7 research outputs found

    Problems of Clustering of Radiogalaxies

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    We present the preliminary analysis of clustering of a sample of 1157 radio-identified galaxies from Machalski & Condon (1999). We found that for separations 215h12-15 h^{-1}Mpc their redshift space autocorrelation function ξ(s)\xi(s) can be approximated by the power law with the correlation length 3.75h1\sim 3.75h^{-1}Mpc and slope γ1.8\gamma \sim 1.8. The correlation length for radiogalaxies is found to be lower and the slope steeper than the corresponding parameters of the control sample of optically observed galaxies. Analysis the projected correlation function Ξ(r)\Xi(r) displays possible differences in the clustering properties between active galactic nuclei (AGN) and starburst (SB) galaxies.Comment: Submitted: Proceedings of IAUS 290 "Feeding Compact Objects: Accretion on All Scales", C. M. Zhang, T. Belloni, M. Mendez & S. N. Zhang (eds.

    Can the initial singularity be detected by cosmological tests?

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    In the present paper we raise the question whether initial cosmological singularity can be proved from the cosmological tests. The classical general relativity predict the existence of singularity in the past if only some energy conditions are satisfied. On the other hand the latest quantum gravity applications to cosmology suggest of possibility of avoiding the singularity and replace it with the bounce. The distant type Ia supernovae data are used to constraints on bouncing evolutional scenario where square of the Hubble function H2H^2 is given by formulae H2=H02[Ωm,0(1+z)mΩn,0(1+z)n]H^2=H^2_0[\Omega_{m,0}(1+z)^{m}-\Omega_{n,0}(1+z)^{n}], where Ωm,0,Ωn,0>0\Omega_{m,0}, \Omega_{n,0}>0 are density parameters and n>m>0n>m>0. We show that the on the base of the SNIa data standard bouncing models can be ruled out on the 4σ4\sigma confidence level. If we add the cosmological constant to the standard bouncing model then we obtain as the best-fit that the parameter Ωn,0\Omega_{n,0} is equal zero which means that the SNIa data do not support the bouncing term in the model. The bounce term is statistically insignificant the present epoch. We also demonstrate that BBN offer the possibility of obtaining stringent constraints of the extra term Ωn,0\Omega_{n,0}. The other observational test methods like CMB and the age of oldest objects in the Universe are used. We also use the Akaike informative criterion to select a model according to the goodness of fit and we conclude that this term should be ruled out by Occam's razor, which makes that the big bang is favored rather then bouncing scenario.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures improved versio

    Philosophical Choice between Indifference Principle and Fine-Tuning Principle

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    We formulate a cosmogonic indifference principle in cosmology in terms of a dynamical system theory. While the choice between generic and fine tuned initial condition for our Universe has a rather philosophical character, there is a very generic set of initial conditions which give rise to the concordance inflectional ΛCDM model which becomes in good agreement with astronomical observations

    The Problems Of Classical Cosmology Motivation For The Quantum Gravity Theory

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    In this paper it is investigated the standard problems of relativistic cosmology like: singularity problem, flatness problem, horizon problem, acceleration problem and problem of structure origin. We discuss nature of these difficulties and we suggest existence of some analogies to the problems of Newtonian cosmology. We argue that the existence of serious problems of relativistic cosmology is strictly related with our understanding of space-time. The overcome of these problems means the exit beyond the standard model. We pointed out that the loop quantum gravity seems to be correct step toward to overcome problems of relativistic cosmology


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    In this paper we address some critical remarks to two leading models quantum cosmology – Hawking-Hartle model and Vilenkin model. Both models appeal to different mathematical frame- works to reconstract of first moments of Universe ewolution. The first one presents wave function of the Universe using Feynman’s formalism of quantum mechanics — path integrals. The other one shows the beginnig of the Universe as quantum tunneling process. The authors of above mentioned approaches to quantum cosmology claims, that these mechanisms describe creation of the Universe ex nihilo. The main aim of tis paper is to show a weakness of such interpretations. Firstly, Gordon McCabe’s criticism is presented. His analyses are based on topological concept of cobordism. In the second step, we show that the concept of ex nihilo should be rather understood as “zero-point- geometry” with a material field.Artykuł prezentuje uwagi krytyczne pod adresem dwóch wiodących modeli kosmogenezy kwantowej – modelu Hawkinga – Hartle’a oraz modelu Vilenkina. Obydwa modele wykorzystują różne formalizmy w rekonstrukcji początkowych etapów ewolucji Wszechświata. Pierwszy konstruuje funkcję falową Wszechświata za pomocą feynmanowskiego całkowania po trajektoriach, natomiast drugi ukazuje pierwotną dynamikę Wszechświata jako efekt tunelowy. Twórcy obydwu koncepcji kosmologii kwantowej uważają, że prezentowane przez nich mechanizmy opisują kreację Wszechświata ex nihilo. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie na nieprawomocność takich wniosków. Najpierw zaprezentowana jest krytyka autorstwa Gordona McCabe’a, który swoje analizy opiera na topologicznym pojęciu kobordyzmu. Następnie wskazujemy na to, że stosowane w obu projektach pojęcie ex nihilo lepiej oddaje punkt geometryczny z zadanym polem materialnym