47 research outputs found

    Random Vibration and Noise Analysis of Vehicle Seat Using Numerical Method

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    The development of vehicle seat used is a challenging task for the automotive industry. In this research the safeness of automotive seats by structural analysis and a random vibration analysis were studied. Hence, the main objective of this study is to determine the suitable vehicle seat configuration based on Noise, Vibration, and Harshness (NVH) performance. In order to achieve this objective, CFD software which is ANSYS was used to analyse frequency and deformation using different force distributed and different material on seat vehicle structure which the force applied from 250 N until 1000 N. The material used is aluminium alloy, magnesium alloy and structural steel to analyse the strength of seat structure. At the end of the study, the effect of different types of material vehicle seat structure was studied.  The results confirm that by changing the seat structure material, the rattle noise and in general BSR noise can be improved or controlled accordingly. Consequently, for the seat system which has an identifiable structural dynamic, the BSR noise can be managed and controlled in early design phase by using the seat CAE model

    The application of energy analysis on an educational steam power plant

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    The performance of an educational steam power plant with rated output of20 kW was analyzed based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Experimental data was obtained from the educational steam power plant located at the Thermodynamics laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Kolej Universiti Tun Hussein Onn (KUITTHO) which used diesel as a fuel. Experiments were carried out to evaluate the performance of the steam power plant. The energy and exergy balances were carried out on each of component of the power plant, excluding the feedwater pump. The energy interactions, the exergy losses and the efficiencies of each component based on the first and second law of thermodynamic were evaluated. The results of the analysis show that the performance of the plant is influenced by both the boiler pressure and the superheater temperature. It was found that, the thermal and exergy efficiencies of the plant are 8.9% and 5.2% respectively. The results also indicate that, the major source of exergy destruction occurred in the steam boiler followed by losses in the turbine and condenser. Theexergy losses in boiler are mainly due to the heat loss during the combustion process. Conversion of chemical energy to heat energy and heat transfer between the combustion gases and water are the other causes of destructions

    The effect of fuel injection pressure and in cylinder temperature on igniton delay, combustion performance and emission

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    The mixture formation prior to the ignition process plays as a key element in the diesel combustion. The objective of this research was to help an understand of the effects of air fuel mixing process during the ignition delay period and initial heat release in combustion process that strongly affects the exhaust emissions. This study investigated effects of ambient temperature,Ti and injection pressure, Pinj on the heat release process during ignition delay periods. Rapid compression machine (RCM) was used to simulate actual phenomenon inside the combustion chamber. This study used of 5vol%, 10vol%, and 15vol% blending of palm oil methyl ester with a standard diesel as fuels in diesel engines called as B5, B10, and B15 and standard diesel itself. The injection pressures were varied from 80 MPa to 140 MPa while an ambient temperature of RCM varied from 750 K to 950 K. For all tested fuels, the ignition delay period decreased with the increase in ambient temperature and injection pressure. The initial heat release becomes more delayed for lowering the ambient temperatures and its peak was found to increase progressively and shorten ignition delay period. Increased injection pressures make spray tip penetration longer and promotes a greater amount of fuel-air mixing occurs during ignition delay which is gives early rise of heat release rate. Higher injection rate was promoted both mixing and atomization increase heat release rate as well as shorten ignition delay. The effects of high injection and ambient temperature showed a reduction on emission, especially HC, CO and CO2. Increased in injection pressure, leads to decrease in NOx emission and due to superior air–fuel mixture resulting from increase in injection pressure, CO2, CO and HC emission decreases. Higher blending ratio from B5 to B15 increases the oxygen content, which makes the combustion more complete, thus, promotes the reduction of emissions specifically for CO, CO2, and HC, but the NOx emissions increase

    Occupational safety and health practice: a study at quarry site by using hirarc form

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    Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) is a discipline with wide scope involving many specialized fields. In other words, occupational health and safety comprises of aspects in terms of social, mental and physical. This study focuses on the occupational safety and health act ABC Quarry Site located in Kedah. Nowadays, the workers lack of safety and health practice from their companies based on the observations being done one site during this project’s site visit. It is very important for the employers to manage occupational safety and health at the workplace because of the lack of management control often leads to the existence of causes of accidents and allows for unsafe practices among the workers. The data collection was carried out through site investigation and HIRARC form and interview with the person in charge during the site visit. The objective of this study is to promote the occupational environment adaptable to the employer and employees at the workplace based on the existing potential hazard. This report was conducted to identify the hazard on the construction site and to analyse the occupational safety and health in the workplace. This study suggests recommendations for improving occupational safety and health act in the construction site. Effective job safety and health training will help to reduce worker injuries and illnesses

    Occupational safety and health practice: a study at rubber manufacturing industry by using hirarc

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    Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) is a discipline with broad scope involving many specialized fields. The definition of safety is the state of being ‘safe’, condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other types of consequences of failure, damage, error, accidents, harm or any other events which can be considered non-desirable. Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity. Engineers play their roles at workstations to ensure the safety and health of each staff is in good conditions with proper ergonomic condition. This study conducted occupational safety and health act study at Kenny Leather (M) Sdn Bhd. The site visit, observation and interview session were conducted. The objective of this study is to identify the current or potential hazard that might be occurred in the factory. This study also providing the suitable solution and precaution step towards the zero hazard for the factory for reducing the possible accidents or injuries. Some of the suggestion that has collected through data collected was carried out through site visit using Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) and HIRARC form by interviewing several workers. As a result, this study gave recommendations to the company in order to practice the safe and no harm work practice and gives priority to the safety first

