2,333 research outputs found

    Paramagnetic-diamagnetic interplay in quantum dots for non-zero temperatures

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    In the usual Fock-and Darwin-formalism with parabolic potential characterized by the confining energy \eps_o := \hbar\omega_o= 3.37 meV, but including explicitly also the Zeeman coupling between spin and magnetic field, we study the combined orbital and spin magnetic properties of quantum dots in a two-dimensional electron gas with parameters for GaAs, for N =1 and N >> 1 electrons on the dot. For N=1 the magnetization M(T,B) consists of a paramagnetic spin contribution and a diamagnetic orbital contribution, which dominate in a non-trivial way at low temperature and fields rsp. high temperature and fields. For N >> 1, where orbital and spin effects are intrinsically coupled in a subtle way and cannot be separated, we find in a simplified Hartree approximation that at N=m^2, i.e. at a half-filled last shell, M(T,B,N) is parallel (antiparallel) to the magnetic field, if temperatures and fields are low enough (high enough), whereas for N\ne m^2 the magnetization oscillates with B and N as a T-dependent periodic function of the variable x:=\sqrt{N}eB/(2m^*c\omega_o), with T-independent period \Delta x =1 (where m^* := 0.067 m_o is the small effective mass of GaAs, while m_o is the electron mass). Correspondingly, by an adiabatic demagnetization process, which should only be fast enough with respect to the slow transient time of the magnetic properties of the dot, the temperature of the dot diminishes rsp. increases with decreasing magnetic field, and in some cases we obtain quite pronounced effects.Comment: LaTeX, 28 pages; including three .eps-figures; final version accepted by J. Phys. CM, with minimal changes w.r.to v

    Suppression of electron relaxation and dephasing rates in quantum dots caused by external magnetic fields

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    An external magnetic field has been applied in laterally coupled dots (QDs) and we have studied the QD properties related to charge decoherence. The significance of the applied magnetic field to the suppression of electron-phonon relaxation and dephasing rates has been explored. The coupled QDs have been studied by varing the magnetic field and the interdot distance as other system parameters. Our numerical results show that the electron scattering rates are strongly dependent on the applied external magnetic field and the details of the double QD configuration.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Rashba-control for the spin excitation of a fully spin polarized vertical quantum dot

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    Far infrared radiation absorption of a quantum dot with few electrons in an orthogonal magnetic field could monitor the crossover to the fully spin polarized state. A Rashba spin-orbit coupling can tune the energy and the spin density of the first excited state which has a spin texture carrying one extra unit of angular momentum. The spin orbit coupling can squeeze a flipped spin density at the center of the dot and can increase the gap in the spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Measurement of complex fragments and clues to the entropy production from 42-137-MeV/nucleon Ar + Au

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    Intermediate-rapidity fragments with A=1-14 emitted from 42-137-MeV/nucleon Ar + Au have been measured. Evidence is presented that these fragments arise from a common moving source. Entropy values are extracted from the mass distributions by use of quantum statistical and Hauser-Feshbach theories. The extracted entropy values of S/A≈2-2.4 are much smaller than the values expected from measured deuteron-to-proton ratios, but are still considerably higher than theoretically predicted values

    Light particle spectra from 35 MeV/nucleon 12C-induced reactions on 197Au

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    Energy spectra for p, d, t, 3He, 4He, and 6He from the reaction 12C+197Au at 35 MeV/nucleon are presented. A common intermediate rapidity source is identified using a moving source fit to the spectra that yields cross sections which are compared to analogous data at other bombarding energies and to several different models. The excitation function of the composite to proton ratios is compared with quantum statistical, hydrodynamic, and thermal models

    A Comment on Conical Flow Induced by Heavy-Quark Jets

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    The suppression of high transverse momentum particles, recently discovered at RHIC, is commonly interpreted as due to parton energy loss. In high energy nuclear collisions, QCD jets would deposit a large fraction of their energy and into the produced matter. The question of how this energy is degraded and whether we can use this phenomenon to probe the properties of the produced matter is now under active discussion. It has been proposed that if this matter, which is now being referred to as a {\em strongly coupled Quark-Gluon Plasma} (sQGP), may behave as a liquid with a very small viscosity. In this case, a very specific collective excitation should be produced, called the ``conical flow'', similar e.g. to the sonic booms generated by the shock waves produced by supersonic planes. The RHIC experiments seem indeed to be obtaining some indication that the production of particles emitted opposite to a high-ptp_t jet may actually be peaked away from the quenched jet direction, at an angle roughly consistent with the direction expected in case a shock wave is produced (i.e. orthogonal to the Mach cone). In this note we speculate that for tagged heavy-quark jets one may observe a shrinkage of the Mach cone at moderate ptp_t. The experimental observation of such an effect would be a very good test for the validity of the whole picture currently emerging from the study of partonic matter in nuclear collisions

    Comparative Analysis of the Mechanisms of Fast Light Particle Formation in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at Low and Intermediate Energies

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    The dynamics and the mechanisms of preequilibrium-light-particle formation in nucleus-nucleus collisions at low and intermediate energies are studied on the basis of a classical four-body model. The angular and energy distributions of light particles from such processes are calculated. It is found that, at energies below 50 MeV per nucleon, the hardest section of the energy spectrum is formed owing to the acceleration of light particles from the target by the mean field of the projectile nucleus. Good agreement with available experimental data is obtained.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, LaTeX, published in Physics of Atomic Nuclei v.65, No. 8, 2002, pp. 1459 - 1473 translated from Yadernaya Fizika v. 65, No. 8, 2002, pp. 1494 - 150

    Quantum thermodynamics of a charged magneto-oscillator coupled to a heat bath

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    Explicit results for various quantum thermodynamic function (QTF) of a charged magneto-oscillator coupled to a heat bath at arbitrary temperature are demonstrated in this paper. Discernible expressions for different QTF in the two limits of very low and very high temperatures are presented for three popular heat bath models : Ohmic, single relaxation time and blackbody radiation. The central result is that the effect of magnetic field turns out to be important at low temperatures yet crucial at high temperatures. It is observed that the dissipation parameter, γ\gamma, and the cyclotron frequency, ωc\omega_c, affect the decaying or rising behaviour of various QTF in just the opposite way to each other at low temperatures. In the high temperature regime, the effect of γ\gamma is much pronounced than that of ωc\omega_c.Comment: 26 Pages, 18 Figure

    Two-Particle Correlations in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    Two-particle momentum correlations between pairs of identical particles produced in relativistic heavy-ion reactions can be analyzed to extract the space-time structure of the collision fireball. We review recent progress in the application of this method, based on newly developed theoretical tools and new high-quality data from heavy-ion collision experiments. Implications for our understanding of the collision dynamics and for the search for the quark-gluon plasma are discussed.Comment: 44 pages, LaTeX, 11 Figures, uses special style files (included), prepared for Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 49 (1999). Error in Chapt. 1 corrected and a few references adde
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