79 research outputs found

    Mean daily MRSA and MSSA prevalence.

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    ∧<p>CI, confidence interval.</p><p>* mean prevalence over 10 sampling days based on nasal/throat swabs taken in morning.</p><p>** mean prevalence over sampling days in either low (on average 3.4 sampling days) or high exposed period (on average 5.8 sampling days).</p><p>*** mean prevalence over 3 sampling days based on nasal swabs taken in evening.</p

    Schematic overview of the study design.

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    <p>Participants were followed for approximately two months during periods of both high and low/no exposure. The study starts 3 weeks prior to, and ends 3 weeks after, the low/no exposure period. Nasal and throat swabs were taken in the morning and evening once a week in high exposure periods, and twice a week in low exposure period. * Nasal samples taken in the evening of sampling day 2 (high exposed), 5 and 7 (low exposed) were additionally screened for MSSA.</p

    Associations between MRSA nasal and throat carriage and determinants in a multiple regression analysis.

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    <p>* p<0.05,</p><p>** Expressed per 10 years,</p><p>*** Refers to duration in days of either empty barn (low exposure) or holiday period (no exposure),</p><p>**** Expressed per 24 hours. Refers to duration of exposure to animals in 3 days before sampling.</p

    Characteristics of persistent-, intermittent- and non-carriers of MRSA.

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    <p>* mean prevalence over 10 sampling days.</p><p>** mean prevalence over 3 sampling days.</p

    Persistence of MRSA carriage in farmers, family members and others.

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    <p>* MRSA positive means MRSA detected in at least one out of 4 samples (nasal and/or throat) taken per sampling day.</p><p>** Persistent carriers in bold (Persistent carrier: MRSA positive results on all sampling days; number of sampling days dependent on duration of low exposed period).</p

    Associations between MRSA carriage and determinants, including MSSA nasal carriage in a multivariate analysis.

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    <p>Analysis based on samples taken in the evening of sampling day 2, 5 and 7. Associations shown for different dependent variables separately (nasal and/or throat carriage).</p><p>* p<0.05,</p><p>** p<0.10,</p><p>*** Expressed per 10 years,</p><p>**** Refers to duration in days of either empty barn (low exposure) or holiday period (no exposure),</p><p>***** Expressed per 24 hours. Refers to duration of exposure to animals in 3 days before sampling.</p

    Associations between human MRSA carriage and specific tasks on the farm.

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    <p>*P<0.05.</p><p>**P 0.10–0.05.</p>1<p>OR expressed per hour/week difference.</p>▴<p>adjusted for gender, age, smoking and percentage of positive calves on farm.</p

    Characteristics of 2151 veal calves from 102 veal farms and associations between MRSA carriage and some determinants (logistic multiple regression analysis).

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    <p>*P<0.05.</p>â–´<p>adjusted for calf category (white versus rose veal), number of stables on farm, number of calves per pen, presence of other animals on the farm and rodent control.</p
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