    Hazards and incident investigation at palm oil mill industry

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    Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) is a discipline with broad scope involving many specialized fields. This research was conducted to determine the relationship between the hazards occurring and the control measures to overcome the hazards occur in the Palm Oil Mill located at Ulu Keratong, Segamat, Johor. Nowadays, the workers are lack of safety and health practice from their companies based on the statistics that have shown the number of fatality and permanent disablement cases due to the accident in the palm oil mill. Which causes the accidents and injuries happened due to management control that does not emphasized on the safe practise of workers. Information and data collection were carried out by using HIRARC Form and Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) in the Palm Oil Mill RISDA which will be further discuss in the methodology part. The main objective of this study is to promote adaptable occupational environment and suggest some countermeasures to solve the potential hazard and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice. There were seven hazards have been identified such as crash by rotating machine, struck by heavy palm fruit and slippery floor, excessive heat, excessive pressure of tractor tire, chemical spillage and noise hazard. From the result and findings, the hazards and control measures identified are able to determine improvements in knowledge and risk perceptions among the workers and visitors towards health policies and essential interventions for hazard prevention. Effective job safety and health programs help reduce worker injuries and illness in the long term

    Hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control: a study at construction site

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    Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) is an Act to make further provisions for securing the safety, health and welfare of persons at work, for protecting others against risks to safety or health in connection with the activities of persons at work, to establish the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health, and for matters connected therewith. This study focuses on infrastructure construction in Pagoh Education Hub. In present days, despite of knowledge in OSHA act, workers often proceed the work without considering any safety precaution or act at workplace as stated in OSHA Act. Due to ignorance of workers and employee on OSHA Act, workers are exposed to danger and hazard at their workplace causing them minor or worst fatal injury. The data collection was carried out through site investigation using Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA), HIRARC form and interview session with several workers in the constructio. The main objective of this study is to support the idea to coordinate and redefined the practice of occupational safety and health as workers discipline at their workplace based on existing potential hazard. This study was conducted to identify the hazard that occur at the workplace and analyse the safety precaution taken by the workers and employer to avoid accidents. As a result, this study listed several suggestions to improve the practice of occupational safety and health among workers in the workplace

    Effects of ambient temperature and injection pressure on biodiesel ignition delay

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    Biodiesels are promoted as alternative fuels due to their potential to reduce dependency on fossil fuels. The main problem in diesel combustion chamber design is to understand the importance of interaction phenomenon between fuel spray and surrounding gas prior to ignition. Rapid compression machine (RCM) is widely used to acquire experimental insights into fuel autoignition at conditions relevant to the current and future combustion technologies. An experimental study of the measurement of ignition delay characteristics of diesel and blended biodiesel fuels in the RCM was carried out. The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of various ambient temperature, Ti and injection pressure, Pinj on ignition delay with different fuels used. This present study used the ignition delay of 5vol%, 10vol%, and 15vol% blending of palm oil methyl ester with a standard diesel as fuels in diesel engines called as B5, B10, and B15. The diesel fuel was blended with the biodiesel fuels at different fuel mixture blends. The injection pressure chosen was from 80 MPa to 140 MPa while an ambient temperature of RCM varied from 750 K to 950 K. The results showed that for all tested fuels, the reduction in ignition delay increased with the increase in ambient temperature and injection pressure. The palm oil biodiesel had higher density, viscosity, and cetane number, facilitated the shortest ignition delay when compared to the diesel fuel under all ambient temperatures and injection pressures. The fuel oxygen content in the biodiesel fuel also played a greater role in decreasing the ignition dela

    Identifying of the fuel-air mixing, mixture formation, ignition and combustion characteristic in the combustion chamber

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    The area within the cylinder where the fuel/air mix is ignited is known as combustion chamber. As the piston compresses the fuel/air mixture and makes contact with the spark plug, the mixture is combusted in the form of energy and pushed out of the combustion chamber. The purpose of this technical paper is basically discussing about the combustion chamber which is more specific to injection fuel. This paper represents the identifying of the fuel-air mixing, mixture formation, ignition and combustion characteristic in the combustion chamber. The methodology used were by choosing the best article with the outcome related to this study and related to this research parameter. There are included the ignition system which are ignition system in combustion system (plasma) and ignition system in combustion system (laser) plasma is a new compact generator of high-voltage nanosecond pulses on the basis of the drift step recovery diodes combined with a control unit. Laser ignition is considered to be one of the most promising future ignition concepts for internal combustion engines. It not only combines requirement of reduction of pollutant emissions but also improves engine efficiencies

    Design of The Mechanism for Auto Release Seat Belt in End-Button Release Buckle

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    This project revolves around the buckle of a seat belt, mainly push end release button type, where a feature was created to make it into an auto release seat belt through designing the mechanism within the buckle. The aim of the project is to design the mechanism part of a convertible end button release seat belt buckle, to simulate the designed mechanism part of the convertible auto release seat belt for vehicle cars and to analyze the designed mechanism regarding the effectiveness when installed. 3 different models of solenoid-triggered-parts were designed where Model 1 has no support on its side, presence of fillet and smallest surface area for the base. As for Model 2 and 3, there were no fillet used, presence of support of the side and Model 2 has larger surface area for the base, but Model 3 has the largest amongst the three models. The parameter of this project was the material used when running the simulation which is Polyphenylene Ether (PPE). Through the simulation results, a final model was designed consists of features such as, having support on the side, largest surface area for the base and presence of fillet as these features has shown the best results through the simulation. As for the conclusion, the study managed to achieve all of the objectives which are, the auto release mechanism was designed and simulated successfully using SolidWorks, and it was simulated through simulation within the software