31 research outputs found


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    Honesty is deemed as crucial ground for ethical behaviour in various respects. The aim of this paper is to explore to what extent and in what ways the individual value honest signifies in the organisations of Baltic States and Russia and to draw some managerial implications on the basis of our findings. The subjects of study had different cultural background (Estonians from Estonia, Russians from Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia) and they were asked to rank their own terminal and instrumental values, including the value honest as well as to speculate how their co-workers would rank the same list of values. Consequently, there were two lists of terminal and instrumental values for every respondent and the following analysis focuses on the comparisons of the importance, impact of other values and socio-demographic characteristics (i.e. gender, age, organisational position, and country of residence). One of the most important findings of our study is that the assessment of peer’s value honest tells the most how important honest is for the focal person. Results reveal also the role of some other personal values as well as the country of residence in respect with the importance of value honest.ethical behaviour, honesty, personal values

    Happy to Be a Boss? Cultural Moderators of Relationships Between Supervisory Responsibility and Job Satisfaction

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    This paper addresses whether supervisory responsibility is a challenging job demand in the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model in different cultural contexts. We investigate how job satisfaction responds to a supervisory role with job control and selected cultural dimensions using a cross-cultural dataset of 14 countries with more than 43,000 adults using ordered logit regression models. We find that a supervisory role enhances job satisfaction and appears to be a challenging job demand. However, no studied cultural dimension, masculinity, power distance, individualism, or uncertainty avoidance, increases job satisfaction derived from this kind of responsibility. Our study indicates that there might be stereotypical assumptions about cultural dimensions concerning the job satisfaction of supervisors

    ÜliĂ”pilaste töötamise fenomen Eesti kĂ”rghariduses

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    LĂ€htudes Eesti ĂŒliĂ”pilaskonnas seas levinud ulatuslikust töötamisest (51% tĂ€isajaga Ă”ppivatest ĂŒliĂ”pilastest töötab viimase ĂŒliĂ”pilaste sotsiaal-majandusliku uuringu andmetel tĂ€iskoormusega) ning selle otsesest mĂ”just ning seosest kĂ”rghariduse kvaliteedi ja kĂ”rgharidusele kulutavate ressursside efektiivse kasutamisega, on projekti eesmĂ€rgiks saada sĂŒvendatud teadmisi tĂ€iskoormusega ĂŒliĂ”pilaste tĂ€iskoormusega töötamise mustrite ja motivatsiooni kohta. ÜliĂ”pilaste sĂŒgavam töötamise pĂ”hjuste analĂŒĂŒs on oluline nii kĂ”rghariduse sisulise kvaliteedi kui ka ressursside otstarbekama kasutamise edendamise aspektist, samuti on oluliseks sisendiks kĂ”rghariduspoliitika tĂ”enduspĂ”hiseks kujundamiseks (paindlikum Ă”pingute ja töötamise ĂŒhitamise vĂ”imaldamine, kĂ”rghariduse sisulised nĂ”udmised jne)

    Eesti teadus- ja arendusasutuste juhtimismustrid

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    Teadus- ja arendusasutuste juhtimis- ja majandamismudelidAntud uuringu eesmĂ€rgiks on esitada ĂŒlevaade ĂŒlikoolide juhtimismustritest, juhtimise vĂ”imalustest ning vĂ€ljakutsetest teaduskirjanduse ja empiiriliste uuringute pĂ”hjal. Juhtimismustrite uurimise initsieeris Tartu Ülikool ning seetĂ”ttu kajastab nii probleemide fookus kui ka empiiriline materjal valdavalt Tartu Ülikooli ja selle allĂŒksuste juhtimist, kuid vĂ”imalusel on vĂ”rdluseks kaasatud ka teisi Eestis tegutsevaid ĂŒlikoole. Raporti esimeses peatĂŒkis keskendutakse strateegia formuleerimise etapil lahendamist vajavatele kĂŒsimustele ning teises vaadeldakse konkreetsemaid juhtimisteemasid, mis tulenevad strateegia elluviimisest operatiivsel tasandil. Seejuures on lĂ€htutud ĂŒldiselt- ĂŒksikule lĂ€henemist ning alapeatĂŒkk 2.4 integreerib nii organisatsiooni, meeskonna kui ka indiviidi tasandid.http://tips.ut.ee/index.php?module=32&op=1&id=364

    Management by values: are some values better than others?

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    VÀÀrtuspĂ”hist juhtimist mĂ”jutavate aspektide analĂŒĂŒs ning selle teoreetilised ja praktilised jĂ€reldused

