole genome sequencing of the affected heifer identified a private heterozygous splice-site variant in DYRK1B (NM_001081515.1: c.-101-1G>A), most likely resulting in haploinsufficiency owing to loss-of-function. This represents a report of a DYRK1B-associated disease in cattle and adds DYRK1B to the candidate genes for epilepsy

    A missense variant in DGKG as a recessive functional variant for hepatic fibrinogen storage disease in Wagyu cattle

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    Hepatic fibrinogen storage disease (HFSD) was diagnosed in a 5-month-old Wagyu calf with a history of recurrent respiratory disease. It was characterized by lethargy, dehydration, acidemia, and increased liver enzyme activities. Histologically, disseminated hepatocytes were swollen and showed a single, sharply demarcated, faintly eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusion with a ground-glass appearance, with the nucleus in an eccentric position. Cytoplasmic inclusions did not stain with the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reaction. Using a rabbit polyclonal antibody against fibrinogen, the cytoplasmic vacuoles in the hepatocytes stained intensely. Electron microscopy disclosed hepatocytes with membrane-bound cytoplasmic inclusions filled with fine granular material interspersed with a few coarse-grained electron-dense granules. A trio whole-genome sequencing approach identified a deleterious homozygous missense variant in DGKG (p.Thr721Ile). The allele frequency in 209 genotyped Wagyu was 7.2%. This is a report of a DGKG-related recessive inherited disorder in cattle and adds DGKG to the list of candidate genes for HFSD in other species

    A KRT71 Loss-of-Function Variant Results in Inner Root Sheath Dysplasia and Recessive Congenital Hypotrichosis of Hereford Cattle

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    Genodermatoses, such as heritable skin disorders, mostly represent Mendelian conditions. Congenital hypotrichosis (HY) characterize a condition of being born with less hair than normal. The purpose of this study was to characterize the clinicopathological phenotype of a breed-specific non-syndromic form of HY in Hereford cattle and to identify the causative genetic variant for this recessive disorder. Affected calves showed a very short, fine, wooly, kinky and curly coat over all parts of the body, with a major expression in the ears, the inner part of the limbs, and in the thoracic-abdominal region. Histopathology showed a severely altered morphology of the inner root sheath (IRS) of the hair follicle with abnormal Huxley and Henle’s layers and severely dysplastic hair shafts. A genome-wide association study revealed an association signal on chromosome 5. Homozygosity mapping in a subset of cases refined the HY locus to a 690 kb critical interval encompassing a cluster of type II keratin encoding genes. Protein-coding exons of six positional candidate genes with known hair or hair follicle function were re-sequenced. This revealed a protein-changing variant in the KRT71 gene that encodes a type II keratin specifically expressed in the IRS of the hair follicle (c.281delTGTGCCCA; p.Met94AsnfsX14). Besides obvious phenocopies, a perfect concordance between the presence of this most likely pathogenic loss-of-function variant located in the head domain of KRT71 and the HY phenotype was found. This recessive KRT71-related form of hypotrichosis provides a novel large animal model for similar human conditions. The results have been incorporated in the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) database (OMIA 002114-9913)