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    ЈАЗИЧНИТЕ ИНОВАЦИИ И ИЗРАЗ ВО ФУНКЦИЈА НА СТИХОТ (врз примери од поезијата на Ацо Шопов) / LINGUISTIC INNOVATIONS AND EXPRESSIONS IN VERSE FUNCTION (based on examples of Aco Šopov’s poetry)

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    At the beginning of the article, we refer to the language expression of theyoung Aco Šopov, who realized his first poetic expressions as a young man in the whirlwindof the National Liberation Struggle in the Macedonian language, despite the fact that hiseducation until the beginning of the war had been Serbian language. Hence the greatnumber of the so-called Serbianisms in his poetry, but also certain lexical dialecticisms(often with an opaque meaning, cf. klčki), but also grammatical ones, such as the use ofordinary plural in “раци” instead of the standard “раце”, as a remain of the former dualityin Old Slavic language. In addition to this, the poet often approaches the creation of newwords in the function of the verse, cf. чмај ‘Despair’, мртвоса ‘to die’, злост ‘malice, evil’etc

    Толковен речник на македонскиот јазик, Т-Ш, Том VI.

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    Толковниот речник на македонскиот јазик, Т-Ш, Том VI е резултат од работата на истоимениот проект кој се работеше во Институтот за македонски јазик „Крсте Мисирков“. Работен е по најсовремени методи и пристапи