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    Management by values is a concept that is applied in organisational practices in Estonia as well as abroad. The roots of this management concept are in 1980s, when semi-scientific works were published in US, where organisations with strong culture were claimed to be successful. The core element of organisational culture is organisational values and management by values is focused at these. The author of the thesis defines management by values as a series of interconnected managerial activities to ensure the acceptance of relevant organisational values inside and outside the organisation. While there is plenty of theoretical literature on management by values, empirical research is scant. The aim of the present thesis was to work out theoretical and practical implications for the management by values based on the example of Estonian organisations. The thesis consists of four separate articles supplemented by an introductory overview of the research field and discussion at the end. It was found that management by values is influenced by existing practices of the organisation, its stakeholders, availability of resources and employee empowerment, internal systems and organisational culture. In addition, the success of management by values is dependent on how well the values statement itself meets certain principles. Organisational members’ perception of values as a relevant process in the management by values is also influenced by their socio-demographic variables. Conclusions reached in the current thesis help managers to better understand the essence of management by values and raise the awareness about potential problems that may occur in the process. Although empirical data is based on Estonian organisations, the author asserts that the results are of interest to and suggestions applicable in any organisation wishing to implement management by values.VÀÀrtuspĂ”hine juhtimine on juhtimiskontseptsioon, mida rakendatakse nii Eestis kui mujal. Selle juured ulatuvad 1980-ndatesse aastatesse, kui USAs avaldati populaarteaduslikud teosed, kus vĂ€ideti, et organisatsiooni edu aluseks on tugev organisatsioonikultuur. Organisatsioonikultuuri keskseks elemendiks on aga organisatsiooni vÀÀrtused ja vÀÀrtuspĂ”hine juhtimine keskendubki neile. Doktoritöö autor defineerib vÀÀrtuspĂ”hist juhtimist kui â€ĂŒksteisega seotud juhtimistegevusi, mille eesmĂ€rgiks on tagada organisatsioonile oluliste vÀÀrtuste omaksvĂ”tt nii organisatsiooni sees kui vĂ€ljas”. VÀÀrtuspĂ”hise juhtimise kohta on rohkelt ĂŒldteoreetilist kirjandust, kuid empiirilisi uuringuid napib. KĂ€esoleva doktoritöö eesmĂ€rk oli Eesti organisatsioonide nĂ€itel töötada vĂ€lja ettepanekud vÀÀrtuspĂ”hise juhtimise kontseptsiooni edasi arendamiseks ja praktiliseks rakendamiseks. Doktoritöö koosneb ĂŒlevaateartikliga varustatud neljast eraldiseisvast uurimusest. Töös leiti, et vÀÀrtuspĂ”hist juhtimist mĂ”jutavad nii organisatsioonis olemasolevad praktikad, organisatsiooni sidusgrupid, ressursside piisavus ja nende kĂ€sutusĂ”igus töötaja tasandil, organisatsiooni sisemised sĂŒsteemid ja organisatsioonikultuur. Samuti mĂ”jutab vÀÀrtuspĂ”hist juhtimist see, kuivĂ”rd rakendatakse organisatsioonis vÀÀrtuste sĂ”nastamisel teatud printsiipe, mis teevad formuleeritud vÀÀrtustest tĂ”husa juhtimisvahendi. Viimaks mĂ”jutavad ka organisatsiooni liikmete sotsiaaldemograafilised tunnused vÀÀrtuste tajumist kui ĂŒht olulist protsessi vÀÀrtuspĂ”hises juhtimises. Töös tehtavad jĂ€reldused aitavad juhtidel tĂ”sta teadlikkust vÀÀrtuspĂ”hise juhtimise vĂ”imalikest karidest ja aitavad seelĂ€bi kaasa selle edukamale rakendamisele. Kuigi tuginetud on Eesti organisatsioonide andmestikule, usub töö autor, et tulemused on huvipakkuvad ja rakendatavad mistahes organisatsioonis, kus on toetust leidnud idee vÀÀrtuspĂ”hise juhtimise kontseptsioonist

    The Role of Organisational Stakeholders in the Formulation of Values Statements

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    Although the literature on organisational values is plentiful, little is known about the process of formulating the statements that reflect those values in an organisation. Furthermore, the way that stakeholder groups are treated in the existing literature is dramatically different when it comes to their involvement in the values formulation process. There is no consensus on whether and who to consult when adopting values statements. The aim of the current paper is to offer a model for stakeholder involvement in the process of formulating organisational values statements. First, the categories of values are discussed in order to understand the subject matter. Next, the potential impact of values statements on different stakeholders is mapped and a basis for distinct levels of stakeholder involvement is formed. The model for stakeholder involvement presented in the final chapter rests on the idea that the higher the impact of the values statement on stakeholders the more they deserve to be involved in the process of formulating these values.organisational values, value statements, stakeholder involvement

    The space between - linking trust with individual and team performance in virtual teams

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    Purpose Understanding the relationship between performance and trust in virtual teams is receiving significant attention due to “connected” virtual team contexts becoming more prevalent. This paper reports on new findings relating to the dynamics of trust and performance in virtual team contexts. The study aims to explore the evolution of trust and its mediating role in determining the performance of virtual teams, as well as to investigate if and how performance itself affected trust. Design/methodology/approach The study is based on a longitudinal quantitative survey of 71 international virtual student teams working in four universities in Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Russia. Findings In line with swift trust and social norms theory, the authors found that relatively high levels of initial trust did not change over the period of the teams’ projects in general, but in teams where feedback on performance was negative, both trust and trustworthiness declined significantly. Trust had a small mediating effect between group performances in two consecutive measurement points, meaning that past performance had an impact on trust, which in turn impacted the teams’ next performance. However, no mediating effect was present between individual and team performance. Practical implications The authors conclude that managing virtual teams should concentrate on team actions and achieving and recognising small quick wins at least as much as dealing with trust, specifically. Negative performance feedback should not deteriorate members’ perception of benevolence and integrity in the team. Originality/value The paper distinguishes the dynamics of two trust components and tests new models with these as partial mediators in determining virtual team performance. Importantly, the authors challenge the notion that emotional component of trust, perceived trustworthiness, is less relevant in virtual teams